Issue - meetings


Meeting: 23/02/2022 - Public Protection Committee (Item 13)

13 Storm Arwen Response pdf icon PDF 478 KB


(i)             to note that the Council’s emergency planning structures responded well to the challenge of Storm Arwen, as well as during subsequent Storms Malik and Corrie;

(ii)            to note that, whilst officers are yet to complete the debrief of Malik and Corrie, it is likely that this will be consistent with the findings of the review of Arwen due to the similar nature of the incident;

(iii)          to note the priority workstreams identified which would be overseen by the City Resilience Group during 2022;

(iv)          to commend all the staff in their response to the storms; and

(v)           to the instruct the Chief Executive to write to the Scottish Government seeking support for the recovery process.


The Committee had before it a report on the Storm Arwen Response and Recovery, detailing the Council’s response to and recovery from Storm Arwen in order to provide assurance that lessons had been learned and actions identified for similar future incidents. The report also touched upon the very recent Storms Malik and Corrie which were similar in nature to Arwen.


Fiona Mann, Emergency Planning, Resilience and Civic Lead – Governance introduced the report.  Steven Shaw, Environmental Manager – Operations and Protective Services spoke in furtherance of the report in respect of the environmental impact of tree damage and took questions from Members.


The report recommended:

that the Committee:-

(a)           note that the Council’s emergency planning structures responded well to the challenge of Storm Arwen, as well as during subsequent Storms Malik and Corrie;

(b)           note that, whilst officers are yet to complete the debrief of Malik and Corrie, it was likely that this would be consistent with the findings of the review of Arwen due to the similar nature of the incident; and

(c)           note the priority workstreams identified which would be overseen by the City Resilience Group during 2022.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)             to commend all of the relevant staff in their response to the storms;

(ii)           to the instruct the Chief Executive to write to the Scottish Government seeking support for the recovery process; and

(iii)          to otherwise agree the recommendations.