Agenda and minutes

Enterprise, Strategic Planning and Infrastructure Committee - Thursday, 31st May, 2012 2.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - Town House. View directions

Contact: Allison Swanson, tel. 522822 or email 

No. Item


Determination of Exempt items of Business

Members are requested to resolve that any exempt business on this agenda be considered with the press and public excluded.


The agenda and reports associated with this minute can be found at:-




Prior to considering the matters before the Committee, the Committee resolved in terms of Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, to exclude the press and public from the meeting for articles 35 and 36 so as to avoid disclosure of exempt information of the Class described in paragraphs 8, 10 and 12 of Schedule 7(A) to the Act.  



Requests for Deputation

(1)  Mrs Reid – Braeside and Mannofield Community Council – in relation to
       item 5.1 on the agenda.


The Committee had before it the following request for deputation, which complied with Standing Order 10(1):-

  1. Mrs. Reid, Braeside and Mannofield Community Council - in relation to item 5.1 on the agenda;
  2. Mr Ron Taylor – in relation to item 5.2 on the agenda
  3. Ms Waddell – in relation to item 5.2 on the agenda
  4. Ms Sim and Mr Buchan – in relation to item 11.4 on the agenda
  5. Mr Isaac Wood – in relation to item 5.1 on the agenda
  6. Ms Hannah Kunzlik - in relation to item 5.2 on the agenda


The Committee resolved:-

to hear the request for deputation prior to the consideration of the relevant report.



Agenda Order


The Convener proposed that item 10.5 (Consultation Response to the Aberdeen Airport Master Plan) be considered following item 3.1 (Aberdeen Airport 2012 Draft Master Plan Presentation), and that thereafter the deputations and relevant reports be heard and considered.



The Committee resolved:-

to concur with the proposal of the Convener in respect of the order of the agenda.



Aberdeen Airport 2012 Draft Master Plan Presentation by Mr Dan Peck, Head of Development Aberdeen Airport


The Committee welcomed Mr. Dan Peck, Head of Development, Aberdeen Airport to the meeting, who was present to provide a presentation on the Aberdeen Airport 2012 Draft Master Plan.  


Members were afforded the opportunity to ask questions of Mr. Peck

The Committee resolved:-

to thank Mr. Dan Peck for his informative presentation.



Consultation Response to the Aberdeen Airport Master Plan - EPI/12/113 pdf icon PDF 30 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which sought approval of a response to the draft Aberdeen Airport Master Plan which was currently out for consultation.  


The report recommended:-

that the Committee –

(a)       note the main proposals contained in the Aberdeen Airport Draft Master Plan;  and

(b)       agree that the letter in Appendix 1 be sent to Aberdeen Airport in response to the consultation on the draft Master Plan.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendations.



Four Traffic Orders - Outcome of Main Statutory Advertisement Stage - CG/12/054 pdf icon PDF 2 MB


(A) In terms of Standing Order 10(1), and as agreed at the beginning of the meeting (see article 1 above), the Committee received a deputation from Mr Buchan and Ms Sim, in relation to the recommendation regarding Newhills Avenue contained in the above-named report.


Mr Buchan questioned the rationale for the proposal and highlighted that there have been no incidents of safety at the location. He explained that residents felt that the proposal would aggravate the current parking situation experienced by residents and question where they should park if the measure was introduced.


Mr Buchan and Ms Sim suggested the following alternative proposals to alleviate the parking concerns:- (1) the introduction of a one-way restriction on the length of Newhills Avenue; (2) the grass and the outer pavement on Newhills Avenue be removed so that all residents, nurses, doctors etc could park off the road safely; and (3) the corner of the road be widened and the double yellow only come as far as number 1 Dykeside Way and not number 11; and (4) extension of the existing bus lay-by to provide residential parking, the lay-by originally was used solely for cars.


Members asked questions of Mr Buchan and Ms Sim and thanked them for their contribution.  


(B)       The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Corporate Governance which presented the outcome of the following four traffic orders, all at the final statutory stage:- 

(1)       The Aberdeen City Council (Citywide Traffic Management Measures) (No 1) Order 2012;

(2)       The Aberdeen City Council (Citywide Traffic Management Measures) (No 2) Order 2012;

(3)       The Aberdeen City Council (Advocates Road, Aberdeen) (Prohibition Of Waiting) Order 2012; and

(4)       The Aberdeen City Council (Mid Stocket Lane, Aberdeen) (Traffic Management) Order 2012.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee –

(a)       in relation to The Aberdeen City Council (Citywide Traffic Management Measures) (No 1) Order 2012:-

            (i)         approve the proposal for the north side of Queen’s Lane South and with regard to the proposal for the south side, to approve the proposed relaxation to the order as detailed in Section 5.1.1 below as shown in the appendix to the report;  and

