Issue - meetings

Welcome from the Chair

Meeting: 10/03/2022 - Integration Joint Board (Item 1)

Welcome from the Chair


The Board resolved:-

to thank Councillors Lesley Dunbar and Bell, and Alan Gray for their contributions and support during their time as Board members.


The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.


The Chair acknowledged that the meeting might be the last IJB for a number of people including Councillors Lesley Dunbar and Bell, and Alan Gray and wished to thank everyone for being the ‘critical friend’ to the Executive Team, ensuring they scrutinised and challenged plans and managed to make brave decisions which had helped improve the Aberdeen Health and Social Care Partnership respond to multiple challenges over the last two years.  The Chair noted areas where they could look back at what had been achieved.  She expressed particular thanks to Councillor Lesley Dunbar for her significant contribution as Vice Chair of the IJB.


The Board resolved:-

to thank Councillors Lesley Dunbar and Bell, and Alan Gray for their contributions and support during their time as Board members.