Agenda and minutes

Enterprise, Strategic Planning and Infrastructure Committee - Tuesday, 19th March, 2013 2.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 2 - Town House. View directions

Contact: Mark Masson, tel. 522989 or email 

No. Item

The agenda and reports associated with this minute can be found at:-





(A)       The Convener congratulated Gerry Brough, Project Director, on his recent external appointment and thanked him for the exceptional work he had undertaken during his employment with the Council.


            (B)       Councillor Boulton paid tribute to Mr Peter Reece, Chairman of Cults, Bieldside and Milltimber Community Council and Member of the Community Council Forum who had passed away recently.  Councillors Grant, Finlayson, Yuill and McCaig also expressed their condolences.


The Committee resolved:-

to concur with the remarks of the Convener and Councillor Boulton.


Awards Announcement


The Committee heard from the Convener who congratulated officers involved in (a) winning the European Commission Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan award 2013; (b) winning the National Outdoor Events Association Scotland Tribute Award for the Olympic Torch Relay; and (c) being a finalist in the Local Government Chronicle awards for the Retail Rocks project in Torry.


The Committee resolved:-

to concur with the remarks of the Convener.


Requests for Deputations

There are none at present.


The Committee had before it two requests for deputation, one from Mr George Batchelor and the other from Mr Garry Yule, both relating to item 8.4 (The Bush, Peterculter, Aberdeen – Prohibition of Driving Order) on the agenda.


The Convener proposed that item 8.4 (The Bush, Peterculter, Aberdeen – Prohibition of Driving Order) be considered earlier on the agenda.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)         to hear the deputations; and

(ii)        to concur with the proposal.


Determination of Exempt Items of Business


Prior to considering the matters before the Committee, the Committee resolved in terms of Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, to exclude the press and public from the meeting for articles 40, 41 and 42 so as to avoid disclosure of exempt information of the class described in paragraph 6 (article 40), and 8 (articles 41 and 42) of Schedule 7(A) to the Act.


Minute of Previous Meeting of 22 January 2013 pdf icon PDF 179 KB


The Committee had before it the minute of its previous meeting of 22 January, 2013.


The Committee resolved:-

to otherwise approve the minute, subject to amending the sederunt from Lesley Dunbar to Jackie Dunbar.


Notice of Motion by Councillor Greig - Support for Small and Medium Businesses pdf icon PDF 57 KB

“That the Council recognises and appreciated the key role that micro, small and medium sized local businesses, including shops and single traders in Aberdeen, as economic generators which play a major part in determining and enhancing the quality of life across the city.

That this Council undertakes a broad-ranging review to identify specific ways that the Council and its partners can work together to support and foster micro, small and medium sized business activity.

To this end, that the Council carries out a consultation exercise to enable micro, small and medium sized business people to have their say in identifying specific suggestions and proposals; and that a report is produced with recommendations for action.”



With reference to article 5 of the minute of the previous meeting of 22 January 2013, the Committee in terms of Standing Order 21, had before it the following motion by Councillor Greig which had been referred from Council at its meeting on 22 January, 2013:-

"That the Council recognises and appreciated the key role that micro, small and medium sized local businesses, including shops and single traders in Aberdeen, as economic generators which play a major part in determining and enhancing the quality of life across the city.


That this Council undertakes a broad-ranging review to identify specific ways that the Council and its partners can work together to support and foster micro, small and medium sized business activity.


To this end, that the Council carries out a consultation exercise to enable micro, small and medium sized business people to have their say in identifying specific suggestions and proposals; and that a report is produced with recommendations for action.”


The Committee had before it a background report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which provided information and details relating to the notice of motion.


Councillor Greig formally moved his motion and explained the rationale behind his request.


The Committee resolved:-

that officers be instructed to submit a report on the terms of the motion to the next meeting of the Committee.


Notice of Motion by Councillor Thomson - Tree Removal - Neighbour Notification and Consultation - EPI/123/059 pdf icon PDF 38 KB

“Where trees fall into either TPO or Conservation area category and an application for removal has been submitted by private individuals, enhanced neighbour notification and consultation should be put in place. Before any work is carried out neighbours should be notified either in person or in writing, local public notices should be displayed and ward councillors should be given advance notice.”



