Issue - meetings

Inspection Report of Aberdeen Crematorium by the Senior Inspector of Burial, Cremation and Funeral Directors (Scotland)

Meeting: 09/05/2024 - Audit, Risk and Scrutiny Committee (Item 8)

8 Inspection Report of Aberdeen Crematorium by the Senior Inspector of Burial, Cremation and Funeral Directors (Scotland) - CR&E/24/123 pdf icon PDF 361 KB


(i)       to congratulate staff working in this area for the excellent report;

(ii)      to note that a report would be submitted on an annual basis to this Committee; and

(iii)      to otherwise note the inspection report.


The Committee had before it a report by the Executive Director of City Regeneration and Environment which provided the Committee with the Inspection Report of Aberdeen Crematorium carried out by the Senior Inspector of Burial, Cremation and Funeral Directors on 6 December 2023.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee note the inspection report.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)        to congratulate staff working in this area for the excellent report;

(ii)       to note that a report would be submitted on an annual basis to this Committee; and

(iii)      to otherwise approve the recommendation contained in the report.