Agenda, decisions and minutes

Council - Monday, 14th December, 2020 10.30 am

Venue: Council Chamber - Town House. View directions

Contact: Martyn Orchard, tel 01224 523097 or Email: 

No. Item




(A)      The Lord Provost advised that he had some very sad news to announce following the passing of Dawn Schultz at the weekend after a period of illness. He highlighted that Dawn was a much loved and respected officer who was well known to Councillors, and she left a legacy to be proud of.


The Lord Provost added that he had worked closely with Dawn and she had delivered so much for the Council, the city and region. The Lord Provost anticipated that many Councillors would want to pay their own tributes, however the Council would make Dawn’s family aware of the very high regard she was held in and that she would be profoundly missed.


(B)      The Lord Provost advised that the funeral of city freeman Buff Hardie was being held today and that the Town House flag was at half mast as a mark of respect.


(C)      The Lord Provost highlighted that this was the first Council meeting for Councillor Miranda Radley following her election at a by-election on 5 November 2020. The Lord Provost congratulated Councillor Radley on her election and welcomed her accordingly.


The Council resolved:-

to concur with the Lord Provost’s remarks.


Declaration of Interests pdf icon PDF 264 KB


Councillors Alex Nicoll and Audrey Nicoll both declared interests in relation to agenda item 9.6 (Armed Forces Covenant Gold Accreditation Award) by virtue of a close family member who had recently joined the armed forces, however neither Councillor considered that the nature of their interest required them to leave the meeting.


Councillor Hutchison also declared an interest in relation to agenda item 9.6 as a serving member of the army reserves but did not consider that the nature of his interest required him to leave the meeting.


Councillor Houghton also declared an interest in relation to agenda item 9.6 as veteran of the Royal Air Force but did not consider that the nature of his interest required him to leave the meeting.


Councillor Duncan declared an interest in relation to agenda item 10.4 (Notice of Motion by Councillor Laing) as an employee of Unison and intimated that she would withdraw from the meeting if the item was considered in full.


Councillor Mason MSP declared a general interest as a Member of the Scottish Parliament for North East Scotland.


Minute of Meeting of Aberdeen City Council of 2 March 2020 pdf icon PDF 278 KB


The Council had before it the minute of meeting of Aberdeen City Council of 2 March 2020.


The Council resolved:-

to approve the minute.


Minute of Meeting of Aberdeen City Council of 3 March 2020 pdf icon PDF 270 KB


The Council had before it the minute of meeting of Aberdeen City Council of 3 March 2020.


The Council resolved:-

to approve the minute.


Minute of Meeting of Urgent Business Committee of 30 June 2020 pdf icon PDF 276 KB


The Council had before it the minute of meeting of the Urgent Business Committee of 30 June 2020.


The Council resolved:-

to approve the minute.


Guildry and Mortification Funds Committee - 9 September 2020 - Guildry Funds - Review of Allowances pdf icon PDF 83 KB


With reference to Article 2 of the minute of meeting of the Guildry and Mortification Funds Committee of 9 September 2020, the Council had before it, by way of remit, a recommendation that the allowances paid from the Guildry fund to Burgesses of Guild, widows and widowers of Burgesses and children of Burgesses be increased by 5% to be backdated from 1 May 2020.


The Council resolved:-

to approve the 5% increase in annual allowances to be backdated from 1 May 2020.


City Growth and Resources Committee - 28 October 2020 - Notice of Motion by Councillor Lumsden pdf icon PDF 190 KB


With reference to Article 5 of the minute of meeting of the City Growth and Resources Committee of 28 October 2020, the Council had before, by way of remit, it a notice of motion by Councillor Lumsden which had been referred to it by that committee.


