Issue - meetings

There are no deputation requests at this time

Meeting: 29/06/2022 - Council (Item 4)

4 Deputations pdf icon PDF 135 KB

1)             Mr Hussein Patwa


The action I wish the Council to take:

Reject the recommendations of officers and further investigate Option 3 to ensure disabled, elderly and vulnerable people can access the area, taking due regard of the evidence base provided as part of previous discussions with officers and consultants and attached to the written submission


2)             Mr Richard Tinto


The action I wish the Council to take:

Mandate the full pedestrianisation of the central section of Union Street


The Council resolved:-

to hear the deputations.


The Council was advised that deputation requests had been received from Mr Hussein Patwa and Mr Richard Tinto in relation to agenda item 9.4 (City Centre Masterplan Update).


The Council resolved:-

to hear the deputations immediately prior to consideration of the report, which would be taken as the next item of business.