Issue - meetings


Meeting: 07/12/2022 - Finance and Resources Committee (Item 16)

Proposed Disposal of Altens Lorry Park - RES/22/269


(i)              to accept the recommendation as detailed in paragraph 3.14 of the report; and

(ii)             to instruct the Chief Officer Governance to conclude missives for the sale of the property incorporating various qualifications as are necessary to protect the Council’s interest, together with any other matters as are required to complete the sale.



The Committee had before it a report by the Chief Officer – Operations and Protective Services, which advised Members of the proposal to sell the ground lease site comprising the Altens Lorry Park, Hareness Road, Altens, Aberdeen following an approach from the Council’s tenant. 


The report recommended:-

that the Committee -

(a)            accept the recommendation as detailed in paragraph 3.14 of the report; and

(b)            instruct the Chief Officer Governance to conclude missives for the sale of the property incorporating various qualifications as are necessary to protect the Council’s interest, together with any other matters as are required to complete the sale.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendations.