Issue - meetings

Approval of Unaudited Accounts - HSCP.21.040

Meeting: 27/04/2021 - Risk, Audit and Performance Committee (Item 8)

8 Approval of Unaudited Accounts - HSCP.21.040 - Late Report pdf icon PDF 401 KB

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The Committee resolved :-

(i)            to consider and comment on the Unaudited Final Accounts for 2020/21 at Appendix A; and

(ii)          to acknowledge and endorse the efforts of the Chief Finance Officer and the Leadership Team in preparation and delivery of the Unaudited Accounts in a quick manner.


The Committee had before it the report from the Chief Finance Officer (CFO),  ACHSCP which presented information to allow the Committee to review and comment on the unaudited final accounts for 2020/21.


Members heard from the CFO who advised it was an annual challenge to prepare and present the accounts for the required timeline and acknowledged the input of the Leadership Team in assisting.


The CFO advised that whilst the Accounts had been prepared against a constant changing environment due to pandemic impact, he was satisfied with them albeit attention was required in only two areas – the pension information and the redeployment figures. These had been managed with a 3% set aside consideration.


Members were advised that whilst the IJB held a £15.5 million reserve, this was ring fenced against additional pandemic costs and future spend in the following year.


The Chair indicated an appreciation of the timely preparation and delivery by the CFO and his team of the accounts. This was endorsed by the Committee.


The report recommended :-

that the Committee consider and comment on the Unaudited Final Accounts for 2020/21 at Appendix A.


The Committee resolved :-

(i)            to approve the recommendation; and

(ii)          to acknowledge and endorse the efforts of the Chief Finance Officer and the Leadership Team in preparation and delivery of the Unaudited Accounts in a quick manner.