Issue - meetings

Corporate Risk Register, Assurance Maps and Inspections Planner - COM/23/070

Meeting: 23/03/2023 - Audit, Risk and Scrutiny Committee (Item 5)

5 Corporate Risk Register, Assurance Maps and Inspections Planner - COM/23/070 pdf icon PDF 357 KB

Additional documents:


(i)       to note that the Assurance Manager would provide the Committee with details on the number of people on the City Persons at Risk Database;

(ii)      to note the responses to members questions;

(iii)      to note the Corporate Risk Register set out in Appendix A;

(iv)     to note the Cluster Assurance Maps provided at Appendix B; and

(v)      to note the Inspections planner provided at Appendix C.


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Commissioning which presented the Corporate Risk Register, Cluster Assurance Maps and Inspections Planner to provide assurance on the Council’s overall system of risk management.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee -

(a)      note the Corporate Risk Register as set out in Appendix A;

(b)      note the Cluster Assurance Maps provided at Appendix B; and

(c)      note the Inspections planner provided at Appendix C.


In response to a question relating to the target risk appetite relating to Environment/Climate and whether the rating in this report and the next report were the same thing, the Corporate Risk Lead advised that there were different ratings, one relating to longer term risks that would have a detrimental impact and the other that was a threat to the delivery of Council Services impacted by Climate Change.  The Climate and Sustainability Policy Team Leader advised that an Averse risk rating was restrictive and would restrict opportunities that the Council would want to pursue to progress the Net Zero agenda.


In response to a question relating to Health and Safety Compliance and whether the control actions would be complete by the dates provided, the Assurance Manager advised that digital elements required to be put in place and that actions should be complete by 31 May 2023.


In response to a question relating to whether a list of Acronyms could be provided for future reports, it was noted that this would be included.


In response to a question relating to whether risks relating to Covid, Brexit and the Invasion of Ukraine could be separated, the Director of Commissioning advised that it was difficult to isolate those risks and where possible this had been done.


In response to a question relating to the Membership of the Risk Board, the Assurance Manager advised that the Board was chaired by the Interim Chief Officer – Governance and the members were Chief Officers, a representative from the Health and Social Care Partnership and the Chief Internal Auditor.


In response to a question relating to the Membership of the Climate Change Oversight Group, the Climate and Sustainability Policy Team Leader advised that the members were Chief Officers and Team Leaders from across the Council that had actions within the Climate Change Plan.


In response to a question relating to Community Resilience and whether the Council had approached groups in the wider community, the Assurance Manager advised that there had been extensive work done in this area, with three Community Resilience Groups established with additional work being undertaken across the City to engage and establish additional resilience groups.


In response to a question relating to the number of people on the City Persons at Risk Database and what the criteria was to be placed in the database, the Assurance Manager advised that she would provide the information on the numbers of people outwith the meeting and advised that the criteria was based on those that were medically vulnerable and was based on data  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5