Issue - meetings

HSCP.21.047_Fast Track Cities_High Level Plan

Meeting: 25/05/2021 - Integration Joint Board (Item 16)

16 Fast Track Cities - HSCP.21.047 pdf icon PDF 594 KB

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The Board resolved :-

(i)            to consider the Fast Track High Level Plan at Appendix A and note the progress on the action plan;

(ii)          to endorse the proposed actions for 2021/22, noting that the action plan is a live document, and to instruct the Chief Officer to provide an update on progress to the IJB on 29 March 2022; and

(iii)         to commend the Fast Track Cities team for maintaining focus and achieving targets during the pandemic.



The Board had before it the report from the Chief Officer ACHSCP which presented the annual update on the action plan submitted to the Board on 21 January 2020, which was delayed from presentation to the Board as previously requested due to the response to the pandemic.


Members heard that whilst the focus remained on 0 stigma and 0 deaths arising from hiv, the previous 14 months had delivered some testing regime challenges due to the pandemic.


Members heard of the continuing public engagement to introduce change to behaviours and attitudes which interacted with other health challenges and included work within areas of deprivation.


Members complimented the Fast Track Cities on their focus and achievements during the challenging pandemic.


The report recommended :-

that the Board -

a)            consider the Fast Track High Level Plan at Appendix A and note the progress on the action plan; and

b)            endorse the proposed actions for 2021/22, noting that the action plan is a live document, and to instruct the Chief Officer to provide an update on progress to the IJB on 29 March 2022


The Board resolved :-

(i)            to approve the recommendations; and

(ii)          to commend the Fast Track Cities team for maintaining focus and achieving targets during the pandemic.