            (ii)        request officers to monitor the impact of the introduction of the measure on the south side of Queen’s Lane South and should the impact be detrimental to the access to garages, to request officers to commence the traffic regulation order procedure for the introduction of further waiting restrictions in the front of the garages concerned;

            (iii)       overrule the objections in relation to the proposal at Queen’s Road, and approve the proposed relaxation to the order, as detailed in section 5.1.2 in the report and shown in the appendix;  and 

            (iv)       approve that the order be introduced as originally envisaged, with the exception of the relaxations proposed for Queen’s Road and the south side of Queen’s Lane South; 

(b)       in relation to The Aberdeen City Council (Citywide Traffic Management Measures) (No 2) Order  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Motion by Councillor Yuill - Introduction of restrictions that would prevent heavy or large goods vehicles from using Broomhill Road as a through road pdf icon PDF 587 KB


(A)       In terms of Standing Order 10(1), and as agreed at the beginning of the meeting (see article 1 above), the Committee received a deputation from Ms Waddell, in relation to the above-named report.


Ms Waddell explained her concern at the high volume of heavy goods vehicles using Broomhill Lane and the safety implications of this for residents and pedestrians. She highlighted the speed of these vehicles and urged the Committee to support the terms of Councillor Yuill’s motion to introduce of an “except for access” width or weight restriction on some or all of Broomhill Road between Holburn Street and South Anderson Drive.


Members thanked Ms Waddell for her contribution.


 (B)      The Committee then received a deputation from Mr Taylor.


Mr Taylor explained that he had been a resident on Broomhill Road for a long time and throughout this time he had seen a considerable increase in the number of heavy goods vehicles using Broomhill Road as a through route.


He advised of the serious implications this was having on residents and of his safety concerns resulting from the volume of heavy goods vehicles. He supported Councillor Yuill’s proposal for the introduction of an “except for access” width or weight restriction on some or all of Broomhill Road between Holburn Street and South Anderson Drive.


Members asked questions of Mr Taylor and thanked him for his contribution.


            (C)       The Committee then received a deputation from Ms Kunzlik.


Ms Kunzlik highlighted that the increasing volume of heavy goods vehicles using Broomhill Road was a long standing concern of residents. In particular, she and others were concerned for the health and safety of residents and pedestrians. Ms Kunzlik supported the proposal to introduce an ‘except for access’ weight or width restriction on Broomhill, as sought by Councillor Yuill’s motion, to alleviate the current problem.


Members asked questions of Ms Kunzlik and thanked her for her contribution.


(D)       With reference to article 11 of the minute of the meeting of the Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Committee of 31 January, 2012, the Committee had before it a further report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure regarding Councillor Yuill’s Notice of Motion:-

 “That given the ongoing difficulties caused by HGVs using Broomhill Road as a through road, the Council instructs officers to report to the appropriate Committee on the introduction of an “except for access” with weight restriction on some or all of Broomhill Road between Holburn Street and South Anderson Drive”; and explored other options available, not excluding the introduction of an “except for access” with and/or weight restriction to address the concerns of residents on Broomhill Road.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee –

(a)       agree that, given the strategic importance of Broomhill Road within the road network and the proportionately small percentage of HGVs that were using Broomhill Road as a through route, restricting LGVs/HGVs along Broomhill Road would not be appropriate;  and

(b)       agree that no action be taken at this time.


The Convener,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.




(A)       With reference to article 1 of this minute whereby the Committee agreed to hear a deputation from Mrs Reid and Mr Wood, the Committee was advised that neither of the deputations were present, therefore the Committee proceeded to consider the report.


            (B)       With reference to Article 12 of the minute of the meeting of the Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Committee of 31 January, 2012, the Committee had before it a further report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure regarding Councillor Yuill’s motion:-

            “That, given the ongoing difficulties caused by lorries using Morningside Road, Cranford Road and Duthie Terrace as through roads so as to avoid the junction of Great Western Road and South Anderson Drive, Council instructs officers to report to the appropriate Committee on the introduction of an ‘accept for access’ weight restriction on these roads plus that part of Hammerfield Avenue not already covered by such a restriction.”


The report addressed the Committee’s previous instruction where officers were requested to contact BEAR Scotland regarding the possible reconfiguration of the traffic light junction from Great Western Road to Anderson Drive.  


The report recommended:-

that the Committee –

(a)       agree to take no action at this time given the low volume of large/heavy goods vehicles using these roads and the level of resources that would be required to ensure compliance with the traffic order restricting such vehicles;  and

(b)       request officers to continue to monitor the level of usage of these roads by HGVs on an annual basis and if there should be a significant change reconsider the possibility of introducing a restriction.


The Convener, seconded by the Vice Convener moved:-

            that the recommendations contained in the report be approved.