In terms of Standing Order 21, the Committee had before it the following motion by Councillor Thomson which had been referred from Council at its meeting on 6 March, 2013:-

“Where trees fall into either TPO or Conservation area category and an application for removal has been submitted by private individuals, enhanced neighbour notification and consultation should be put in place.


Before any work is carried out neighbours should be notified either in person or in writing, local public notices should be displayed and ward councillors should be given advance notice.”


The Committee had before it a background report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which provided information and details relating to the notice of motion.


Councillor Thomson formally moved his motion and explained the rationale behind his request.


The Committee resolved:-

that officers be instructed to submit a report on the terms of the motion to the Committee.


Motion by Councillor Townson - Development of a Youth Employment Strategy - CG/13/007 pdf icon PDF 129 KB


With reference to article 10 of the minute of meeting of 6 November 2012, the Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure on the motion by Councillor Townson relating to the development of a Youth Employment Strategy for Aberdeen City Council.



The report recommended:-

that the Committee –

(a)       agree that the legislative and financial implications of this motion will prohibit further progression of this proposal;

(b)       agree that current activities delivered by the Council and its partners are having a positive impact on the numbers of disengaged 16-24 year olds within Aberdeen City; and

(c)        support the delivery of a Modern Apprenticeship Road Show and CV workshops to assist the targeted population segment access employment, both within the city council and external businesses.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendations


Motion by Councillor Yuill - Community Winter Self Help - EPI/13/056 pdf icon PDF 141 KB


With reference to article 8 of the minute of meeting of 11th September 2012, the Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure relating to a motion submitted by Councillor Yuill which proposed to provide local communities with the materials and equipment necessary to undertake snow clearing and gritting within Aberdeen City.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee –

(a)       note the content of the report;

(b)       agree with the Roads Service approach to assisting community groups with winter self help; and

(c)        report back to this Committee as part of the Winter Services Operations Report in May 2013.


The Convener, seconded by the Vice-Convener, moved:-

that the recommendations contained within the report be approved.


Councillor Yuill, seconded by Councillor Delaney, moved as an amendment:-

that recommendations (b) and (c) be deleted and that the Committee instruct officers to consult those groups which participated in the one tonne bag scheme, community councils and other relevant parties on whether they would welcome additional support from the Council, including the provision of barrows, shovels and gloves and to report back on this to this Committee as part of the Winter Services Operations Report in May 2013.


On a division, there voted:-  for the motion (8) – the Convener, Vice-Convener and Councillors Boulton, Finlayson, Grant, Jean Morrison MBE, Thomson and Young; for the amendment (7) – Councillors Corall, Cormie, Delaney, MacGregor, McCaig, Townson and Yuill.


The Committee resolved:-

to adopt the motion and to thank and congratulate those community groups which participated in the one tonne bag scheme.


The Bush, Peterculter, Aberdeen (Prohibition of Driving Order) - CG/13/031 pdf icon PDF 548 KB


In terms of Standing Order 10(1), and as agreed at the beginning of the meeting (article 3 refers), the Committee received a deputation from Mr George Batchelor and Mr Garry Yule in relation to the recommendations contained within the report on The Bush Peterculter, Aberdeen (Prohibition of Driving Order).


The Committee were advised that Mr Batchelor and Mr Yule would like to be heard as a single deputation.


Mr Batchelor advised that he had concerns with the location of the proposed road closure as outlined in the report, specifically in terms of the safety of the children walking to school.  He indicated that he had not received a copy of the minute of the informal residents’ meeting and was therefore unaware as to who was in attendance.  He asked whether the refuse collection services had been consulted on the proposals.  In his request for a deputation, Mr Batchelor had requested that officers be instructed to carry out a fresh consultation exercise by inviting all residents of the properties who were directly affected by the closure of The Bush to indicate their preference for the two options shown in the appendices to the report.  He also requested that officers submit a further report to the Committee on the outcome of the consultation exercise with a recommendation as to the exact location of the closure based on that outcome.


