Issue - meetings

Review of Local Code of Governance - HSCP.21.037

Meeting: 27/04/2021 - Risk, Audit and Performance Committee (Item 5)

5 Review of Local Code of Governance - HSCP.21.037 pdf icon PDF 478 KB

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The Committee resolved :-

to approve the sources of assurance, as highighted in Appendix A.


The Committee had before it the report from the Chief Finance Officer, ACHSCP (CFO) which presented the review of the local code of corporate governance for the Integration Joint Board (IJB) previously agreed by Audit &  Performance Systems Committee (APS) to allow the Committee to comment on the sources of assurances used to measure the effectiveness of the governance principles contained in the CIPFA\SOLACE‘Delivering Good Governance in Local Government: Framework’ document.


The CFO advised members of the background to this review and provided summary on the processes undertaken to deliver the review which included agreement from the constituent partners (Aberdeen City Council and NHS Grampian) on the activities and assurance provided.


Members were advised that the report formed an essential element of the Annual Governance Statement contained within the Audit Statement.


The report recommended :-

that the Committee approve the sources of assurance, as highlighted in Appendix A.


The Committee resolved :-

to approve the recommendation.