Councillor Yuill, seconded by Councillor Delaney, moved as an amendment:-

            to request officers to necessary traffic regulation order procedure for the introduction of an “except for access” width restriction on Morningside Road, Cranford Road and Duthie Terrace, plus that part of Hammerfield Avenue not already covered by such a restriction, to prevent access to HGV’s and other larger vehicles, and that officers report the results to a future meeting of the Committee.   The funding for the traffic regulation order procedure to come from contingencies.”


On a division, there voted:-  for the motion (13) – the Convener;  the Vice-Convener;  and Councillors Allan, Boulton, Corall, Dunbar, Grant, Jaffrey, Finlayson, MacGregor, McCaig, Jean Morrison MBE and Thomson;  for the amendment (2) - Councillors Delaney and Yuill.


The Committee resolved:-

to adopt the motion.




'That given the significant inconvenience and difficulties caused to householders and others by bollards opposite the entrance to Deeside Drive to the rear lane lying between the rear of properties on Deeside Drive and Deeside Crescent, Council instructs officers to report to the appropriate Committee on the removal of these bollards.’

Additional documents:


With reference to article 13 of the minute of the meeting of the Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Committee of 31 January, 2012, the Committee had before it a further report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which provided further information on alternative solutions to the difficulties experienced by the bollards opposite the entrance to Deeside Lane as raised by Councillor Yuill’s motion.  


The report recommended:-

that the Committee –

(a)       note the proposals that officers had considered;  and

(b)       agree that no further action should be taken with regard to the removal of the bollards as this could not be justified due to the costs of the associated works.


The Convener, seconded by the Vice-Convener moved:-

            that the recommendations as contained in the report be approved.


Councillor Yuill, seconded by Councillor Delaney moved as an amendment:-

            to request officers to commence the removal of the bollards opposite the entrance to Deeside Lane and the associated works, with this to be funded from contingencies.


On a division, there voted:-  for the motion (13) – the Convener;  the Vice-Convener;  and Councillors Allan, Boulton, Corall, Dunbar, Grant, Jaffrey, Finlayson, MacGregor, McCaig, Jean Morrison MBE and Thomson;  for the amendment (2) - Councillors Delaney and Yuill.


The Committee resolved:-

to adopt the motion.




‘That the officers consult with the residents of Bonnyview Drive, Aberdeen to ascertain the requirement to install traffic calming measures and report back to Committee.’

Additional documents:


With reference to article 7 of the minute of the meeting of the Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Committee of 31 January, 2012, the Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which provided information in relation to the notice of motion by Councillor Graham regarding the implementation of speed cushions and the mandatory 20mph speed limit on Bonnyview Drive.  


The report recommended:-

that the Committee –

(a)       note the speed surveys carried out by officers, as well as the content of the report;  and

(b)       agree, given the findings of the survey, to instruct officers not to consult with residents and that no further action be taken.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)         to approve the recommendations as contained in the report; and

(ii)        to delete the motion from the list of outstanding motions



Motion by former Councillor Leslie - Marischal College - Broad Street Access - EPI/12/089 pdf icon PDF 2 MB


With reference to article 6  of the minute of the meeting of the Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Committee of 31 January, 2012, the Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which responded to the following motion by former Councillor Leslie:-

that officers are instructed to prepare a report on proper access for disabled people using mobility scooters at Marischal College, and such a report be reported to the appropriate Committee.”


The report recommended:-

that the Committee agree that as an operational matter the gate between the main structure and the pend column might open during business hours as an alternative straight on means of access and that, subject to obtaining relevant consent an additional left-hand operation push-pad be mounted on the main structure wall at an appropriate distance from the access door.   In addition, consideration be made to re-hang the existing gate to minimise any perception of an obstruction.   This constituted minimal intervention and minimal cost for minimal need.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)           to approve the recommendation;

(ii)     to delete the motion from the list of outstanding motions; and

(iii)    to convey their best wishes to former Councillors Hunter and Leslie, both of whom were currently in hospital.



Minute of Meetings of the Controlled Parking Areas - Working Party of 3 February and 5 April 2012 pdf icon PDF 36 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee had before it the minutes of the meetings of the Controlled Parking Areas Working Party of 3 February and 5 April, both of which contained a number of recommendations to the Committee.


The minute of the Working Party of 3 February 2012, recommended:-

that the Committee –

(a)       in relation to article 4 (Current Anomaly with the Procedure for Issuing Business Permits), approve that the current policy for issuing business permits be changed to allow a business a maximum of two permits per property (in the zones where two residential permits were allowed) and one of these permits might be of the flexible type; and to instruct officers to amend the required traffic regulation orders accordingly; and

(b)       in relation to article 9 (Proposed Changes to the Current Parking Permit Procedures Operational and Policy Related):-

            (i)         to approve a limited number of GP medical permits to be issued to any practice within a controlled parking zone where no off-street parking existed “for the sole use of GPs”;

            (ii)        to approve that two additional flexible permits might be purchased by any repair and maintenance garage/business within all controlled parking zones within the city (however, these additional permits must be for trade working practice only and not for staff). A business with adequate off-street parking would not be eligible for these additional permits;

            (iii)       to approve that a final reminder letter be issued at their next renewal to all permit holders advising them that this was their last and that no future reminders would be issued;  and

            (iv)       to instruct officers to amend the traffic regulation orders accordingly on the basis of the above.  