Mr Yule indicated that he had not been invited to the informal residents’ meeting and was told by officers that they were unable to locate his letter box.  He indicated that the closure as outlined in the report would block his house from his garage, which would result in a one mile round trip to gain access.  He also revealed that the proposal would be detrimental if he were to sell his house.  He explained that he was in support of the closure, but not at the location recommended by officers.  In his request for a deputation Mr Yule had requested that a further meeting be held for all residents, and had asked the Committee not to approve the proposed position of the closure as detailed in the report.


In response to the question by Mr Batchelor as to whether refuse collection services had been consulted, Mr Cheyne, General Manager for Operations, Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure advised that the appropriate services had been consulted as part of the standard consultation process.


Members were invited to ask questions of Mr Batchelor and Mr Yule and then thanked them for their contribution.


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure relating to The Bush, Peterculter (Prohibition of Driving Order).


The report recommended:-

that the Committee overrule the objections and approve the Aberdeen City Council (The Bush, Peterculter, Aberdeen) (Prohibition of Driving) Order and agree that this order be made as originally envisaged (as outlined in Appendix A to the report).


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendation.


2012-13 Revenue Budget Monitoring - EPI/13/049 pdf icon PDF 45 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee had before it a joint report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure and the Head of Finance, which highlighted the current year revenue budget performance to date along with forecast outturns for the services which related to the Committee and advised on any areas of risk and management action.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee –

(a)       note the report on the performance to date and the forecast outturn and the information on risks and management action contained therein;

(b)       instruct that officers continue to review budget performance and report on Service strategies as required to ensure a balanced budget; and

(c)        instruct officers to report, in due course, on the actual outturn compared to budget following completion of the 2012/13 financial statements.


The Convener, seconded by the Vice-Convener moved:-

that the recommendations as contained within the report be approved.


Councillor Yuill, seconded by Councillor McCaig moved as an amendment:-

that the Committee also agree to recommend to the Finance and Resources Committee that £750,000 of the 2012/13 Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Revenue Budget projected surplus be allocated to carry out additional pavement, road, street lighting, road safety and street tree works and instructs officers to prepare a detailed report on the implementation of this.


On a division, there voted:-  for the motion (8) – the Convener, Vice-Convener and Councillors Boulton, Finlayson, Grant, Jean Morrison MBE, Thomson and Young; for the amendment (7) – Councillors Corall, Cormie, Delaney, MacGregor, McCaig, Townson and Yuill.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)         to adopt the motion; and

(ii)        to congratulate the officers on the prudent management of the 2012/13 Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Revenue Budget.


Capital Monitoring - Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Projects - EPI/12/285 pdf icon PDF 83 KB


The Committee had before it a joint report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure and the Head of Finance, which provided an update on the capital spend to date for the Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure projects included within the Non-Housing Capital Programme.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee note the current position.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendation.


Twinning and International Partnerships - EPI/13/048 pdf icon PDF 196 KB


With reference to article 12 of the minute of its previous meeting of 22 January, 2013, the Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which sought approval of applications for financial assistance from the International Twinning Budget 2012/13.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee approve the following applications –

(a)       £2,500 contribution towards a visit by members of the Grampian Fire and Rescue Team in support of Operation Florian who will be continuing their development work with the Fire & Ambulance Services in Bulawayo from the 14 March to 5 April 2013;

(b)       £4,402 contribution towards the reciprocal visit of a group of hip hop dancers from Clermont-Ferrand to the Hip Hop School in Aberdeen from the 23 to 28 July 2013;

(c)        £1,800 contribution towards the Friends of Gomel Committee visit to Gomel to support on-going projects between the two cities from the 21 to 28 May 2013;

(d)       £1,000 contribution towards the travel costs for the Lord Provost and International Partnerships Officer to attend Bürgerfest, Regensburg from the 21 to 23 June 2013;

(e)       £2,500 contribution towards the participation of a choir from Clermont-Ferrand at the City of Aberdeen Highland Games from the 15 to 17 June 2013;

(f)        £2,400 contribution to support a group of Aberdeen performers’ participation in Constitution Day, Stavanger, on 17 May 2013;

(g)       £2,000 contribution towards Aberdeen Kilt Kickers participation at the Smiling Bavarians Club Dance from the 25 to 30 April 30 2013;

(h)       £1,665 contribution to the French Society to accept the invitation to a language and intercultural exchange with students at Blaise Pascal University and to teach English within local schools in Clermont-Ferrand from the 25 to 30 March 2013; and

(i)         £1,500 contribution towards the cost of air travel for the Lord Provost and up to two officers of Aberdeen City Council to visit Clermont-Ferrand to mark the 30th Twinning Anniversary, 30 June to 3 July 2013.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendation.


