Issue - meetings
UK Shared Prosperity Fund - COM/24/030
Meeting: 30/01/2024 - Finance and Resources Committee (Item 14)
14 UK Shared Prosperity Fund - COM/24/030 PDF 380 KB
Additional documents:
- UKSPF Appendix 1 UKSPF - Application Summary?, item 14
PDF 312 KB
- UKSPF Appendix 2 UKSPF allocations 2, item 14
PDF 215 KB
UKSPF Communities & Place
(i) notes that Committee have previously approved a Challenge Fund approach to delivering the Communities & Place strand which enables external organisations and Aberdeen City Council services to apply for funds which meet the criteria of the programme;
(ii) notes that £3.8m was made available for the Communities & Place strand – £1.9m of which has been allocated in previous rounds and approximately 70% of the £0.9m funding recommended for approval in this round is to be awarded to external organisations;
(iii) notes that if the below recommendations are approved there is £1m to be allocated within the Communities and Place strand by 31 March 2025;
(iv) instructs officers to report back to Finance & Resources Committee 13 March 2024 with recommendations on prioritising allocation of remaining funds;
(v) awards up to £250,976 to Camphill School Aberdeen for a Fully Inclusive Outdoor Sensory Adventure Playground for children and young people with complex support needs;
(vi) awards up to £14,988.22 to Citymoves Dance Agency for the Strive project;
(vii) awards up to £129,259 to Flexible Childcare Services Scotland for the Flexible Childcare & Family Support hubs in Tillydrone and Cummings Park;
(viii) awards up to £67,080 to Visit Aberdeenshire for a Cruise Volunteer Programme;
(ix) awards up to £106,110 to Greyhope Bay for co-creating sustainable solution for energy transition at Greyhope Bay;
(x) awards up to £15,000 to Aberdeen Inspired for the Aberdeen Union Street Upper Floors Feasibility Study;
(xi) awards up to £30,000 to Oldmachar Church of Scotland for an upgraded heating system to enable net zero aspirations;
(xii) awards up to £275,000 to Aberdeen City Council to deliver a programme of events for Spectra, Scotland’s Festival of Light 2025; and
(xiii) to instruct the Chief Officer – City Growth to provide further information to members in relation to Culture Impact Reports, specifically how officers evaluate the impact on the wider creative sector.
With reference to article 7 of the minute of meeting of 7 December 2022, the Committee had before it a report by the Director of Commissioning which sought approval for the proposed allocation of grant funding of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF).
The report recommended:-
that the Committee –
UKSPF Communities & Place
(a) notes that Committee have previously approved a Challenge Fund approach to delivering the Communities & Place strand which enables external organisations and Aberdeen City Council services to apply for funds which meet the criteria of the programme;
(b) notes that £3.8m was made available for the Communities & Place strand – £1.9m of which has been allocated in previous rounds and approximately 70% of the £0.9m funding recommended for approval in this round is to be awarded to external organisations;
(c) notes that if the below recommendations are approved there is £1m to be allocated within the Communities and Place strand by 31 March 2025;
(d) instructs officers to report back to Finance & Resources Committee 13 March 2024 with recommendations on prioritising allocation of remaining funds;
(e) awards up to £250,976 to Camphill School Aberdeen for a Fully Inclusive Outdoor Sensory Adventure Playground for children and young people with complex support needs;
(f) awards up to £14,988.22 to Citymoves Dance Agency for the Strive project;
(g) awards up to £129,259 to Flexible Childcare Services Scotland for the Flexible Childcare & Family Support hubs in Tillydrone and Cummings Park;
(h) awards up to £67,080 to Visit Aberdeenshire for a Cruise Volunteer Programme;
(i) awards up to £106,110 to Greyhope Bay for co-creating sustainable solution for energy transition at Greyhope Bay;
(j) awards up to £15,000 to Aberdeen Inspired for the Aberdeen Union Street Upper Floors Feasibility Study;
(k) awards up to £30,000 to Oldmachar Church of Scotland for an upgraded heating system to enable net zero aspirations; and
(l) awards up to £275,000 to Aberdeen City Council to deliver a programme of events for Spectra, Scotland’s Festival of Light 2025.
The Convener, seconded by the Vice Convener moved:-
that the Committee approve the recommendations contained within the report.
Councillor Watson, seconded by Councillor Thomson, moved as an amendment:-
that the Committee:-
(1) approve the recommendations contained within the report;
(2) note that on 11 July 2023, Councillor Martin Greig announced £200,000 to deliver the SPECTRA event in 2024;
(3) note Councillor Martin Greig, Aberdeen City Council’s culture spokesperson said: “The Spectra Festival has become a very popular event attracting thousands of people of all ages into our city centre. The event helps to ensure that our city is a vibrant and enjoyable destination. It would be great to build up partnerships with businesses and sponsors who can contribute towards Spectra. Sponsorship will offer the chance to raise their profile by reaching a considerable audience near and far. By working together, we can do so much more to promote and enhance our city for the benefit of all."
(4) note that Spectra 2024 grants came from UKSPF, Lacer, ... view the full minutes text for item 14