The Committee resolved:-

to approve all of the recommendations as detailed above, on the basis that officers commence the required traffic regulation order procedures for each aspect and that the results be reported to a future meeting of the Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Committee.


The minute of the Working Party of 5 April 2012, recommended:-

that the Committee –

(a)       in relation to article 3 (Introduction of Parking Controls/Charges at Duthie Park), to approve the introduction of a maximum stay of 3 hours (no return within one hour) within each of the car parks within Duthie Park between the hours of 8.00am and 4.00pm, Monday to Friday; and to instruct officers to commence the required traffic regulation order procedure;

(b)       in relation to article 4 (Cross Boundary Parking and Residential Parking Permit Eligibility), to:-

            (i)         approve the proposed changes to the Zone N boundaries and the integration of Zone P within Zone N;

             (ii)       approve the amalgamation of the parking zones as noted in paragraph 5.3(i), namely that Zones K, Land M be amalgamated, Zones N and T, and  Zones H and V, each for the purpose of cross boundary movements and that this be restricted to between the hours of 4.00pm and 10.00am each day;  and

             (iii)      instruct officers to monitor the impact of the proposed changes  ...  view the full minutes text for item 12.




The Committee had before it a report, by way of referral, by the Director of Corporate Governance which sought to appoint members to the Sub Committees, Working Groups and other groups relevant to the Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Committee.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)         to agree to retain the Controlled Parking Areas Working Group, with a composition of 1+1+1+1+1; and to note that Councillor Laing would be the Labour member, Councillor Finlayson the Independent Alliance member, Councillor Thomson the Conservative member, Councillor Yuill the Liberal Democrat member, and Councillor Corall  the SNP member;  and

(ii)        to agree that Councillor Yuill continue as the Council’s representative on the Pictish Way Working Group.



Committee Business Statement pdf icon PDF 109 KB


The Committee had before it a statement of pending and outstanding Committee Business, which had been prepared by the Head of Legal and Democratic Services.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)         to delete item 8 (Community Gardens Policy);

(ii)        to note that reports on items 2 (Access from the North), 5 (Justice Mill Lane), 7 (Minute of the Meeting of the Controlled Areas Parking Working), 9 (Environmental Strategy), 13 (Various Traffic Management), 16 (Supplementary Guidance: Householder Development Guide), 18 (Supplementary Guidance: Wind Turbine Development in Aberdeen City), 20 (Draft River Don Corridor Framework), 21 (Technical Advice Note – Retail Impact Assessments)   were to be considered later on the agenda; and

(iii)       to otherwise note the updates contained within the list.



Motions List pdf icon PDF 52 KB


The Committee had before it a statement of outstanding motions under the Committee’s remitwhich had been prepared by the Head of Legal and Democratic Services.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)          to delete motions 8 (Motion by Councillor Graham – competitive bus routes), and 9 (Motion by Councillor Jennifer Stewart – crossing patrollers);

(ii)        to note that reports on motions 2 (Motion by Councillor Yuill – HGVs on Broomhill Road), 3 (Motion by Councillor Yuill – HGVs on Morningside Road, Cranford Road, Duthie Terrace, and section of Hammerfield Avenue), 4 (Motion by Councillor Yuill – Removal of Bollards on Deeside Drive), and 6 (Motion by former Councillor Leslie – Access at Marischal), and 7 (Motion by Councillor Graham – Traffic Calming on Bonnyview Drive), were to be considered later on today’s agenda and a decision would be taken on consideration of each report; and

(iii)      to otherwise note the updates contained within the list.



Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Service Asset Management Plans - EPI/12/118 pdf icon PDF 34 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which sought approval of the Service Asset Management Plan for Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee approve the Service Asset Management Plans for Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendation.



Community Council Business Development Grant Competition - EPI/12/117 pdf icon PDF 33 KB


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which advised of an opportunity to enable local Community Councils to support business development within their communities.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee support the delivery of a Community Council grant competition as outlined in the report.


The Committee resolved:-

to support the delivery of a Community Council grant competition and that both Community Councils and Community Centres would be eligible to apply.



Positive Procurement Programme - Supplier Development Programme - EPI/12/116 pdf icon PDF 37 KB


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which advised of the benefits of withdrawing from the National (“Supplier Development Programme” and supporting the delivery of a locally developed “Positive Procurement Programme” that would fit closer with local business needs and offer support to an increased number of local businesses.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee –

(a)       support the withdrawal from the National “Supplier Development Programme” which currently caused Aberdeen City Council £7,000 per annum;  and

(b)       approve the funding for the development and delivery of a localised “Positive Procurement Programme” of up to £7,000 for the year 2012/2013 to be funded from within existing employability, skills and community enterprise budget.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendations contained in the report.