The City Growth and Resources Committee had resolved:-

(1)           to note with pride that Aberdeen City Council, has been named as the United Kingdom’s Local Authority of the Year 2020 at the MJ Achievement Awards, an outstanding achievement given we were the only Scottish local authority shortlisted and we beat off competition from 6 other local authorities;

(2)           to note the Local Authority of the Year category recognised success across the organisation, including strong performance in major services, innovation, good synergy between the executive and political functions, and sound financial stewardship;

(3)           to note this UK award is a first for Aberdeen City Council since its creation in 1996, under the Local Government etc. Act 1994 and reflects the hard work of the Council since 2012 onwards;

(4)           to note the finalists were selected based on evidence of having delivered

meaningful and positive change to the communities they serve;

(5)           to note the judges said the council had “an impressive story to tell in terms of its changing economic context and the bold steps it is taking to deliver an unprecedented transformation of the city through a pioneering capital programme and significant investments in the social and cultural future of its communities”;

(6)           to note the judges described the Council as bold, brave, impressive and ambitious, commending them on the collaboration between officers and politicians who have worked together and created partnerships, focusing with a clarity of purpose for the sake of the city as a whole;

(7)           to agree that this award is dedicated to all council employees, citizens and businesses in Aberdeen as well as the council’s public, private and voluntary sector partners including the trade unions;

(8)           to agree that this award could not have been achieved without the endeavours of our hardworking council staff, both past and present, and the political foresight of the Administration who have adopted a programme of investing in the people and the place in order to secure Aberdeen’s long-term future prosperity;

(9)           to agree that an email or letter, if no email is available, be sent from the Co-Leaders of the council to every council employee; recognised trade unions; and the council’s public and private sector partners, thanking them for the part they have played in helping Aberdeen City Council secure the Local Authority of the Year 2020 award;

(10)        to agree that this motion be referred to the Full Council meeting in December to afford all elected members the opportunity to comment and reflect on this success and the fact that Aberdeen City Council is also the only Scottish finalist in the running for the Council of the Year Award at the LGC National Awards;

(11)        to note that Councillor Jenny Laing and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.


Council Business Planner pdf icon PDF 49 KB


The Council had before it the business planner as prepared by the Chief Officer - Governance.


The Council resolved:-

(i)             to agree that the Fairer Aberdeen Fund Annual Report 2019/20 be delayed to the Council meeting on 3 March 2021; and

(ii)           to otherwise note the business planner.


Council Annual Effectiveness Report and Committee Annual Effectiveness Reports - COM/20/235 pdf icon PDF 206 KB

Additional documents:


The Council had before it a report by the Chief Officer - Governance which presented the annual effectiveness report for Council as well as the annual effectiveness reports of the various committees, which had been considered by those committees.


The report recommended:-

that the Council -

(a)           provide comments and observations on the data contained within the Council annual effectiveness report as contained at Appendix A; and

(b)           note the annual effectiveness reports of the various committees as contained at Appendices B to L.


The Council resolved:-

(i)             to note Aberdeen City Council was the first in Scotland to be awarded the CIPFA Mark of Excellence in Governance, and the annual effectiveness report was again highlighted by CIPFA as one of the examples of good governance implemented by the Council;

(ii)           to note that the effectiveness report contributed to the Council’s Annual Governance Statement which formed part of the Council’s Annual Accounts which were presented to the Audit, Risk and Scrutiny Committee;

(iii)          to note civic leadership and engagement was at the heart of the Target Operating Model approved by the Council in August 2017;

(iv)          to note that the values and principles of civic leadership and engagement were being driven through the Council’s transformation programme;

(v)           to note that Full Council and the Urgent Business Committee had operated in a transparent manner, with no reports marked as exempt coming to Council and limited numbers of exempt appendices being brought before the Urgent Business Committee;

(vi)          to note that during the course of 2020/21, officers would progress the transformation programme to allow the Council to set a budget in a manner that strategically allocated resources against the Local Outcome Improvement Plan and associated strategies as envisaged by the Target Operating Model;

(vii)        to agree that the successes of the Council winning prestigious awards was down to good governance and that this Council Annual Effectiveness Report alongside the Committee Annual Effectiveness Reports were testament to our hard working and caring workforce who always put the interests of Aberdeen citizens first;

(viii)       to note the annual effectiveness reports of the various Committees as contained at Appendices B to L; and

(ix)          with regard to the Licensing Committee Annual Effectiveness Report, to note that at the Urgent Business Committee on 20 March 2020, it was agreed that Councillor Boulton be appointed Convener of the Licensing Sub Committee on a temporary basis in place of Councillor Reynolds, and agree that Councillor Reynolds be re-appointed as Convener of the Licensing Sub Committee with immediate effect.


