Issue - meetings

Notice of Motion from Councillor Kusznir - referred from Council on 11 December 2024

Meeting: 14/01/2025 - Communities, Housing and Public Protection Committee (Item 8)

Notice of Motion from Councillor Kusznir - referred from Council on 11 December 2024

That the Council:


(1)           Notes with regret that new British citizens are not able to bring along guests to group citizenship ceremonies held by Aberdeen City Council;

(2)           Understands that group ceremonies are held approximately every 3 weeks in the Grant Room at Marischal College to meet demand, yet individuals’ guests cannot routinely attend and need to wait outside due to capacity in the Grant Room, unless they book a private ceremony;

(3)           Is aware from Officers that refreshments are no longer provided due to concerns over cost and waste, yet notes the cost is £3.50 per head for tea, coffee and biscuits plus £50 delivery fee per event, and considers this is a small cost as part of welcoming new citizens in Aberdeen;

(4)           Considers not allowing guests at group ceremonies nor providing refreshments is a penny-pinching attitude, which fails to properly respect and promote the effort to become a British citizen and presents an unnecessarily unwelcoming attitude to new citizens;

(5)           Recognises the contribution of naturalised Brits and believes the small expenditure on recognising their citizenship represents value for money for the City of Aberdeen;

(6)           Therefore, directs the Chief Officer - People and Citizen Service from 2025/26 to:

(a)   reinstate refreshments of tea, coffee, water and biscuits and provision for any other dietary requirements to ensure inclusion;

(b)   allow citizenship applicants to invite two guests to group citizenship ceremonies;

(c)    change the room as required to meet the required increased capacity;

(7)           Confirms that any expenditure (estimated by Officers to be in the region of £5,000 per annum) and loss of income (estimated by Officers to be in the region of up to £20,000 per annum) associated with this change will be referred to the 2025/26 Budget process.”


The Committee resolved:-

(i)             to note the Grant Room at Marischal College was used to facilitate civil marriages, civil partnerships and British Citizenship ceremonies  by Aberdeen City Council;

(ii)            to understand that group ceremonies were held approximately every 3 weeks in the Grant Room at Marischal College to meet demand and notes that there is an option for a private ceremony, at cost, which allows for up to 50 guests to attend; and

(iii)          to recognise the effort and commitment required to become a British citizen and welcomes the contribution of all who choose to live in Scotland, including naturalised British citizens, to society both locally and nationally.



The Committee had before it a Notice of Motion from Councillor Kusznir, referred from Council on 11 December 2024, in the following terms:-


That the Committee:


(1)           notes with regret that new British citizens were not able to bring along guests to group citizenship ceremonies held by Aberdeen City Council;

(2)           understands that group ceremonies were held approximately every 3 weeks in the Grant Room at Marischal College to meet demand, yet individuals’ guests cannot routinely attend and need to wait outside due to capacity in the Grant Room, unless they book a private ceremony;

(3)           was aware from Officers that refreshments were no longer provided due to concerns over cost and waste, yet notes the cost is £3.50 per head for tea, coffee and biscuits plus £50 delivery fee per event, and considers this was a small cost as part of welcoming new citizens in Aberdeen;

(4)           considers not allowing guests at group ceremonies nor providing refreshments was a penny-pinching attitude, which failed to properly respect and promote the effort to become a British citizen and presents an unnecessarily unwelcoming attitude to new citizens;

(5)           recognises the contribution of naturalised Brits and believes the small expenditure on recognising their citizenship represents value for money for the City of Aberdeen;

(6)           Therefore, directs the Chief Officer - People and Citizen Services from 2025/26 to: 

(a)  reinstate refreshment of tea, coffee, water and biscuits and provision for any other dietary requirements to ensure inclusion;

(b)  allow citizenship applicants to invite two guests to group citizenship ceremonies;

(c)  change the room as required to meet the required increased capacity;

(7)           Confirms that any expenditure (estimated by Officers to be in the region of £5,000 per annum) and loss of income (estimated by Officers to be in the region of up to £20,000 per annum) associated with this change will be referred to the 2025/26 Budget process.”


Councillor Kusznir spoke in furtherance of his Notice of Motion.


Councillor Kusznir moved, seconded by Councillor Malik:-

          That the Committee approve the Notice of Motion.


The Convener moved as an amendment, seconded by the Vice Convener:-

          That the Committee –

(1)           note the Grant Room at Marischal College was used to facilitate civil marriages, civil partnerships and British Citizenship ceremonies  by Aberdeen City Council;

(2)           understand that group ceremonies were held approximately every 3 weeks in the Grant Room at Marischal College to meet demand and notes that there was an option for a private ceremony, at cost, which allowed for up to 50 guests to attend; and

(3)           recognise the effort and commitment required to become a British citizen and welcomes the contribution of all who choose to live in Scotland, including naturalised British citizens, to society both locally and nationally.


On a division, there voted – for the motion (4) – Councillors Graham, Kusznir, Malik and Mrs Stewart – for the amendment (5) – the Convener, the Vice Convener and Councillors Delaney, Davidson and McLellan.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the amendment.