Issue - meetings

Members are requested to declare any interests

Meeting: 08/09/2022 - Education Operational Delivery Committee (Item 2)

Declarations of Interest and Transparency Statements


Transparency statements made will be listed in the minutes of the meeting.


In relation to item 9.7 (Music Service Update), Councillor Blake noted for reasons of transparency that her children were involved in the school music service, however having applied the objective test, she did not feel that this was an interest which required to be declared, nor would prevent her from participating in that item of business.


In relation to item 9.10 (School Estate Plan), the following statements of transparency were noted, with all Members considering that these did not amount to interests which needed to be declared, nor which would prevent them

from participating in that item of business:-


·       Mrs Frances Cardno advised that she had children who attended Forehill School and Oldmachar Academy which were referred to within the report.

·       Mr Michael Crawford advised that he had children at Airyhall School and Cults Academy, and his wife was an Active Schools Assistant supporting Cults and Lochside ASG schools.

·       Councillor Blake advised that she had children who attended Cults School and Cults Academy.

·       Councillor Brooks advised that he had a child who attended Cults Academy.

·       Councillor Grant advised that he had children at Riverbank School.

·       The Vice Convener advised that she had a child who attended the Early Learning and Childcare provision at Gilcomstoun School.