Family Leave for Elected Members - Updated Guidance - COM/20/234 pdf icon PDF 293 KB

Additional documents:


With reference to Article 9 of the minute of its meeting of 9 December 2019, the Council had before it a report by the Chief Officer - Governance which sought adoption of COSLA’s updated “Family Leave Guidance for Councils” which was intended to support elected members during periods of maternity, paternity, share parental and adoption leave.


The report recommended:-

that the Council agree to adopt COSLA’s updated “Family Leave Guidance for Councils” as appended to the report.


The Council resolved:-

to approve the recommendation.


Standards Commission for Scotland - Written Decision - Councillor Boulton - COM/20/238 pdf icon PDF 198 KB

Additional documents:


The Council had before it a report by the Chief Officer - Governance which appended the written decision by the Standards Commission for Scotland following a hearing held on 22 October 2020.


The report recommended:-

that the Council -

(a)           consider the content of the written decision; and

(b)           note the sanction imposed by the Standards Commission for Scotland.


Councillor Lumsden moved, seconded by Councillor Houghton:-

          That the Council -

(1)       note the sanction imposed by the Standards Commission for Scotland; and

(2)       note that an appeal had been lodged in terms of section 22 of the Ethical Standards in Public Life etc. (Scotland) Act 2000.


Councillor Alex Nicoll moved as an amendment, seconded by Councillor Jackie Dunbar:-

          That the Council -

(1)       note the sanction imposed by the Standards Commission for Scotland;

(2)       note that an appeal had been lodged in terms of section 22 of the Ethical Standards in Public Life etc. (Scotland) Act 2000; and

(3)       agree that the Council receive a further report on the outcome of the appeal.


On a division, there voted:-


For the motion  (22)  -  Lord Provost; Depute Provost; and Councillors Allan, Bell, Boulton, Cross, Lesley Dunbar, Duncan, Graham, Grant, Houghton, Imrie, John, Laing, Lumsden, Macdonald, MacKenzie, Malik, Mason MSP, Reynolds, Sellar and Wheeler.


For the amendment  (22)  -  Councillors Al-Samarai, Allard, Alphonse, Cameron, Cooke, Copland, Cormie, Delaney, Jackie Dunbar, Greig, Henrickson, Hutchison, MacGregor, McLellan, McRae, Mennie, Alex Nicoll, Audrey Nicoll, Noble, Radley, Townson and Yuill.


There being an equality of votes, in terms of Standing Order 32.7 the Lord Provost exercised his casting vote in favour of the motion.


The Council resolved:-

to adopt the motion.


Standards Commission for Scotland - Written Decision - Councillor Donnelly - COM/20/239 pdf icon PDF 199 KB

Additional documents:


The Council had before it a report by the Chief Officer - Governance which appended the written decision by the Standards Commission for Scotland following a hearing held on 20 November 2020.


The report recommended:-

that the Council -

(a)           consider the content of the written decision; and

(b)           note the sanction imposed by the Standards Commission for Scotland.


Councillor Lumsden moved, seconded by Councillor Houghton:-

          That the Council -

(1)       note the sanction imposed by the Standards Commission for Scotland;

(2)       note the decision of the Urgent Business Committee of 19 December 2019 where the Council called on Councillor Donnelly to resign, and reiterate that position today; and

(3)       note the consultation to the Councillors’ Code of Conduct and instruct the Chief Officer - Governance to respond as follows:-

(a)       The Code of Conduct should be explicit that any Councillor found guilty under the sexual offences (Scotland) Act 2009 should automatically be removed from office.

(b)       In respect of sanctions, the Commission should have the power to form the view that in some cases where a breach is of a trivial nature, the Commission should have the power, where appropriate, to infer an absolute discharge.

(c)       There should be a statutory duty imposed on the S75 Officer to provide the Commissioner for Ethical Standards (ESC) with all relevant information regarding the circumstances of the alleged breach, regardless of being asked by the ESC or the Councillor involved.

(d)       Agree that nothing in respect of (1), (2) and (3) above should stop officers from responding to the consultation in the normal manner.