Procurement Procedures in Relation to Social Enterprises - CG/13/033 pdf icon PDF 49 KB


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Corporate Governance which explored the possibility of amendment to the Council’s procurement procedures to take account of social enterprises.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee –

(a)       note the content of the report and the progress made to date in the Implementation of the Securing Community Benefit through Procurement Policy (as approved by the Corporate Policy and Performance Committee on 22 September 2011); and

(b)       note that the Council must stringently adhere to procurement law principles of transparency, equal opportunity and non-discrimination.  In doing so, the Council cannot give social enterprises competitive advantage but we can use tools such as community benefit clauses and supplier development initiatives to assist them.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendations.


Bi-Annual Sector Skills Needs Audit - EPI/13/042 pdf icon PDF 742 KB


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which presented the draft 2013 Sector Skills Need Audit and identified the current and predicted skill shortages within the local economy, across all key sectors.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee –

(a)       support the production and circulation of this audit as a robust tool that is reflective of the current local skill attraction;

(b)       agree to the use of this audit to inform partners on the current situation; and

(c)        support the use of this audit to develop future initiatives that will work towards addressing the skill issues raised within the audit.




The Committee resolved:-

(i)         to approve the recommendations;

(ii)        to instruct officers to look at ways in which “response fatigue” can be reduced in future audits; and

(iii)       that officers convey thanks to the participants, and to ask those who did not reply to tell us why not.


Neighbourhood Community Business Pilot - EPI/13/028 pdf icon PDF 56 KB


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which outlined proposals to utilise any identified spare capacity in city Educational establishments to host small business start ups.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee –

(a)       give approval for officers in Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure to continue to work with colleagues in Education, Culture and Sport to develop a detailed proposal for consideration by the relevant Committees;

(b)       give approval that current under spend within the Business Gateway contract be used to part finance this initiative; and

(c)        refer the report to the Education, Culture and Sport Committee for approval to develop a detailed proposal.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendations.


Skill Attraction - EPI/13/051 pdf icon PDF 54 KB


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which sought approval for two officers from Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure to attend skill attraction events in Calgary and Houston to promote the area as a destination of employment choice to individuals and families currently engaged within the global energy sector.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee –

(a)       give approval for two officers from Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure to attend the events in Calgary on 11 and 12 May 2013, and Houston on 18 and 19 May 2013;

(b)       give approval for officers to participate in future skill attraction events that would increase the skills base within the local energy sector, that can be financed from existing budgets; and

(c)        give approval for officers to update Committee on skill attraction on a regular basis.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendations.


Support for Local Employability Training Providers - EPI/13/005 pdf icon PDF 78 KB


With reference to article 19 of the minute of meeting of 6 November 2012, the Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which presented the findings of a consultation exercise conducted by Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure’s Employability, Skills and Community Enterprise team with local employability training providers to explore the desirability and potential benefits of an employability training providers’ forum.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee –

(a)       approve that officers within Employability, Skills and Community Enterprise host a training providers forum, with a rotating chair; and

(b)       approve that the Local Employability Training Provider Forum provides regular updates to Aberdeen Works.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendations.


Annual Report on Scotland's Climate Change Declaration - EPI/13/011 pdf icon PDF 80 KB

Additional documents:


With reference to article 32 of the minute of meeting of 31 January 2012, the Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which outlined the progress in 2012 on the actions to meet the commitments of the Scottish Climate Change Declaration.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee –

(a)       note and endorse the Aberdeen’s 2012 report on the Scottish Climate Change Declaration;

(b)       instruct officers to submit the annual report, as required by the declaration, to the Sustainable Scotland Network; and

(c)        approve participation in corporate switch off initiatives to raise awareness of energy consumption, carbon emissions and climate change.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendations.





