Issue - meetings

Welcome from the Chair

Meeting: 11/10/2022 - Integration Joint Board (Item 1)

Welcome from the Chair


The Board resolved:-

to note the Chair’s remarks.


The Chair extended a warm welcome to everyone.  She acknowledged that it had been a particularly busy time for colleagues across health and social care services as residents’ needs became increasingly complex.  The Chair expressed her thanks on behalf of the IJB to all staff who were working incredibly hard to meet the needs of the most vulnerable people in Aberdeen city. She noted that staff across the partnership were offering innovative solutions to help meet demand and that tests of change were being used to seek to put services on a sustainable footing; some of which were already showing promising results.


The Chair noted the demanding environment and remarked that reports on the agenda today would address some of the ways that ACHSCP was planning to meet demand both in the short term and longer term, aiming to create a much more sustainable system for the future.


The Board resolved:-

to note the Chair’s remarks.

Meeting: 30/08/2022 - Integration Joint Board (Item 1)

Welcome from the Chair


The Board resolved:-

(i)             to note the Chair’s remarks;

(ii)           to record its appreciation to Dr Malcolm Metcalfe, former IJB Secondary Care Advisor who had stepped down from his role; and

(iii)          to welcome Christine Hemming and Steven Close who would be replacing Dr Metcalfe as NHS secondary care advisors to the IJB; and

(iv)          to welcome new Members Fraser Bell, Paul Mitchell and Shona Omand-Smith to the Board.


The Chair extended a warm welcome to everyone and in particular the new members who were joining for the first time.


The Chair highlighted key points on the agenda, noting the selection of Rosewell House as finalists for the Scottish Social Services Awards and achievements of the local team in respect of the Fast Track Cities report, while recognising there was no room for complacency and that the National  Indicators in the Annual Performance Report identified key areas for improvement.


The Board resolved:-

(i)             to note the Chair’s remarks;

(ii)           to record its appreciation to Dr Malcolm Metcalfe, former IJB Secondary Care Advisor who had stepped down from his role;

(iii)          to welcome Christine Hemming and Steven Close who would be replacing Dr Metcalfe as NHS secondary care advisors to the IJB; and

(iv)          to welcome Fraser Bell, Paul Mitchell and Shona Omand-Smith to the Partnership.