North Sea Commission and External Funding Update - EPI/12/093 pdf icon PDF 81 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which provided an update on the Council’s external funding initiatives.  


The report recommended:-

that the Committee –

(a)       nominate and approve both member and officer travel and attendance to relevant NSC meetings (there would be four NSC Executive meetings at various times throughout 2012). Officer travel to European project development meetings within Europe Member states in 2012/2013. Locations and timings of project development meetings would vary in the year as and when the lead partners called for the meetings; 

(b)       approve officer travel to project meetings associated with the “Future Participation in EU Funded Projects” outlined in section 6 of the report;

(c)        note the success of the Council drawing down £287,231 in 2011/12 of external monies to be utilised in EU projects over a period of three years with the potential of £18,906,455 should the pending decision applications being funded;  and


(d)       approve that the Council joins the International Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI) as a full member designating the Council Leader or his delegate as primary political contact for ICLEI.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendations in the report.



International Partnerships and Twinning Applications - EPI/12/0124 pdf icon PDF 104 KB


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which presented applications for financial assistance from the International Twinning Budget 2012/2013. 


The report recommended:-

that the Committee –

(a)       approve an allocation of £2,500 towards the participation of Strong Men in the Aberdeen Highland Games Tri-Twinning Challenge, between 15 and 18 June, 2012;

(b)       approve an allocation of £2,600 towards the 21st Aberdeen Scouts visit to Gomel, between 10 and 17 October, 2012;

(c)        approve an allocation of £7,000 maximum contribution towards the visit of a youth theatre group from Regensburg to produce a theatre production with Aberdeen Performing Arts, between 31 July and 12 August, 2012;

(d)       approve an allocation of £2,180 maximum contribution towards the participation of an artist from Clermont-Ferrand in the Aberdeen Art Fair, between 17 and 19 August, 2012; 

(e)       approve an allocation of £6,950 towards the participation of a football team from Stavanger in the Denis Law Tournament, between 15 and 21 July, 2012;  and

(f)         approve an allocation of £1,000 towards sending a loan exhibition and the curator from The Gordon Highlanders to the Regional Gomel Military Museum and to be a representative in the Intermuseum competition, between 7 and 16 October, 2012.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve recommendations in the report.



Sustainable Urban Fringes (SURF) Project Update - EPI/12/091 pdf icon PDF 352 KB


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which provided an update on the Sustainable Urban Fringes (SURF) project that the Council was lead beneficiary for, and sought member representation at the SURF 2012 Final Conference in Aberdeen.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee –

(a)       note the positive progress to date of the SURF project, with specific acknowledgement of the intention of the Partnership to extend the project by a further six months;

(b)       approve the attendance of the Convener and Vice-Convener of the Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Committee to represent the Council at the SURF Output Dissemination Conference in Aberdeen on Thursday, 28 June, 2012;  and

(c)        support, in principle, that the SURF position paper be presented to the EU Commission as an output of the SURF project.  


The Committee resolved:-

(i)         to approve recommendations (a) and (c);  and

(ii)        to approve the attendance of all members of the Committee at the SURF Output Dissemination Conference in Aberdeen on Thursday 28th June, 2012.



Olympic Torch Relay pdf icon PDF 35 KB


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which provided details of the actual cost of hosting the Olympic Torch Relay 2012; and requested additional funds to ensure the efficient and effective delivery of the event in Aberdeen on Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th June 2012.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee -

(a)       agree to allocate a further £45,000 from the Common Good Fund to support the organisation and safe delivery of the Olympic Torch Relay in Aberdeen (£35,000 having already been secured from the Common Good Fund following the approval of Full Council on 23rd February 2011); and

(b)       if unable to approve these monies from the Common Good Fund, request that a meeting of the Urgent Business Committee be called to consider a request for the necessary funding from another budget.


The Committee resolved:-

to support the allocation of £45,000 from contingencies, rather than the Common Good Fund, to provide for the organisation and safe delivery of the Olympic Torch Relay in Aberdeen, and to refer the request to the Urgent Business Committee of 1 June 2012, for consideration.




Additional documents:


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which sought approval of three revised draft supplementary guidance documents:- 

  • Infrastructure and Developer Contributions Manual (Appendix 1);
  • Children’s Nurseries and Sports Facilities (Appendix 2);  and
  • Bats and Development (Appendix 3).


