Issue - meetings

Road Sign Policy - RES/23/120

Meeting: 09/05/2023 - Net Zero, Environment and Transport Committee (Item 11)

11 Road Sign Policy - RES/23/120 pdf icon PDF 677 KB


(i)       to note that officers would meet with the Culter Men’s Shed and Councillor Malik to discuss whether the organisation could make any adjustments which would enable them to meet the criteria in the new Road Sign Policy;

(ii)       to note that officers would correct the wording at 3.3 of the policy to ‘any sign permitted is erected, maintained and removed in a manner that is safe for all road users’;

(iii)      to note that officers would use alternative wording at section 3.5 of the policy instead of ‘offender’;

(iv)      in relation to section 5.2 and the requirement for no less than five parking spaces, to note that officers would review the policy on an annual basis and this number could be adjusted if required; and

(v)      to approve the Road Sign Policy as a suitable document for approving discretionary signs applied for in Aberdeen City.


With reference to article 7 of the meeting of the former Operational Delivery Committee of 31 August 2022, the Committee had before it a report by the Director of Resources which  presented a proposed Road Sign policy, including the criteria for determining requests and associated costs.


The Committee heard from Councillor Malik in relation to the report.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee approve the Road Sign Policy as a suitable document for approving discretionary signs applied for in Aberdeen City.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)       to note that officers would meet with the Culter Men’s Shed and Councillor Malik to discuss whether the organisation could make any adjustments which would enable them to meet the criteria in the new Road Sign Policy;

(ii)       to note that officers would correct the wording at 3.3 of the policy to ‘any sign permitted is erected, maintained and removed in a manner that is safe for all road users’;

(iii)      to note that officers would use alternative wording at section 3.5 of the policy instead of ‘offender’;

(iv)      in relation to section 5.2 and the requirement for no less than five parking spaces, to note that officers would review the policy on an annual basis and this number could be adjusted if required; and

(v)      to approve the recommendation contained in the report.