Councillor Yuill moved as an amendment, seconded by Councillor Greig:-

That the Council -

(1)       note the sanction imposed by the Standards Commission for Scotland;

(2)       note the decision of the Urgent Business Committee of 19 December 2019 where the Council called on Councillor Donnelly to resign, and reiterate that position today;

(3)       note the consultation to the Councillors’ Code of Conduct and instruct the Chief Officer - Governance to respond as follows:-

(a)       The Code of Conduct should be explicit that any Councillor found guilty under the sexual offences (Scotland) Act 2009 should automatically be removed from office.

(b)       In respect of sanctions, the Commission should have the power to form the view that in some cases where a breach is of a trivial nature, the Commission should have the power, where appropriate, to infer an absolute discharge.

(c)       There should be a statutory duty imposed on the S75 Officer to provide the Commissioner for Ethical Standards (ESC) with all relevant information regarding the circumstances of the alleged breach, regardless of being asked by the ESC or the Councillor involved.

(d)       Agree that nothing in respect of (1), (2) and (3) above should stop officers from responding to the consultation in the normal manner; and

(4)       given that a convicted sex offender has access to Council offices, staff and members of the public in those offices, instruct the Chief Executive to report to the Staff Governance Committee  ...  view the full minutes text for item 12.


Treasury Management Strategy - Year-End and Mid-Year Review - RES/20/209 pdf icon PDF 315 KB


The Council had before it a report by the Director of Resources which provided an update on the treasury management activities undertaken during the financial year 2019/20 and during 2020/21 to date.


The report recommended:-

that the Council -

(a)           consider and note the treasury management activities undertaken in the 2019/20 financial year as detailed in the report; and

(b)           consider and note the treasury management activities undertaken in the 2020/21 financial year to date as detailed in the report.


The Council resolved:-

(i)             to note the treasury management activities undertaken in the 2019/20 financial year as detailed in the report; and

(ii)           to note the treasury management activities undertaken in the 2020/21 financial year to date, as detailed in the report.


Armed Forces Covenant Gold Accreditation Award - COM/20/237 pdf icon PDF 244 KB


With reference to Article 15 of the minute of its meeting of 10 September 2018, the Council had before it a report by the Director of Customer Services which advised of the successful application for Gold Accreditation for the Armed Forces Covenant.


The report recommended:-

that the Council -

(a)           note the successful Gold accreditation for the Council’s Armed Forces Covenant through the Defence and Employer Recognition Scheme; and

(b)           note the ongoing work to promote the Armed Forces Covenant.


The Council resolved:-

(i)             to approve the recommendations; and

(ii)           to thank the members and officers on the Advisory Working Group for their excellent work and for the report.


Notice of Motion by Councillor Boulton pdf icon PDF 110 KB

That Council -

(i)         notes with great Civic Pride that Aberdeen Art Gallery was a winner of Art Fund Museum of the Year 2020; and

(ii)        congratulates Christine Rew and the Aberdeen Art Gallery & Museums team in winning this highly prestigious award.  The redevelopment of Aberdeen Art Gallery has been a transformational project not just for the building, but also for the city. In November last year we experienced the powerful affection with which visitors reconnected with the building and their favourite artworks - transformed, but reassuringly familiar. To see the ambition and success we wanted to achieve at the art gallery recognised by a panel of experts is the icing on the cake. 


(Please see attachment for the full wording)


The Council had before it a notice of motion by Councillor Boulton in the following terms:-


That Council -

(i)         notes with great Civic Pride that Aberdeen Art Gallery was a winner of Art Fund Museum of the Year 2020; and

(ii)        congratulates Christine Rew and the Aberdeen Art Gallery & Museums team in winning this highly prestigious award. The redevelopment of Aberdeen Art Gallery has been a transformational project not just for the building, but also for the city. In November last year we experienced the powerful affection with which visitors reconnected with the building and their favourite artworks - transformed, but reassuringly familiar. To see the ambition and success we wanted to achieve at the art gallery recognised by a panel of experts is the icing on the cake.


