5 Volunteers Policy - CORS/24/294 PDF 254 KB
Additional documents:
(i) to note that officers were working to include information in respect of recognition of volunteers in the guidance, as well as working to develop a single webpage which would include information on all volunteering opportunities available with the Council, and the application process;
(ii) to thank the Environmental Manager, his team and the many volunteers for their hard work on various projects;
(iii) to note the content of the report and the progress made to date with the Volunteer Project; and
(iv) to approve the Volunteers Policy for implementation with effect from 1 February 2025.
The Committee had before it a report by the Executive Director – Corporate Services which provided an update on the progress of the Volunteer project and sought approval for a new Volunteers policy which set out how any volunteering activity for Aberdeen City Council (ACC) would be managed to ensure uniformity of processes and to mitigate against any potential risks to the Council through the use of volunteers.
The Committee heard from Steven Shaw, Environmental Manager, who was in attendance to provide information in respect of the volunteers who helped his service.
The report recommended:-
that the Committee –
(a) note the content of the report and the progress made to date with the Volunteer Project; and
(b) approve the Volunteers Policy for implementation with effect from 1 February 2025.
The Committee resolved:-
(i) to note that officers were working to include information in respect of recognition of volunteers in the guidance, as well as working to develop a single webpage which would include information on all volunteering opportunities available with the Council, and the application process;
(ii) to thank the Environmental Manager, his team and the many volunteers for their hard work on various projects; and
(iii) to approve the recommendations.