Issue - meetings

Notice of Motion by Councillor Kusznir

Meeting: 13/12/2023 - Council (Item 17)

Notice of Motion by Councillor Kusznir

That the Council:


1.    Instructs the Chief Officer - Corporate Landlord, following consultation with the Chief Officer - People and Organisational Development, to develop a separate or single-sex space policy for Aberdeen City Council that ensures the protection of separate or single sex spaces in Council owned and operated buildings;

2.    Further instructs the Chief Officer - Corporate Landlord to submit said policy to a 2024 Council meeting for consideration and approval; and

3.    Believes that consideration should be given to applying the policy to the following:


??????3.2??domestic violence refuges; and

??????3.3??changing rooms.


The Council resolved:-

to refer the notice of motion to the Communities, Housing and Public Protection Committee.  


The Council had before it a notice of motion by Councillor Kusznir in the following terms:-


That the Council:


1.    Instructs the Chief Officer - Corporate Landlord, following consultation with the Chief Officer - People and Organisational Development, to develop a separate or single-sex space policy for Aberdeen City Council that ensures the protection of separate or single sex spaces in Council owned and operated buildings;

2.    Further instructs the Chief Officer - Corporate Landlord to submit said policy to a 2024 Council meeting for consideration and approval; and

3.    Believes that consideration should be given to applying the policy to the following:


??????3.2??domestic violence refuges; and

??????3.3??changing rooms.


The Council resolved:-

to refer the notice of motion to the Communities, Housing and Public Protection Committee.