The judging panel said:

Aberdeen Art Gallery is responsible for an exceptional collection of art and heritage, rightly celebrated as among the finest in the UK. 2019 marked the culmination of the most ambitious  redevelopment project in the museum’s 135 year history, completely re-imagining the gallery so its extraordinary treasures, and the stories they tell can be celebrated, shared and better understood. The judges were impressed with the scale and ambition of this project, which increased the number of works on show from 370 to 1080, the beautifully executed restoration, and the commitment to involve the people of the city in the future of this rediscovered jewel on their doorstep. They look forward to seeing what the next 100 years would bring.


Art Fund has supported Museum of the Year since 2008. Its forerunner was the Prize for Museums and Galleries, administered by the Museum Prize Trust and sponsored by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation from 2003-2007. The prize champions what museums do, encourages more people to visit and gets to the heart of what makes a truly outstanding museum. The judges present the prize to the museum or gallery that has shown how their achievements of the preceding year stand out, demonstrated what makes their work innovative, and the impact it has had on audiences.


Winning this prestigious prize will not only raise the profile of the gallery around the world but will benefit local artists. Local artists will benefit from Aberdeen Art Gallery’s success as Art Fund Museum of the Year 2020, the Gallery’s share of the £200,000 prize, which this year is split equally between five winners in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, will be used to support a series of small scale commissions.


Creative practitioners (artists, makers, musicians, dancers, designers, writers and performers) living in AB postcode areas will be invited to submit proposals for a series of small-scale commissions. With these ‘micro-commissions’ creative practitioners are being asked to respond to Aberdeen’s outstanding collection of art and history through the creation of new work which explores the themes of identity, intersectionality and representation.


Key to the success of the commissioning process will be the appointment of an Artist Facilitator, for which expressions of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 15.


Notice of Motion by Councillor Delaney

Council acknowledges that people living alone have been disproportionately affected by covid restrictions which prevent them having visitors to their home other than for the limited number of permitted reasons. Council further appreciates that residents with certain disabilities or who are housebound are further impacted as they cannot meet friends and relatives outdoors. This can lead to additional social isolation which research shows can affect health and wellbeing. Accordingly, Council agrees to the following:-


That people who live alone, are housebound or living with disabilities:-


• Be kept safe from harm from coronavirus (covid-19) whilst accepting they have the same rights as everyone else and should not be disproportionately impacted upon by loneliness or isolation and the additional physical and mental health impact this brings. 


• Have their rights respected and Government when introducing necessary restrictions, undertake equality impact assessments so as to avoid causing unintentional harm to vulnerable people whilst trying to keep them safe from covid-19


and furthermore to write to the First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Health & Wellbeing in the terms outlined above requesting they consult their leading medical and scientific advisors with a view to confirming that the guidance set out in ‘You can go into another household to provide care and support for a vulnerable person’ permits visits to those affected by social isolation and loneliness due to impacting on physical and mental health or otherwise considers revising this guidance in such terms. The purpose of such guidance being to support those who are elderly, disabled or living alone and identified as being at increased risk of social isolation and loneliness, to receive visitors safely.


The Council had before it a notice of motion by Councillor Delaney in the following terms:-


Council acknowledges that people living alone have been disproportionately affected by covid restrictions which prevent them having visitors to their home other than for the limited number of permitted reasons. Council further appreciates that residents with certain disabilities or who are housebound are further impacted as they cannot meet friends and relatives outdoors. This can lead to additional social isolation which research shows can affect health and wellbeing. Accordingly, Council agrees to the following:-


That people who live alone, are housebound or living with disabilities:-


·        Be kept safe from harm from coronavirus (covid-19) whilst accepting they have the same rights as everyone else and should not be disproportionately impacted upon by loneliness or isolation and the additional physical and mental health impact this brings.


·        Have their rights respected and Government when introducing necessary restrictions, undertake equality impact assessments so as to avoid causingunintentional harm to vulnerable people whilst trying to keep them safe fromcovid-19.


and furthermore to write to the First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Health & Wellbeing in the terms outlined above requesting they consult their leading medical and scientific advisors with a view to confirming that the guidance set out in ‘You can go into another household to provide care and support for avulnerable person’ permits visits to those affected by social isolation and loneliness due to impacting on physical and mental health or otherwise considers revising this guidance in such terms. The purpose of such guidance being to support those who are elderly, disabled or living alone and identified as being at increased risk of social isolation and loneliness, to receive visitors safely.


