Issue - meetings

Members are requested to declare any interests

Meeting: 14/06/2022 - Education Operational Delivery Committee (Item 2)

Declarations of Interest and Transparency Statements


The Vice Convener advised that she had a connection in relation to item 10.3 (Early Learning and Childcare Delivery Plan 2022-2024) as her daughter attended ELC provision, but she did not consider this to be an interest which needed to be declared and which would prevent her from participating in the item.


At this juncture, in the interests of transparency, the Vice Convener advised that she had a connection in relation to item 10.3 (Early Learning and Childcare Delivery Plan 2022-2024) as her daughter attended ELC provision, but she did not consider the connection amounted to an interest which needed to be declared and which would prevent her from participating in the item.