The report also presented the representations received on the supplementary guidance documents and the officer responses to these representations.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee –

(a)       note the representations received on the draft supplementary guidance documents concerned with the consultation undertaken alongside the Aberdeen Local Development Plan;

(b)       approve officers responses to these representations received on the draft supplementary guidance documents;  and

(c)        approve the revised draft Infrastructure and Developer Contributions supplementary guidance, Children’s Nurseries and Sports Facilities supplementary guidance, and draft supplementary guidance document – Bats and Development for a six week consultation period.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)         to approve the recommendations;

(ii)        to request officers to look at the policy for the allocation of affordable housing in retirement home developments;  and

(iii)       to commend planning officers on the quality and quantity of work undertaken in relation to supplementary guidance.



River Don Corridor Framework Supplementary Guidance, in support of the Aberdeen Local Development Plan - EPI/12/110 pdf icon PDF 39 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which sought approval for a new item of draft supplementary guidance, the River Don Corridor Framework, to be forwarded to Scottish Ministers for adoption.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee –

(a)       approve the River Don Corridor Framework Supplementary Guidance document;

(b)       note the representations received on the draft Supplementary Guidance document during the consultation undertaken;  and

(c)        approve officers’ responses to these representations received on the draft Supplementary Guidance document.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendations.



Supplementary Guidance: Householder Development Guide - EPI/12/109 pdf icon PDF 32 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which advised of the outcome of a consultation exercise undertaken in relation to a specific draft supplementary guidance document entitled “The Householder Development Guide”;  and sought approval of responses to the comments received and adoption of the supplementary guidance document.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee –

(a)       note the representations received in relation to the draft Householder Development Guide;

(b)       approve officers’ responses to representations received on the draft Householder Development Guide;  and

(c)        agree the adoption of the Householder Development Guide supplementary guidance document pending ratification by the Scottish Government following which it would be formally adopted by the Council.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendations.



Technical Advice Note: Retail Impact Assessments - EPI/12/106 pdf icon PDF 23 KB


With reference to article 36 of the minute of the meeting of the Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Committee of 31 January, 2012, the Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which sought approval of a technical advice note and retail impact assessments.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee approve the retail impact assessment technical advice note.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendation.



Planning Reform and Consultations - EPI/12/114 pdf icon PDF 136 KB


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which sought approval of the proposed Council response to the consultations on planning reform which were being carried out by the Scottish Government.  


The report recommended:-

that the Committee endorse the report and appendices as the Council’s response to the Scottish Government consultations on planning reform.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendation.





The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which proposed various small scale traffic management measures for the above locations.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee –

(a)       approve the proposals, in principle, and instruct officers to commence the necessary legal procedures of preliminary statutory consultation for the traffic regulation orders required, and if no significant objections were received, then to progress with the public advertisement and report the results to a future meeting of the Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Committee;  and

(b)       instruct officers to commence the combined statutory consultation for the traffic order for the list of Blue Badge parking spaces and to report back to a future meeting of the Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Committee.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendations as contained in the report, with the exception that officers promote the proposed ‘at any time’ waiting restrictions on the west side of North Deeside Road (Lane at 229/331), Peterculter, as well as the east side.



Disabled Persons' Parking Places Traffic Regulation Orders - Outcome of Main Statutory Advertisement Stage - CG/12/053 pdf icon PDF 365 KB


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Corpoarte Governance which presented the outcome of the following twenty-one traffic orders, all at the final statutory stage:-

(1)       The Aberdeen City Council (Disabled Persons’ Parking Places in Aberdeen) (Regulatory Parking Places) (Area 4) Order 2012;

(2)       The Aberdeen City Council (Disabled Persons’ Parking Places in Aberdeen) (Regulatory Parking Places) (Area 5) Order 2012;

(3)       The Aberdeen City Council (Disabled Persons’ Parking Places in Aberdeen) (Regulatory Parking Places) (Area 7) Order 2012;

(4)       The Aberdeen City Council (Disabled Persons’ Parking Places in Aberdeen) (Regulatory Parking Places) (Area 8) Order 2012;

(5)       The Aberdeen City Council (Disabled Persons’ Parking Places in Aberdeen) (Regulatory Parking Places) (Area 10) Order 2012;

(6)       The Aberdeen City Council (Disabled Persons’ Parking Places in Aberdeen) (Regulatory Parking Places) (Area 11) Order 2012;

(7)       The Aberdeen City Council (Disabled Persons’ Parking Places in Aberdeen) (Regulatory Parking Places) (Area 12) Order 2012;

(8)       The Aberdeen City Council (Disabled Persons’ Parking Places in Aberdeen) (Regulatory Parking Places) (Area 13) Order 2012;

(9)       The Aberdeen City Council (Disabled Persons’ Parking Places in Aberdeen) (Regulatory Parking Places) (Area 13A) Order 2012;

(10)     The Aberdeen City Council (Disabled Persons’ Parking Places in Aberdeen) (Regulatory Parking Places) (Area 14) Order 2012;

