Issue - meetings

Members are requested to intimate any declarations of interest

Meeting: 09/05/2023 - Net Zero, Environment and Transport Committee (Item 3)

Declarations of Interest and Transparency Statements


These will be recorded in full in the minute.


The following statements of transparency were noted:-


·       in relation to item 7.1 (Notice of Motion by Councillor Malik), Councillor Ali advised that he was a Trustee of Aberdeen Mosque but did not consider that this connection amounted to an interest which would prevent him from participating in the consideration of that item; and

·       in relation to item 11.1 (Trees and Woodland), the Convener advised that he was a member of the Woodland Trust and also of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds; and in relation to items 12.2 (Roads and Transport Related Capital Budget Programme 2023/24) and 13.1 (Roads and Transport Related Capital Budget Programme 2023/24 – Exempt Appendices), he was a member of Cycling UK and of the AA, but did not consider that any of these connections amounted to interests which would require him to withdraw from the meeting during consideration of these items.