Issue - meetings

Welcome from the Chair

Meeting: 07/06/2022 - Integration Joint Board (Item 1)

Welcome from the Chair


The Board resolved:-

(i)             to note the Chair’s remarks;

(ii)               to note its thanks to Alex Stephen in his role as CFO/Depute CO and congratulate him on his appointment as Director of Finance at NHS Grampian;

(iii)          to record its appreciation of Dr Howard Gemmell, former IJB service user representative who passed away on 24 May 2022 and extend its condolences to his family; and

(iv)         to welcome all new Members to the meeting.


The Chair extended a warm welcome to everyone and in particular the new members who were joining for the first time.  She explained that the IJB was focussed on taking decisions to create a more sustainable system to achieve the best outcomes for the people of Aberdeen.


The Chair noted that it was a complex agenda and strove for everyone to feel supported in their positions on the IJB.  She advised that the Chair, Vice Chair and Leadership Team had an open-door policy, encouraging members to get in touch regarding any issues regarding IJB Business.


The Chair went on to explain that there was a programme of informal seminars arranged where there would be open space time built in to enable opportunities to raise questions.  She further noted the introduction of a new IJB Buddy System and encouraged Members to take up the offer as an important way to build relationships.  Members were advised to contact the Clerk in order to register their interest in this regard.


Members noted that the Strategic Plan was on the agenda for approval after a year of consultation.  The Chair commended the team on the extensive consultation process, expressing particularly contentment that the locality empowerment groups had been closely involved throughout the process.


The Board resolved:-

(i)             to note the Chair’s remarks;

(ii)           to note its thanks to Alex Stephen in his role as CFO/Depute CO and congratulate him on his appointment as Director of Finance at NHS Grampian;

(iii)          to record its appreciation of Dr Howard Gemmell, former IJB service user representative who passed away on 24 May 2022 and extend its condolences to his family; and

(iv)          to welcome all new Members to the meeting.