Councillors Cormie, Finlayson and Jean Morrison MBE declared a non-pecuniary interest in the subject matter of the following article by virtue of them being Board Members of Aberdeen Forward (Councillors Cormie and Finlayson) and Aberdeen Greenspace (Councillor Jean Morrison MBE).  They did not feel it necessary to withdraw from the meeting during consideration thereof.



Contributions to Environmental Bodies - EPI/13/021 pdf icon PDF 62 KB

The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which outlined the work being undertaken by the two registered Environmental Bodies that are the recipient of money through the Landfill Communities Fund and recommended continuing the existing arrangements for funding until 1 April 2015.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee agree to maintain the current position of directing the Landfill Communities Fund on the basis of 50% to Aberdeen Forward and 50% to Aberdeen Greenspace for the financial years 2013/14 and 2014/15.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendations.


Additional documents:


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which outlined the work being undertaken by the two registered Environmental Bodies that are the recipient of money through the Landfill Communities Fund and recommended continuing the existing arrangements for funding until 1 April 2015.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee agree to maintain the current position of directing the Landfill Communities Fund on the basis of 50% to Aberdeen Forward and 50% to Aberdeen Greenspace for the financial years 2013/14 and 2014/15.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendations.


Environmental Noise Mapping and Action Planning - EPI/13/029 pdf icon PDF 361 KB


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which provided details of (1) the requirements of the Environmental Noise Directive and Environmental Noise (Scotland) Regulations 2006 that concern transportation noise; (2) the Scottish Government’s approach to enable compliance; and (3) the specific requirement of Aberdeen City Council to produce a Noise Action Plan.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee –

(a)       note the content of the report; and

(b)       agree that appropriate officers within Housing and Environment and Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure form a working group to ensure compliance with the directive and that this will include:-

(i)         undertaking actions that relate to noise, assess and advise on Candidate Noise Management Areas;

(ii)        supporting the Scottish Government’s data gathering requirements; and

(iii)       developing a draft Noise Action Plan for Committee approval and public consultation within the timescales specified by the Scottish Government.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendations.


Internal Waste Minimisation Policy - EPI/13/010 pdf icon PDF 180 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which proposed that the Council moves to a more sustainable way of managing waste from Council premises and service operations and outlined the requirements of the Waste (Scotland) Regulations 2012.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee –

(a)       note the contents of the proposed Internal Waste Minimisation Policy, and refers this to the Corporate Policy and Performance Committee for approval;

(b)       instruct officers to establish a plan of waste minimisation actions in 2013 and report back to Committee with an annual review of corporate waste measures;

(c)        approve the actions and timeline for meeting the requirements of the Waste (Scotland) Regulations 2012; and

(d)       instruct officers to refer the Internal Waste Minimisation Policy to the Zero Waste Management Sub-Committee for information.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)         to approve the recommendations; and

(ii)        that officers be instructed to look at ways of improving recycling collections at schools and community centres.


Review of the Aberdeen Local Development Plan - EPI/13/008 pdf icon PDF 63 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which sought approval to begin the review of the Aberdeen Local Development Plan and proposed a non statutory period of consultation, with a view to informing the production of a Main Issues Report to be released in January 2014.  The report also indicated that the statutory periods of consultation would be required at the Main Issues stage and again at the Proposed Plan stage in early 2015.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee –

(a)       agree the consultation arrangements outlined in the report;

(b)       agree the preparation of a consultation report detailing the comments and proposals made, and that these be made available on the website;

(c)        agree the preparation of a Main Issues Report, taking into consideration the comments received from the consultation; and

(d)       instruct officers to report back to Committee later this year with the draft Main Issues Report.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendations.


Grandhome Development Framework - EPI/13/025 pdf icon PDF 133 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which outlined the Grandhome Development Framework prepared as a strategy for the future development of land identified in the Aberdeen Local Development Plan as OP12.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee –

(a)       approve the Grandhome Development Framework as interim planning advice; and

(b)       agree for officers to implement the process to ratify the Development Framework as Supplementary Guidance which will include a four week public consultation with results reported to the Committee prior to submission to the Scottish Government.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendations.


