Issue - meetings

Forward Report Planner

Meeting: 09/08/2022 - Risk, Audit and Performance Committee (Item 3.2)

3.2 Business Planner pdf icon PDF 118 KB


The Committee resolved:-

(i)             to note that a lead officer should be identified to present the Planner to RAPC and IJB; and

(ii)           to otherwise note the content of the Planner.

Meeting: 23/06/2022 - Risk, Audit and Performance Committee (Item 3.2)

3.2 Business Planner pdf icon PDF 103 KB


to note the content of the Planner.

Meeting: 26/04/2022 - Risk, Audit and Performance Committee (Item 5)

5 Business Planner pdf icon PDF 79 KB


(i)             to agree that Items 31 (Primary Care and Social Care Vacancies) and 32 (Workforce Plan) could be combined into one item on the Planner;

(ii)            to note that the timescale for the Audited Accounts would be August 2022 and the Planner would be updated accordingly;

(iii)          to note the at the Directions Tracker would include a traffic light system; and

(iv)          to otherwise note the content of the Planner.


The Committee had before it the Committee Business Planner.


Members heard from the Chief Finance Officer who provided context around future reporting.  He apologised for the late circulation of reports at Items 5.1 and 6.1 of the agenda.


Michael Wilkie explained that the timetable for presenting the unaudited accounts had been altered during 2022 to take account of local government elections but would now revert to the traditional audit timing and therefore the Audited Accounts would be presented to the RAPC on 9 August 2022 and not June 2022 as stated in the Planner.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)             to agree that Item 19 (Annual / Biennial Report on Adult Social Care) had been presented to the IJB and CCG and could therefore be removed for the RAPC Planner;

(ii)            to agree that Items 31 (Primary Care and Social Care Vacancies) and 32 (Workforce Plan) could be combined into one item on the Planner;

(iii)          to note that the timescale for the Audited Accounts would be August 2022 and the Planner would be updated accordingly;

(iv)          to note the at the Directions Tracker would include a traffic light system; and

(v)           to otherwise note the content of the Planner.