Issue - meetings

Adult Protection Committee Biennial Report 2018-20 - ACHSCP/21/089

Meeting: 28/04/2021 - Public Protection Committee (Item 11)

11 Adult Protection Committee Biennial Report 2018-20 - ACHSCP/21/089 pdf icon PDF 226 KB

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The Committee resolved :-

to note and endorse the information contained within the report.



The Committee had before it the report from the Chief Officer – Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership (ACHSCP) which shared the Aberdeen Adult Protection Committee (APC)  Convener’s Biennial Report for 2018-20, as published, with the Committee.


Members heard from the Lead for Social Work (ACHSCP) who provided context around the report and advised that a new Independent Convener for Adult Protection had recently been appointed.


The report recommended :-

that the Committee note and endorse the information contained within the report.


The Committee resolved :-

to approve the recommendation.