Strategic and Local Transportation Projects Update Report - EPI/13/016 pdf icon PDF 360 KB


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which outlined the various strategic and local transportation projects within Aberdeen City and wider area.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee –

(a)       note the content of the report;

(b)       endorse development through Nestrans including Board decisions, completion of the 2013/14 programme of works;

(c)        approve the draft Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) work that has been undertaken to date (stages 1, 2 and 4); and

(d)       agree that officers should undertake public consultation on the SUMP alongside the Aberdeen Local Development Plan pre-Main Issues Report consultation exercise on Options 1-3 and report the results of this consultation back to Committee in due course.



The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendations.


Supplementary Guidance - Wind Turbine Development in Aberdeen City - EPI/13/031 pdf icon PDF 66 KB

Additional documents:


With reference to article 24 of the minute of meeting of 6 November 2012, the Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which sought approval of Supplementary Guidance for submission to the Scottish Government to provide further detail on applications for wind turbines.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee –

(a)       agree the responses to the representations received on the draft Supplementary Guidance; and

(b)       agree for officers to send the Supplementary Guidance to be ratified by the Scottish Government.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendations.


Technical Advice Note - The Repair and Replacement of Windows and Doors - EPI/13/006 pdf icon PDF 57 KB

Additional documents:


With reference to article 25 of the minute of meeting of 6 November 2012, the Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which detailed the period of public consultation on a revised draft of Technical Advice on the Repair and Replacement of Windows and Doors.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee –

(a)       note the representations received on the draft Technical Advice Note;

(b)       approve officers responses to representations received on the draft Technical Advice Note; and

(c)        approve the revised draft Technical Advice Note: The Repair and Replacement of Windows and Doors as Technical Advice to accompany the Aberdeen Local Development Plan (2012).


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendations.




Various Small Scale Traffic Management and Development Associated Proposals (New Works) - EPI/13/032 pdf icon PDF 2 MB


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure relating to various small scale traffic management measures identified by officers, residents, local members, emergency services, etc and verified as necessary through surveys by officers.  The report also outlined proposals associated with new developments as part of the development management process.  Finally, the report included proposals for individual parking spaces for Blue Badge holders which now require to be progressed through the normal legal process for the required Traffic Regulation Order.


The report related to proposals at the following locations in the city:-

  • Proposals to be funded from Cycling, Walking and Safer Streets budget -

Craigie Street;

Gallowgate/Chapel Street/ Sclattie Park/ Frederick Street/ Kingswells Park and Ride/ Duthie Park;

  • Proposals to be funded by Nestrans -

Jesmond Drive;

Dubford Gardens/ Cypress Grove;

  • Proposals to be funded by the developer -

Craigieburn Park;

Urquhart Road; and

Westburn Crescent.

  • Proposals to be funded from the Disabled Parking Revenue budget -

Various On-Street Parking (20 spaces); and

Various Off-Street Parking (2 space).


The report recommended:-

that the Committee –

(a)       approve the proposals in principle;

(b)       instruct the appropriate officers to commence the necessary legal procedures of preliminary statutory consultation for the traffic regulation orders required as described in the report.  If no significant objections were received, then progress with the public advertisement and report the results to a future meeting of this Committee; and

(c)        instruct the appropriate orders to commence the combined statutory consultation for the traffic regulation order for the list of Blue Badge parking spaces and report back to a future meeting of this Committee.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)         to approve the recommendations; and

(ii)        to note that further detail in relation to payments/charges for electric vehicle charging points would be submitted to a future meeting of the Committee.


Proposal to Introduce a 40MPH Speed Limit on a Length of the C128C Kingswells to Cults Road - Initial Statutory Consultation - EPI/13/038 pdf icon PDF 405 KB


With reference to article 27 of the minute of meeting of 11 September 2012, the Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which outlined the results of the initial statutory consultation process undertaken following the report ‘Review of the National Speed Limit on the C128C Road between its junction with the A944 at Kingswells Roundabout and the existing 40mph restriction to the north of Cults’.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee instruct officers to progress to the public advertisement stage and report the results to a future Committee.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendation.


