Issue - meetings

South College Street - Traffic Regulation Orders - OPE/21/271

Meeting: 18/11/2021 - Operational Delivery Committee (Item 8)

8 South College Street - Traffic Regulation Orders - OPE/21/271 pdf icon PDF 2 MB


The Committee resolved:-

(i)              to acknowledge the objections received as a result of the public advertisements for the proposed Traffic Regulation Orders;

(ii)             to approve “The Aberdeen City Council(South College Street Area, Aberdeen) (Controlled Parking) Order 202_” be made prior to completion of the new “South College Street Junction Improvements (Phase 1)” road layout, relevant to that section of South College Street between its junctions with Palmerston Place and Queen Elizabeth Bridge roundabout, and be brought into effect when the construction is complete; and

(iii)            to approve “The Aberdeen City Council(Off-Street Car Parks, Aberdeen) (Amendment) Order 202_” be made prior to completion of the new “South College Street Junction Improvements (Phase 1)” road layout, relevant to that section of South College Street between its junctions with Palmerston Place and Queen Elizabeth Bridge roundabout, and be brought into effect when the construction is complete.



The Committee had before it a report by the Chief Officer – Operations and Protective Services, which considered objections and comments received during the statutory consultation period with respect to two proposed Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) associated with the South College Street Junction Improvements (Phase 1) Project.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee –

(a)            acknowledge the objections received as a result of the public advertisements for the proposed Traffic Regulation Orders;

(b)            approve “The Aberdeen City Council(South College Street Area, Aberdeen) (Controlled Parking) Order 202_” be made prior to completion of the new “South College Street Junction Improvements (Phase 1)” road layout, relevant to that section of South College Street between its junctions with Palmerston Place and Queen Elizabeth Bridge roundabout, and be brought into effect when the construction is complete; and

(c)             approve “The Aberdeen City Council(Off-Street Car Parks, Aberdeen) (Amendment) Order 202_” be made prior to completion of the new “South College Street Junction Improvements (Phase 1)” road layout, relevant to that section of South College Street between its junctions with Palmerston Place and Queen Elizabeth Bridge roundabout, and be brought into effect when the construction is complete.


Members asked a number of questions in relation to the TRO’s and it was noted that the operation of the car park would be kept under review following the implementation of the project and should an issue exist of unauthorised parking in private residential bays, there would be a couple of potential options that could be explored with the residents/building factor.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendations.