Issue - meetings


Meeting: 26/01/2022 - Education Operational Delivery Committee (Item 9)



The Convener noted that it was the final meeting of the Committee prior to the local government elections and stated that he therefore wished to give his sincere thanks to the Chief Officer – Education and her team; the Committee Clerk; and the other officers who attended the Committee for their work and support throughout his time as Convener.  He thanked the Vice Convener, Councillor Imrie, for her support and placed on record his thanks to both their predecessors, Councillors Wheeler and Lesley Dunbar.  He further thanked the External Members and other Elected Members on the Committee for their helpful contributions to meetings, noting that the Committee had always worked together to achieve the best outcomes for Education, and that he was proud of the position of the service at the end of the current Council term.


The Depute Provost, Councillor Greig and Councillor Cameron also put their thanks on record, thanking the Convener for how he had conducted the meetings during his time in the chair.