Issue - meetings

Urgent Notice of Motion by Councillor Radley

Meeting: 07/02/2024 - Council (Item 17)

Urgent Notice of Motion by Councillor Radley

That Council:-


Notes that Elected Members are not entitled to maternity, paternity or adoption leave.


Notes that Aberdeen City Council adopted the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities' refreshed “Family Leave Guidance for Councils” at the meeting of 14th December 2020, but that guidance did not extend to the matter of proxy voting.


Instructs the Chief Executive to write to and work with the Scottish Government and CoSLA in order to explore opportunities around how proxy voting could be implemented including pursuing legislative change so as to permit proxy voting on behalf of all elected members who are on maternity, paternity, shared parental or adoption leave.


The Council resolved:-

to approve the urgent notice of motion.


The Council had before it an urgent notice of motion by Councillor Radley in the following terms:-


          “That Council:-


Notes that Elected Members are not entitled to maternity, paternity or adoption leave.


Notes that Aberdeen City Council adopted the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities’ refreshed “Family Leave Guidance for Councils” at the meeting of 14th December 2020, but that guidance did not extend to the matter of proxy voting.


Instructs the Chief Executive to write to and work with the Scottish Government and CoSLA in order to explore opportunities around how proxy voting could be implemented including pursuing legislative change so as to permit proxy voting on behalf of all elected members who are on maternity, paternity, shared parental or adoption leave.”


At this juncture, the Council agreed to suspend Standing Order 40.2 to allow the meeting to continue beyond six hours.


The Council resolved:-

to approve the urgent notice of motion.