Issue - meetings

There are no Notices of Motion at this time

Meeting: 24/06/2021 - City Growth and Resources Committee (Item 5)

Notice of Motion by Councillor Jennifer Stewart, the Depute Provost - St Joseph's School Nursery

That the City Growth and Resources Committee:-

(1)      Notes Aberdeen City Council’s Early Learning and Childcare Delivery Plan objectives which help meet the Council’s commitment to expand funded early learning and childcare from 600 hours to 1,140 hours across the City;

(2)      Notes the expansion of ELC requires an investment in our Early Years Estate as well as an investment in staffing to ensure the Council are providing high quality provision that meets the needs of children and families in all localities; and

(3)      To instruct the Chief Officer – Finance, following consultation with relevant officers, to include within the 2022/23 budget pack an outline business case including the feasibility and capital and revenue costs of increasing the number of full-time places at St Joseph’s School Nursery to 47 including possible options including the redevelopment of Bishop’s House or an on-site new build.


to adopt the motion.


The Committee had before it a Notice of Motion by Councillor Jennifer Stewart, the Depute Provost in the following terms:-

“that the City Growth and Resources Committee:-

(1)    Notes Aberdeen City Council’s Early Learning and Childcare Delivery Plan objectives which help meet the Council’s commitment to expand funded early learning and childcare from 600 hours to 1,140 hours across the City;

(2)    Notes the expansion of ELC requires an investment in our Early Years Estate as well as an investment in staffing to ensure the Council are providing high quality provision that meets the needs of children and families in all localities; and

(3)    Instructs the Chief Officer – Finance, following consultation with relevant officers, to include within the 2022/23 budget pack an outline business case including the feasibility and capital and revenue costs of increasing the number of full-time places at St Joseph’s School Nursery to 47 including possible options including the redevelopment of Bishop’s House or an on-site new build.”


Councillor Stewart spoke in support of her motion, explaining the rationale behind her request.


The Committee resolved:-

to adopt the motion.