Agenda, decisions and minutes

Special meeting, Council - Monday, 24th October, 2016 10.30 am

Venue: Council Chamber - Town House. View directions

Contact: Martyn Orchard, tel. 01224 523097 or email 

No. Item



Councillors Corall, Finlayson and Jean Morrison declared interests as members of the Energy from Waste Joint Members Advisory Group.


Councillors Cooney, Delaney and Jackie Dunbar declared interests as members of the Zero Waste Management Sub Committee.


None of the aforementioned Councillors considered that the nature of their interests required them to leave the meeting.



Councillor Dickson advised that he was not declaring an interest, however he wanted to clarify that whilst his spouse had previously been employed by the Council and had been involved with the planning application, she had not been involved in the project business case, therefore he was remaining in the meeting.


Determination of Exempt Business


The Council was requested to determine that the following item of business which contained exempt information as described in Schedule 7(A) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, be taken in private:-

            4.         Inter-Authority Agreement on Energy from Waste - Appendix 7


The Council resolved:-

in terms of Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, to exclude the press and public from the meeting during consideration of item 4 so as to avoid disclosure of exempt information of the classes described in paragraphs 6 and 9 of Schedule 7(A) of the Act.


Requests for Deputations pdf icon PDF 67 KB


The Council had before it the following requests for deputations which had been submitted in terms of Standing Order 10(1).


(1)      Mr David Fryer on behalf of Cove and Altens, Kincorth and Leggart, Nigg and Torry Community Councils

(2)      Mr Simon McLean


The Council resolved:-

to hear the deputations.






Inter-Authority Agreement on Energy from Waste - CHI/16/257 pdf icon PDF 106 KB

Additional documents:


(A)       In terms of Standing Order 10(2), the Council received a deputation from Mr Raymond Clark and Mr David Fryer, on behalf of Cove and Altens, Kincorth and Leggart, Nigg and Torry Community Councils.


Mr Clark stated that he was greatly disappointed at the outcome of the last Council meeting when planning permission had been granted for the incinerator, and he felt that Councillors were imposing a monstrous project on their citizens. Mr Clark added that the feeling in the community was one of horror, betrayal, dejection and disbelief, however the campaign would continue. He emphasised that the process was fundamentally flawed and that serious questions remained unanswered with regard to health, quality of life and financial risks.


Mr Clark explained that in March 2016 he visited an incinerator in Lincoln which had recently been commissioned. From the control room, he viewed waste and black bags going into the hopper, however black bags were unsorted which was a huge concern as nobody knew what was in them. He anticipated that this would be replicated in Aberdeen, therefore nobody would know what was being incinerated - for example black bags could conceal paints, oils and batteries etc. creating toxic gases which would then be emitted into the atmosphere, with potential damages to health well chronicled.


Mr Clark was of the opinion that the report on the planning application was biased in that it referred to a £9million penalty that Councillors needed to be aware of if they did not grant planning permission, which upon further investigation turned out to be £500,000 per year. He commented that it was apparent that some Councillors had already made their minds up prior to the meeting as they were reading from pre-prepared speeches.


Mr Clark advised that the Community Councils had been thwarted in their efforts to get hold of financial information regarding the project at the stakeholder meetings, and that this information had been redacted from the public report on the agenda. He added that there was also a lack of information regarding the district heating plan. Mr Clark concluded by calling on the Council to abandon the scheme, or at least delay it for more detailed information, due to the financial and health risks to the city.


Members asked questions of Mr Clark and Mr Fryer and thanked them for their deputation.


(B)       The Council then received a deputation from Mr Simon McLean.


Mr McLean intimated that the Council seemed to be more concerned with saving money, with the figure of £9.8million over 20 years highlighted and no mention of the heating network. He added that if the Council wanted to help the people of Torry then the £20million plan for Victoria Road School should be abandoned, with £10million utilised to reinvest in the existing building and the remaining £10million saved to cover the £9.8million.


Mr McLean questioned the governance arrangements and referred to previous proposals for an energy from waste facility in Bridge of Don which had been abandoned, and speculated  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.


Inter-Authority Agreement on Energy from Waste - Appendix 7


With reference to Article 3 of this minute, the Council had before it Appendix 7 to the report by the Interim Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure.


The Council resolved:-

to note the appendix.

- GEORGE ADAM, Lord Provost.