Issue - meetings

Working in Partnership for Aberdeen - Supporting people with the cost of living - CORS/24/152

Meeting: 12/06/2024 - Anti-Poverty and Inequality Committee (Item 11)

11 Working in Partnership for Aberdeen - Supporting people with the Cost of Living - CORS/24/152 pdf icon PDF 393 KB


(i)            to note that the Corporate Strategy and Community Planning Manager would circulate to Members the staffing costs in respect of the monies allocated;

(ii)          to approve the proposed allocation of funds as described at 3.6 of the report;

(iii)         to instruct the Executive Director of Corporate Services to submit the approved recommendations for allocation of funds to the Council meeting on 3rd July 2024; and

(iv)         to instruct the Executive Director of Corporate Services to bring an update on spend, progress, any reallocation of resources and further proposals for the balance of funding to the meeting of the Committee on 28 August 2024.


The Committee had before it a report prepared by the Executive Director -Corporate Services providing options for how the Council could use the allocation of £1million to address poverty in the city.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee:

(a)          approve the proposed allocation of funds as described at 3.6 of the report;

(b)          instruct the Executive Director of Corporate Services to submit the approved recommendations for allocation of funds to the Council meeting on 3rd July 2024; and

(c)          instruct the Executive Director of Corporate Services to bring an update on spend, progress, any reallocation of resources and further proposals for the balance of funding to the meeting of the Committee on 28 August 2024.


The Convener moved, seconded by Councillor Mennie:-

that the Committee approve the recommendations.


Councillor Kusznir, seconded by Councillor Brooks moved as an amendment:-

that the Committee:

(1)          approve the proposed allocation of costs in principle and subject to confirmation by the supported organisations that they will not use any of the allocated funds to pay staff costs;

(2)          instruct the Executive Director of Corporate Services to submit the approved recommendations along with further details on the breakdown of the indicative costs for allocation of funds to the Council meeting on 3rd July 2024; and

(3)         instruct the Executive Director of Corporate Services to bring an update on spend, progress, any reallocation of resources and further proposals for the balance of funding to the meeting of the Committee on 28 August 2024.



Councillor Tissera, seconded by Councillor Watson, moved as a further amendment:-

that the Committee:

(1)          note the report and agree the recommendations; and

(2)          agree the Anti-Poverty and Inequality Committee should recommend to the Finance and Resources Committee to provide Aberdeen Cyrenians with £250,000 out of the £1m budget allocated from the 2024/25 Budget for Anti-Poverty Measures and to allocate Instant Neighbour £10,000 for foodbanks from the same budget. 







There being a motion and two amendments, the Committee first divided between the amendment by Councillor Kusznir and the amendment by Councillor Tissera.


On a division, there voted:-

For the amendment by Cllr Kusznir (2) – Councillors Brooks and Kusznir.


For the amendment by Cllr Tissera (2) – Councillors Tissera and Watson.


Declined to vote (5) – Convener, and Councillors Davidson, Henrickson, Hutchison and Mennie.


In accordance with Standing Order 32.7, the Convener exercised his casting vote in favour of the amendment by Councillor Kusznir.


The Committee then divided between the motion and the amendment by Councillor Kusznir.


On a division, there voted:-


For the motion (5) – Convener, and Councillors Davidson, Henrickson, Hutchison and Mennie.


For the amendment by Councillor Kusznir (2) -  Councillors Brooks and Kusznir.


Declined to vote (2) – Councillors Tissera and Watson.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)            to note that the Corporate Strategy and Community Planning Manager would circulate to Members the staffing costs in respect of the monies allocated; and

(ii)          to otherwise adopt the motion.