Issue - meetings

Members are requested to intimate any declarations of interest

Meeting: 11/06/2024 - Net Zero, Environment and Transport Committee (Item 3)

Declarations of Interest and Transparency Statements


These will be noted in the minute.


The following statements of transparency were noted:-


·       in relation to items 9.3 (Nature Awareness Campaign); 10.1 (Trees and Woodland) and 10.2 (Open Space Audit Report), Councillor Blake advised that her husband worked for NatureScot, however she did not consider that this connection amounted to an interest which would prevent her from participating in the consideration of those items;

·       in relation to items 11.2 (Citywide Implementation of 20mph Speed Limit), 11.4 (Various Small Scale Traffic Management – Stage 3), 11.5 (The Aberdeen City Council (City Centre, Aberdeen) (Traffic Management) (Experimental) Order 2023 – Statutory Public Consultation and 11.6/11.7 (Roads and Transport Related Budget Programme 2024-2025 and exempt appendices), the Convener advised that he was a member of Cycling UK and the AA, however he did not consider that these connections amounted to interest which would prevent him from participating in those items; and

·       in relation to item 11.6/11.7 (Roads and Transport Related Budget Programme 2024-2025 and exempt appendices), Councillor Massey advised that he lived on one of the streets which was listed on the reserve list for resurfacing works, however he did not consider that this was an interest which needed to be declared and would prevent him from participating in the item.