Issue - meetings


Meeting: 25/03/2022 - Pensions Committee and Pension Board (Item 9)

9 Strategy - PC/MAR22/STRAT pdf icon PDF 212 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Resources which provided an update on any changes to the North East Scotland Pension Fund and the Aberdeen City Council Transport Fund.


The report provided an update on staff training; noted that there had been no whistleblowing cases throughout the year; and summarised the latest position in relation to the work being undertaken by the NESPF project team to engage with employers and the software provider in order to deliver a remedy that would comply with the expected final regulations in relation to the McCloud age discrimination judgement.  The report advised that progress on the essential project would be reported quarterly to Committee using the template contained in the quarterly Pension Administration Strategy report.


It was further noted that there had been minor amendments to the following documents which could be viewed on the NESPF website:-

·       Statement of Investment Principles (update to Voting Section)

·       NESPF Privacy Notice (update to include reference to data sharing with Hymans)


Finally, the report set out an additional request for the approval of overseas travel to allow attendance at upcoming partner advisory committees.


Members asked whether the risk register required to be amended to reflect an additional risk in respect of the situation in Ukraine, and whether it was still necessary at this stage to retain a COVID related risk on the register.  Ms Colliss advised that officers continued to monitor the requirement for a separate risk around the war in Ukraine and that at this time, it was intended to retain the COVID risk due to the differing rules which currently existed in Scotland, although that would also continue to be reviewed.


The report recommended:-

that Committee approve the travel for one appointed Advisory Committee Officer (Pension Fund Manager or suitable experienced Officer substitute) to attend the following Advisory Committees:

·       Unigestion, Geneva, June 2022

·       IFM, Toronto, September/October 2022


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendation.


The Board resolved:-

to note the decision of the Committee.