Traffic Orders at the Final Stage of the Statutory Process - CG/13/032 pdf icon PDF 99 KB


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Corporate Governance which advised of the outcome of the final statutory stage of the follow six traffic orders and presented objections which had been received where relevant in each case:-

(1)       The Aberdeen City Council (Access Road Serving 229-243 North Deeside Road, Peterculter, Aberdeen) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order;

(2)       The Aberdeen City Council (Sunnybank Road, Aberdeen) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order;

(3)       The Aberdeen City Council (Provost Graham Avenue, Aberdeen) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order;

(4)       The Aberdeen City Council (North Deeside Road, Peterculter, Aberdeen) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order;

(5)       The Aberdeen City Council (Girdleness Road, Torry, Aberdeen) (Traffic Management) Order; and

(6)       The Aberdeen City Council (Queen’s Road Inset Road, Aberdeen) (Residential Parking Bays) Order.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee approve all six orders detailed in section 5 of the report and agree that each order be made as originally envisaged.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendation.


North Grampian Circle, South Grampian Circle, Aberdeen (One-Way Order) - CG/13/030 pdf icon PDF 52 KB


With reference to article 30 the Committee had before it a report by the Director of Corporate Governance which advised of the outcome of further consultation undertaken with Torry Community Council and local residents regarding the proposed one-way restriction on North and South Grampian Circle, Aberdeen.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee approve The Aberdeen City Council (North Grampian Circle, South Grampian Circle, Aberdeen) (One-Way) Order, and agree that this order be made as originally envisaged.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendation.


Permit Misuse Policy - EPI/12/224 pdf icon PDF 69 KB


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which provided information relating to the monitoring of permit misuse which had been undertaken by officers to inform the development of a formal policy for dealing with misuse of all parking permits within the city.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee note the levels and type of permit misuse and instruct officers to deal with such misuse by adopting the policy detailed in Appendix A of the report.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendations.


(1) Car Parking Charges 2013-14 - EPI/13/055 and (2) Golden Square Parking Charges and Waiting Times - EPI/12/302 pdf icon PDF 91 KB


The Committee had before it (1) a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Committee which sought approval to implement revised car parking charges for 2013/14 to deliver the budgeted income identified within the Council’s five year business plan; and (2) a further report by the Director which outlined measures to address issues raised by the current parking arrangements in Golden Square.


The Convener proposed that the two reports be considered together and the Committee agreed.





The report at (1) recommended:-

that the Committee –

(a)       approve the revised car parking charges for:

(i)         short stay car parks, set out in Appendix A of the report;

(ii)        for monthly off street permits to be increased to £210; and

(iii)       for residents’ permits as set out in option 3, Appendix B with all revised charges to take effect from as early as possible in the financial year 2013/14 taking into account the need to advertise these changes; and

(b)       agree to the re-designation of Jacks Brae Car Park to a maximum stay of 2 hours (other than for designated other users e.g. residents) with its hourly charges remaining at current levels.


The report at (2) recommended:-

that the Committee –

(a)       instruct officers to relocate the parking meters within the off-street car park in Golden Square adjacent to the central walled area which contains the statue of George Gordon, 5th Duke of Gordon;

(b)       instruct officers to relocate the parking meters within the on-street parking area in Golden Square to more central locations near North and South Silver Street and to replace the existing meters with modern equivalents able to incorporate new technology and modern chipsets; and

(c)        instruct officers to amend the signage within the off-street car park to reflect the difference between the different parking meters.


The Convener, seconded by the Councillor Finlayson, moved:-

that the Committee –

(a)       approve the revised car parking charges for:

(i)         short stay car parks, set out in Appendix A of the report; and

(ii)        for monthly off street permits to be increased to £210; with all revised charges to take effect from as early as possible in the financial year 2013/14 taking into account the need to advertise these changes;

(b)       that residents’ parking permits be capped at 2009 levels and that the associated financial implications be referred to the Urgent Business Committee;

(c)        agree to the re-designation of Jacks Brae Car Park to a maximum stay of 2 hours (other than for designated other users e.g. residents) with its hourly charges remaining at current levels; and

(d)       instruct the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure to carry out a complete reappraisal of parking charges in the city taking into consideration our Smarter City objectives and that a report be brought to the Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Committee on 12 November 2013.





Councillor Yuill, seconded by Councillor Delaney, moved as an amendment:-

that the Committee –

(a)       agree to cut the cost of residents’ permits  ...  view the full minutes text for item 33.