(11)     The Aberdeen City Council (Disabled Persons’ Parking Places in Aberdeen) (Regulatory Parking Places) (Area 15) Order 2012;

(12)     The Aberdeen City Council (Disabled Persons’ Parking Places in Aberdeen) (Regulatory Parking Places) (Area 22) Order 2012;

(13)     The Aberdeen City Council (Disabled Persons’ Parking Places in Aberdeen) (Regulatory Parking Places) (Area 23) Order 2012;

(14)     The Aberdeen City Council (Disabled Persons’ Parking Places in Aberdeen) (Regulatory Parking Places) (Area 24) Order 2012;

(15)     The Aberdeen City Council (Disabled Persons’ Parking Places in Aberdeen) (Regulatory Parking Places) (Area 25) Order 2012;

(16)     The Aberdeen City Council (Disabled Persons’ Parking Places in Aberdeen) (Regulatory Parking Places) (Area 27) Order 2012;

(17)     The Aberdeen City Council (Disabled Persons’ Parking Places in Aberdeen) (Regulatory Parking Places) (Area 28) Order 2012;

(18)     The Aberdeen City Council (Disabled Persons’ Parking Places in Aberdeen) (Regulatory Parking Places) (Area 29) Order 2012;

(19)     The Aberdeen City Council (Disabled Persons’ Parking Places in Aberdeen) (Regulatory Parking Places) (Area 30) Order 2012;

(20)     The Aberdeen City Council (Disabled Persons’ Parking Places in Aberdeen) (Regulatory Parking Places) (Area 32 and 33) Order 2012; and

(21)     The Aberdeen City Council (Disabled Persons’ Parking Places in Aberdeen) (Regulatory Parking Places) (Area 37) Order 2012.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee approve all of the twenty-one orders detailed above, and that all the orders therefore be made as originally envisaged and implemented accordingly.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)         to approve the recommendation; and

(ii)        to reiterate the request that officers explore the possibility of introducing temporary city centre disabled parking bays in light of the removal of disabled spaces from St Nicholas  ...  view the full minutes text for item 29.


Various Traffic Orders - Outcome of Main Statutory Advertisement Stage - CG/12/055 pdf icon PDF 180 KB


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Corporate Governance which presented the outcome of the following eleven traffic orders, all at the final statutory stage:- 


(1)       The Aberdeen City Council (Burnside Road, Dyce, Aberdeen) (Traffic Management) Order 2012;

(2)       The Aberdeen City Council (Cairn Road, Peterculter, Aberdeen) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 2012;

(3)       The Aberdeen City Council (Grampian Road, Torry, Aberdeen) (Traffic Management) Order 2012;

(4)       The Aberdeen City Council (Scott Cassie Circle, Garthdee, Aberdeen) (Prohibition of Motor Vehicles) Order 2012;

(5)       The Aberdeen City Council (Greenbank Crescent, Aberdeen) (Traffic Management) Order 2012;

(6)       The Aberdeen City Council (Foresterhill Road Area, Aberdeen) (Traffic Management) Order 2012;

(7)       The Aberdeen City Council (A96 / Old Meldrum Road / Mugiemoss Road, Aberdeen) (Shared Pedestrian/Cycle Path) Order 2012;

(8)       The Aberdeen City Council (Access Road Serving Balnagask House, Aberdeen) (Ambulance Bay) Order 2012;

(9)       The Aberdeen City Council (Bedford Road Area, Aberdeen) (Traffic Management) Order 2012;

(10)     The Aberdeen City Council (Frederick Street Off-Street Car Park) Order 2012; and

(11)     The Aberdeen City Council (Marischal College Multi-Storey Off-Street Car Park – Aberdeen City Council Staff Permits) Order 2012.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee approve all of the eleven orders, and that all the orders therefore be made as originally envisaged and implemented accordingly.

The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendation.



Strategic and Local Transportation Projects Update Report - EPI/12/092 pdf icon PDF 174 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which advised of the progress to date of various strategic and local transportation projects within Aberdeen City and the wider area.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee –

(a)       Draft Fares and Ticketing Strategy:-

            (i)         agree the draft Aberdeen City and Shire fares and ticketing strategies;

            (ii)        instruct officers to advise NESTRANS accordingly including any other comments Members might wish to make;  and

            (iii)       instruct officers to continue working with local bus operators and partner organisations to implement the actions outlined within the Strategy;

(b)       Draft Regional Parking Strategy:-

            (i)         agree the draft Regional Parking Strategy;  and

            (ii)        instruct officers to advise NESTRANS accordingly including any other comments Members might wish to make;

(c)        Bridge of Don Park and Ride Site Car Park:-

            (i)         agree the outcomes of the option assessment for a permanent location for the Bridge of Don Park and Ride Car Park;

            (ii)        agree that existing Park and Ride Car Park provision at the Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre (AECC) was retained on site as the permanent minimum provision;  and