The Council resolved:-

to approve the notice of motion.


Notice of Motion by Councillor Jackie Dunbar

That Council:

(1)  acknowledge that while Byron Square car park is currently maintained out of the ACC Housing Revenue Account it is used by the public in the area;

(2)  agree that it is an anomaly to have a car park that is freely accessible to the public but the upkeep and repairs costs come from the budget that is dedicated to the upkeep and maintenance of our housing stock; and

(3)  instruct the Chief Officer - Early Intervention and Community Empowerment, following consultation with the Chief Officer - Finance, to investigate which account the Byron Square car park should be held on, to take any necessary remedial action and to report back to the City Growth and Resources Committee on the action taken.


The Council had before it a notice of motion by Councillor Jackie Dunbar in the following terms:-


That Council:

(1)     acknowledge that while Byron Square car park is currently maintained out of the ACC Housing Revenue Account it is used by the public in the area;

(2)     agree that it is an anomaly to have a car park that is freely accessible to the public but the upkeep and repairs costs come from the budget that is dedicated to the upkeep and maintenance of our housing stock; and

(3)     instruct the Chief Officer - Early Intervention and Community Empowerment, following consultation with the Chief Officer - Finance, to investigate which account the Byron Square car park should be held on, to take any necessary remedial action and to report back to the City Growth and Resources Committee on the action taken.


The Council resolved:-

to refer the notice of motion to the City Growth and Resources Committee.

With reference to Article 2 of this minute, Councillor Duncan left the meeting at this juncture for the duration of the following item of business in accordance with her declaration of interest.


Notice of Motion by Councillor Laing

That Council:-

(i)            Notes that UNISON Scotland is running a campaign called Plug The Gap that is geared toward the gap in local government funding across Scotland in light of the austerity measure pre-pandemic and the additional financial burden on local authorities as a result of Covid-19.

The campaign focuses on four main themes:

1. Securing the long-term financial stability of local government: calling for urgent investment by Scottish Government in local government to protect jobs and pay for the future.

2. Rewarding local government workers: for the vital services that local government workers provide to our communities.

3. Shaping local government for the future: looking at how services and roles will change as a result of the pandemic

4. Consolidation of the Living Wage: Delivery of full consolidation of the living wage across Scotland.

(ii)          Agrees to support the Unison campaign and therefore agrees that the Chief Executive write to the President of COSLA and the Minister for local government asking both to support the Unison campaign to ensure the four aims of UNISON Scotland campaign are supported in full.


The Council had before it a notice of motion by Councillor Laing in the following terms:-

That Council:-

(i)         Notes that UNISON Scotland is running a campaign called Plug The Gap that is geared toward the gap in local government funding across Scotland in light of the austerity measure pre-pandemic and the additional financial burden on local authorities as a result of Covid-19.


The campaign focuses on four main themes:


1. Securing the long-term financial stability of local government:

calling for urgent investment by Scottish Government in local government to protect jobs and pay for the future.


2. Rewarding local government workers: for the vital services that

local government workers provide to our communities.


3. Shaping local government for the future: looking at how services

and roles will change as a result of the pandemic.


4. Consolidation of the Living Wage: Delivery of full consolidation of the living wage across Scotland.


(ii)        Agrees to support the Unison campaign and therefore agrees that the Chief Executive write to the President of COSLA and the Minister for local government asking both to support the Unison campaign to ensure the four aims of UNISON Scotland campaign are supported in full.


Councillor Laing moved, seconded by Councillor Macdonald:-

          That the Council -

(1)       approve the notice of motion;

(2)       agree to adopt the motion unanimously agreed by COSLA on 11 December 2020 as noted below, and therefore instruct the Chief Executive to write to the Local Government Minister urging him to commit to ensuring that the £500 bonus payment to Health and Social Care staff is extended to all Covid-19 responders and key workers across local government. Agree that the Scottish Government should fully fund this one-off payment including any costs associated with the delivery of this payment; and

(3)       instruct the Chief Executive to report the response from the Minister at the next meeting of the City Growth and Resources Committee.




