The Council resolved:-
(i) to approve the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU);
(ii) to agree that the Co-Leaders of the Council countersign the MoU on behalf of the Council; and
(iii) to agree that update reports for the MoU be submitted on a six-monthly basis to the relevant committee.
The Council had before it a report by the Chief Officer - Early Intervention and Community Empowerment which set out work that had been undertaken jointly between Aberdeen City Council and the Department of Work and Pensions to develop a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) aimed at preventing homelessness and improving outcomes and sought approval of the MoU.
The report recommended:-
that the Council -
(a) approve the MoU;
(b) agree that a co-leader of the Council countersign the MoU on behalf of the Council; and
(c) agree that update reports for the MoU be submitted on a six-monthly basis to the relevant committee.
The Council resolved:-
to approve the recommendations subject to both Co-Leaders countersigning the MoU on behalf of the Council.