            (iii)       instruct officers to further consider how Options 6 and 10 could achieve the remaining capacity required for the optimum 1000 spaces in the context of the forthcoming AECC Development Framework, including public and stakeholder consultation;

(d)       Bridge of Dee Capacity Study:-

            (i)         note the findings and outcomes of the Bridge of Dee Pre–Appraisal;

            (ii)        instruct officers to publish the Pre-Appraisal report and invite public and stakeholder comment, including offering to meet with the adjacent Community Councils;  and

            (iii)       instruct officers to continue to work with partners to undertake the formal assessment process as quickly as possible thereafter;

(e)       NESTRANS:-

            (i)         endorse development through NESTRANS as detailed in the relevant section of the report, including Board decisions and 2011/12 and 2012/13 programmes of work;

(f)         Care North:-

            (i)         approve the attendance of an Elected Member, along with officers working on the project, at the CARE North transport and urban realm meeting in Gothenburg on 6th  to 8th June, 2012;  and

(g)       otherwise note the contents of the report.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)         to approve recommendations (a), (b), (d), (e), (f) and (g) as contained in the report;  and

(ii)        in relation to recommendation (c) (Bridge of Don Park and Ride site car park), to:-

            (a)       note the outcome of the Option Assessment for a permanent location for the Bridge of Don Park and Ride car park; 

            (b)       note that a Development Framework was being developed to ensure the continued operation and viability of Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre; 

            (c)        agree that taking a permanent decision on the future use of the AECC car park could potentially conflict with the forthcoming Development Framework; 

            (d)       instruct the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure to bring a further report to the Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Committee  ...  view the full minutes text for item 31.


Review of Charges for Street Occupations - EPI/12/094 pdf icon PDF 30 KB


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which sought consideration of the review of existing charges for street occupations covered by the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984 and the new Roads and Street Works Act 1991.  


The report recommended:-

that the Committee approve the charges detailed in the report and that these be applied from 1 July, 2012.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendation.



Justice Mill Lane - Revised Traffic Management Proposals - EPI/12/104 pdf icon PDF 39 KB

Additional documents:


With reference to article 36 of the minute of the meeting of the Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Committee of 13 September, 2011, the Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which advised of the results of the revised traffic management scheme proposals on Justice Mill Lane as previously requested by the Committee.  


The report recommended:-

that the Committee –

(a)       instruct officers to prepare the detailed design and tender the improvement works in Justice Mill Lane;

(b)       instruct officers to proceed with the traffic regulation order to ban right-turn traffic from Justice Mill Lane;

(c)        instruct officers, under delegated powers, to accept the tender provided that it was within the appropriate budget;  and

(d)       instruct officers, in principle, to prepare the detailed design and tender the works for the pedestrian crossing detailed in Option 1, upon conclusion of further discussions with bus operators about the amalgamation of bus services.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendations, and to request that officers include provision for the separation of cyclists in both their directions within the detailed design.



Road and Transport Related Capital Budget Programme 2012/2013 - EPI/13/121 pdf icon PDF 203 KB


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which presented the proposed Roads and Transportation Programme from the approved capital budgets for 2012/2013 for approval.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee -

(a)       approve the schemes listed in the appendices as the detailed proposals for expenditure within budget headings;

(b)       instruct appropriate officials to implement the detailed programmes;

(c)        agree for officers to amend the programme in consultation with local members should priorities change through the year; 

(d)       where traffic legislation was necessary, to approve the proposals in principle and instruct the appropriate officials to progress the necessary legal procedures, however, where no significant objections had been received at the statutory consultation for public advertisement stages to instruct the appropriate officials to implement the scheme, otherwise these would be reported back to the Committee;  and

(e)       grant approval to appropriate officers to award contracts on receipt of a valid tender submission subject to necessary funding in the approved revenue and capital budget.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)         to approve recommendations (a), (b), (d) and (e);  and

(ii)        to agree for officers to amend the programme in consultation with local members and the Convener should the priorities change during the year.





In accordance with the decision recorded under article 1 of this minute, the following items of business were considered with the Press and public excluded.



The Committee had before it an appendix which contained exempt information in relation to the report considered at article 34 of this minute.

The Committee resolved:-

to note the content of the report.



Aberdeen Integrated Catchment Study


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which sought approval for the allocation of funding necessary for implementation of the Aberdeen Integrated Catchment Study (AICS).


The report recommended:-

that the Committee –

(a)       approve the participation of the Council in the AICS;

(b)       authorise the document details to be signed on behalf of the Council to secure participation in the AICS and any other document which was necessary to secure involvement in the AICS, provided that any such other document had been reviewed and approved by the Head of Legal and Democratic Services;

(c)        approve the Council’s contribution to the AICS being funded from the Roads Revenue Budget as detailed in the report;  and

(d)       approve the estimated expenditure as detailed in Section 3 of the report.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendations in the report.