Issue - meetings

Rosewell House - Options Appraisal and Recommendations _ HSCP.21.088

Meeting: 24/08/2021 - Integration Joint Board (Item 6)

6 Rosewell House - Options Appraisal and Recommendations - HSCP.21.088 - LATE REPORT pdf icon PDF 573 KB

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The Board resolved :-

(i)            to approve Option 4 within the Business Case and options appraisal at Appendix A;

(ii)          to agree that all 60 beds at Rosewell House will be the responsibility of NHS Grampian (NHSG), with Health Improvement Scotland (HIS) functioning as regulator, for a period of two years running from the end of the interim arrangements until 23 October 2023, subject to agreement with Bon Accord Care Ltd (BAC);

(iii)         to agree that the interim arrangements currently in place at Rosewell House will continue until the 23 October 2021;

(iv)         to agree that the direction made to Aberdeen City Council (ACC) dated 2 October 2021 shall be revoked on 24 August 2021;

(v)          to instruct the Chief Officer to extend the current interim arrangements to 23 December 2021 if in their opinion (following consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of the IJB), such an extension is necessary or expedient in order for the arrangements in (viii) below to be finalised, with any such extension to be the subject of an update by the Chief Officer to the IJB at its meeting of 2 December 2021;

(vi)         to make the Direction at Appendix D to NHS Grampian and Aberdeen City Council;

(vii)        to instructs the Chief Officer of Aberdeen City Health & Social Care Partnership (ACHSCP) to issue the Direction at Appendix D to NHS Grampian and Aberdeen City Council;

(viii)       to instruct the Chief Officer ACHSCP to make and implement any reasonable and necessary arrangements in furtherance of (ii) above with:

a.    BAC and NHSG to secure the provision of the services described in appendix A;

b.    ACC, BAC and NHSG regarding occupation and use of the Rosewell House building;

c.    HIS to ensure scrutiny and assurance on the quality of care to be provided at Rosewell;

d.    BAC and ACHSCP to establish the identified clinical and care governance processes, including amending the remit of the existing Rosewell House project board to provide oversight and assurance for the implementation of the recommendation;

(ix)         to instruct the Chief Officer ACHSCP to bring a report to the March 2022 IJB meeting which outlines the progress against developing the step-up elements of care at Rosewell House;

(x)          to instruct the Chief Officer ACHSCP, to bring a joint evaluation report to the IJB/BAC board in summer 2022, summarising ongoing progress delivering the intended outcomes (identified in the benefits in the business case) and actions for continuous improvement;

(xi)         to instruct the Chief Officer, to bring a full evaluation report of the service being delivered at Rosewell House to the IJB/BAC board in March 2023;

(xii)        to note that the Clinical & Care Governance Group (CCGG) shall report to the Clinical & Care Governance Committee (CCGC), who shall have oversight of the operational arrangements in place at Rosewell House.


The Board had before it the report from the Chief Officer, ACHSCP which presented the outcomes and recommendations of an options appraisal  commissioned to identify the most appropriate delivery mechanism for an  integrated, intermediate facility at Rosewell House, Kings Gate, Aberdeen.


Members were reminded that members of the Bon Accord Care (BAC) Board were present for this item and were available to participate in any discussions.


The Chair commented that this was about enabling an inter-caring resource and provided a bridge between at home and in hospital care.


Members heard from the Chief Officer, ACHSCP who provided explanation around the journey to deliver the report.


The Chief Executive and the Chair BAC participated in the discussions and acknowledged the innovative approach to health and social care provision.


The report recommended :-

that the Board -

a)            approve Option 4 within the Business Case and options appraisal at Appendix A;

b)            agree that all 60 beds at Rosewell House will be the responsibility of NHS Grampian (NHSG), with Health Improvement Scotland (HIS) functioning as regulator, for a period of two years running from the end of the interim arrangements until 23 October 2023, subject to agreement with Bon Accord Care Ltd (BAC);

c)            agree that the interim arrangements currently in place at Rosewell House will continue until 23 October 2021;

d)            agree that the direction made to Aberdeen City Council (ACC) dated 2 October 2021 shall be revoked on 24 August 2021;

e)            instruct the Chief Officer to extend the current interim arrangements to 23 December 2021 if in their opinion (following consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of the IJB), such an extension is necessary or expedient in order for the arrangements in (h) below to be finalised, with any such extension to be the subject of an update by the Chief Officer to the IJB at its meeting of 2 December 2021;

f)             make the Direction at Appendix D to NHS Grampian and Aberdeen City Council;

g)            instruct the Chief Officer of Aberdeen City Health & Social Care Partnership (ACHSCP) to issue the Direction at Appendix D to NHS Grampian and Aberdeen City Council;

h)            instruct the Chief Officer ACHSCP to make and implement any reasonable and necessary arrangements in furtherance of (b) above with:

a.    BAC and NHSG to secure the provision of the services described in appendix A;

b.    ACC, BAC and NHSG regarding occupation and use of the Rosewell House building;

c.    HIS to ensure scrutiny and assurance on the quality of care to be provided at Rosewell;

d.    BAC and ACHSCP to establish the identified clinical and care governance processes, including amending the remit of the existing Rosewell House project board to provide oversight and assurance for the implementation of the recommendation;

i)             instruct the Chief Officer ACHSCP to bring a report to the March 2022 IJB meeting which outlines the progress against developing the step-up elements of care at Rosewell House;

j)             instruct the Chief Officer ACHSCP, to bring a joint evaluation report to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6