Issue - meetings

Inclusion of Additional Risk - HSCP.21.043

Meeting: 27/04/2021 - Risk, Audit and Performance Committee (Item 16)

16 Inclusion of Additional Risk - HSCP.21.043 pdf icon PDF 458 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee resolved :-

to consider the report and Appendix A and -

(i)            to endorse inclusion of Risk 11 ( the Integration Joint Board’s (IJB) duties under the Civil Contingencies Act 2004) within the IJB Strategic Risk Register and to engage with NHS Grampian to develop further understanding of the risk and potential mitigation;

(ii)          to endorse recommendation of removal of Risk 10 (EU Exit) from the Strategic Risk Register and include EU related workforce issues within Risk 9; and

(iii)         to note that a review of Risk 3 (Hosted Services) will be presented to the Committee on 23 September 2021.


The Committee had before it the report from the Chief Officer, ACHSCP which presented the outcome of a review of the Aberdeen City Health & Social Care  Partnership’s (ACHSCP) Strategic Risk Register to reflect current business responsibilities.


Members heard from the Business Manager, ACHSCP who provided a summary of the report and specifics on each of the referenced risks.


Members were advised that NHS Grampian would be included in discussions around the risks, particularly around Risk 10 – EU Exit.


The report recommended :-

that the Committee –

a)            Add Risk 11: consider Appendix A, the proposed addition to the Strategic Risk Register relating to the  Integration Joint Board’s (IJB) duties under the Civil Contingencies Act  2004; make comments and observations on the draft risk and endorse their concluded view to the Integration Joint Board at its meeting of 25  May 2021;

b)            Remove Risk 10: consider removing Risk 10 (EU Exit) from the Strategic Risk Register, as detailed in the report and endorse their conclusions on this to the Integration Joint Board at its meeting of 25 May 2021; and

c)            Note review of Risk 3: to note that a review of Risk 3 (Hosted  Services) will be presented to the RAPC meeting in September 2021.


The Committee resolved :-

to consider the report and Appendix A and -

(i)            to endorse inclusion of Risk 11 ( the Integration Joint Board’s (IJB) duties under the Civil Contingencies Act 2004) within the IJB Strategic Risk Register and to engage with NHS Grampian to develop further understanding of the risk and potential mitigation;

(ii)          to endorse recommendation of removal of Risk 10 (EU Exit) from the Strategic Risk Register and include EU related workforce issues within Risk 9; and

(iii)            to note that a review of Risk 3 (Hosted Services) will be presented to the Committee on 23 September 2021.