Item 11 - £500 Bonus Payment to Health and Social Care Staff


1)    Agree that whilst the Scottish Government’s announcement to pay £500 (full-time equivalent) to NHS and Social Care staff is welcomed and deserved, it has missed tens of thousands of Public Sector Workers in Local Government, who have been working throughout the pandemic and left wondering why their heroic efforts are not worth rewarding.


2)    Recognise that Local Government has been operating under extremely difficult circumstances - distributing food/medicine/essential items across Scotland, protecting/caring for our vulnerable and elderly, collecting waste, staffing temporary mortuaries, staffing the hubs of “keyworker” children, keeping schools and early years open, staffing the asymptomatic testing sites, Environmental Health & Trading Standards Officers enforcing public health and wellbeing, Mental Health Workers with increased caseloads, Housing and Craft workers who have been working in tenants’ homes, the army of cleaning staff who have done a brilliant job in our care homes/essential buildings/schools and those who have been issuing emergency support grants, noting that this is not an exhaustive list.


3)    Recognise the efforts made by  ...  view the full minutes text for item 18.


Notice of Motion by Councillor Lumsden

That Council:-

  1. notes that the “woodies” play area on Broomhill Road has a number of private garages in the middle of the space and that in the past they have been subject of anti-social behaviour;

2.    notes the proximity of Broomhill Primary School;

3.    notes the investment of £1.9m by Aberdeen City Council in new nursery facilities at Broomhill School;

4.    agrees that having a safe outdoor facility could be utilised by the school and nursery and would be a benefit to our young people; and

5.    instructs the Chief Officer - Corporate Landlord to investigate the feasibility, financial considerations and process for the council to achieve vacant possession of the site and if this can be achieved enhance the woodies area for wider community use and school use and report back to the budget setting process.


The Council had before it a notice of motion by Councillor Lumsden in the following terms:-


That Council -

(1)       notes that the “woodies” play area on Broomhill Road has a number of private garages in the middle of the space and that in the past they have been subject of anti-social behaviour;

(2)       notes the proximity of Broomhill Primary School;

(3)       notes the investment of £1.9m by Aberdeen City Council in new nursery facilities at Broomhill School;

(4)       agrees that having a safe outdoor facility could be utilised by the school and nursery and would be a benefit to our young people; and

(5)       instructs the Chief Officer - Corporate Landlord to investigate the feasibility, financial considerations and process for the council to achieve vacant possession of the site and if this can be achieved enhance the woodies area for wider community use and school use and report back to the budget setting process.


The Council resolved:-

(i)             to note that The Woodies play area on Broomhill Road had a number of private garages in the middle of the space and that in the past they had been subject of anti-social behaviour;

(ii)           to note the proximity of Broomhill Primary School;

(iii)          to note previous long-standing and repeated requests for the garages at The Woodies to be removed;

(iv)          to agree that an improved outdoor space could be further utilised by the school and nursery and would be a benefit to our young people and the wider community; and

(v)           instruct the Chief Officer - Corporate Landlord to investigate the feasibility, financial considerations and process for the Council to achieve vacant possession of the garages site and if this can be achieved enhance The Woodies area for wider community and school use and report back on this to the budget setting process. Such costs to include the measures to limit dog fouling in the fenced play area and the expense of possible contaminated waste removal from the site and its disposal.


Notice of Motion by Councillor Lumsden

·         Council agrees that the council delivery plan which forms part of our strategic planning approach has helped to lay the foundations to counter the centralising approach of the Scottish Government towards local government, which has resulted in Aberdeen being one of the lowest funded councils over the last decade;

·         Council is concerned that this ongoing situation is having a detrimental impact on its ability to provide important public services for our citizens both now and in the future;

·         In order to look at alternatives to ensure Aberdeen can reach its full potential, Council instructs the Chief Executive to write to the Secretary of State for Scotland asking him if the UK government would consider dealing directly with COSLA and Aberdeen City Council in considering allocating grant funding, to ensure that Aberdeen City Council receives its fair share of funding; and

·         Council notes the Scottish Government’s document “Scottish Shared Prosperity Fund” and the UK Government’s decision, announced in the Spending Review, to use its replacement for EU Structural Funds to work in partnership with local authorities and communities right across Scotland to ensure local accountability. Therefore instructs the Chief Executive to write to COSLA confirming that Aberdeen City Council supports the UK Government’s localised approach which would allow Aberdeen City Council to spend our share of future UK Shared Prosperity Funding in line with the Council Delivery Plan which supports the Local Outcome Improvement Plan.


The Council had before it a notice of motion by Councillor Lumsden in the following terms:-


·       Council agrees that the council delivery plan which forms part of our strategic planning approach has helped to lay the foundations to counter the centralising approach of the Scottish Government towards local government, which has resulted in Aberdeen being one of the lowest funded councils over the last decade;

·       Council is concerned that this ongoing situation is having a detrimental

impact on its ability to provide important public services for our citizens

both now and in the future;

·       In order to look at alternatives to ensure Aberdeen can reach its full potential, Council instructs the Chief Executive to write to the Secretary of State for Scotland asking him if the UK government would consider dealing directly with COSLA and Aberdeen City Council in considering allocating grant funding, to ensure that Aberdeen City Council receives its fair share of funding; and

·       Council notes the Scottish Government’s document “Scottish Shared Prosperity Fund” and the UK Government’s decision, announced in the

Spending Review, to use its replacement for EU Structural Funds to work

in partnership with local authorities and communities right across Scotland to ensure local accountability. Therefore instructs the Chief Executive to write to COSLA confirming that Aberdeen City Council supports the UK Government’s localised approach which would allow Aberdeen City Council to spend our share of future UK Shared Prosperity Funding in line with the Council Delivery Plan which supports the Local Outcome Improvement Plan.


Councillor Lumsden moved, seconded by Councillor Malik:-

          That the Council -

(1)       agrees Devolution is the settled will of the Scottish people;

(2)       agrees Devolution has been beneficial for Scotland and the rest of the United Kingdom;

(3)       regrets that local government continues to be at the forefront of SNP austerity; and

(4)       approves the notice of motion as outlined above.


Councillor Alex Nicoll moved as an amendment, seconded by Councillor Cooke:-

          That the Council -

(1)       notes that Aberdeen is one of the lowest funded Councils in Scotland, as a result of a long-standing funding formula, that pre-dates the election of the first SNP Government in 2007. Council further notes that changes to this funding formula would require the agreement of COSLA and the other 31 local authorities in Scotland, and regrets that the Co-Leaders of Aberdeen City Council have been wholly unsuccessful in persuading their counterparts in other local authorities even to consider revising the current formula;

(2)       notes that in March 2015, Councillor Laing led the former administration out of COSLA to form the Scottish Local Government Partnership citing the reason as dissatisfaction with the funding formula only to rejoin in August 2017 following the Scotland wide local authority elections, but with no meaningful change in the local authority funding formula;

(3)       notes that the election of key places within COSLA for the period 2017-2022 took place before Aberdeen City Council rejoined COSLA and that these roles continue until the next local authority elections;

(4)       notes that  ...  view the full minutes text for item 20.


Notice of Motion by Councillor Yuill

That this Council:


1.    Notes and regrets that slavery, human trafficking and other oppressive activities occur in the UK and around the world;

2.    Notes that a number of locations and street names in Aberdeen have historical links to slavery and slavery products;

3.    Notes that Sugar House Lane already has an information plaque explaining the origins of the street name and its links to slavery products; and

4.    Instructs the Chief Officer - City Growth to report to the City Growth and Resources Committee on the practicalities and projected costs of identifying locations and street names in Aberdeen with links to slavery and slavery products and then erecting appropriate information plaques at each location.



The Council had before it a notice of motion by Councillor Yuill in the following terms:-


          That this Council:

(1)       notes and regrets that slavery, human trafficking and other oppressive activities occur in the UK and around the world;

(2)       notes that a number of locations and street names in Aberdeen have historical links to slavery and slavery products;

(3)       notes that Sugar House Lane already has an information plaque explaining the origins of the street name and its links to slavery products; and

(4)       instructs the Chief Officer - City Growth to report to the City Growth and Resources Committee on the practicalities and projected costs of identifying locations and street names in Aberdeen with links to slavery and slavery products and then erecting appropriate information plaques at each location.


The Council resolved:-

to refer the notice of motion to the City Growth and Resources Committee.