Consultation on the Proposed Disabled Persons' Parking Badges (Scotland) Bill - EPI/13/039 pdf icon PDF 60 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Committee which outlined the current consultation on the proposed Disabled Persons Parking Badges (Scotland) Bill, by Dennis Robertson, Member of Aberdeenshire West.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee instruct officers to respond to the consultation on the basis of the draft responses contained within Appendix A of the report.

The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendation.


Review of Charges for Street Occupations - EPI/13/034 pdf icon PDF 106 KB


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Committee which sought approval of charges for street occupations covered by the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984 and the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee approve the charges detailed within the report and that these be applied from 1 May 2013.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendation subject to increasing the skip permits surcharge for illegal occupation of the road by £10 to £130 and retaining the Pavement Cafe Licence at £100, with effect from 1 May 2013.


The Green Townscape Heritage Initiative Public Realm Streetscape - Additional Works - EPI/13/043 pdf icon PDF 62 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Committee which sought approval to carry out footway improvement works on Guild Street, Market Street and Adelphi Lane to be funded by the Green Townscape Heritage Initiative.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee approves the resurfacing of footways on sections of Guild Street, Market Street and Adelphi Lane, replacing the existing concrete paving slabs with granite, with the work to be paid for by funds from The Green Townscape Heritage Initiative.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendation.


Roads and Transport Related Capital Budget Programme - EPI/13/030 pdf icon PDF 609 KB


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Committee which outlined the proposed roads and transportation programme from the approved Capital budgets for 2013/14 and sought approval of the specific schemes where detailed and the budget headings for the remainder.  The estimated costs associated with the various projects was appended (article 42 of this minute refers).


The report recommended:-

that the Committee -

(a)       approve the schemes listed in the appendices as the detailed proposals for expenditure within budget headings;

(b)       instruct appropriate officials to implement the detailed programme;

(c)        agree for officers to amend the programme in consultation with local members should priorities change during the year;

(d)       where traffic legislation is necessary, to approve the proposals in principle and instruct the appropriate officials to progress the necessary legal procedures.  Where no significant objections have been received at the statutory consultation or public advertisement stages to instruct the appropriate officials to implement the scheme, otherwise these would be reported back to a future meeting of the Committee; and

(e)       grant approval to appropriate officers to award contracts on receipt of a valid tender submission subject to necessary funding in the approved revenue and capital budget.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendations.


Committee Business Statement pdf icon PDF 223 KB


The Committee had before it a statement of pending and outstanding Committee Business, which had been prepared by the Head of Legal and Democratic Services.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)         to delete item 3 (Procurement Procedures in Relation to Social Enterprises), item 8 (Audit Scotland Report on Transport for Health and Social Care – Self Assessment and Action Plan), item 18 (Permit Misuse Policy), item 21 (Pavement and Street Lighting Repairs), item 24 (Support for Local Employability Training Providers), item 25 (Supplementary Guidance – Wind Turbine Development in Aberdeen City), item 26 (Technical Advice Note:  The Repair and Replacement of Windows and Doors) and item 27 (Recycling Facilities at Council Offices – Referral from Zero Waste Management Sub-Committee) from the statement; and

(ii)        to otherwise note the updates contained within the list.







Motions List pdf icon PDF 109 KB


The Committee had before it a statement of outstanding motions under the Committee’s remit which had been prepared by the Head of Legal and Democratic Services.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)         to delete item 2 (Youth Employment Strategy), and item 3 (Community Winter Self Help) from the Motions List; and

(ii)        that in relation to item 4 (Park and Ride Services from Kingswells) and item 6 (Haudagain Improvements), that officers be instructed to write a further letter to the Transport Minister and invite a response to previous letters.

In accordance with the decision recorded under article 4 of this minute, the following items of business were considered with the press and public excluded.





The Convener intimated that he had directed in terms of Section 50(B)(4)(b) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, that the following item of business be considered as a matter of urgency to enable the proposal by Aberdeen Heat and Power to be progressed without delay.





The Convener and Councillor Jean Morrison MBE declared a non-pecuniary interest in the subject matter of the following article by virtue of them both being Board Members of Aberdeen Heat and Power.  They did not feel it necessary to withdraw from the meeting during consideration thereof.



Aberdeen Heat and Power Subsidiary Company - EPI/13/033


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Committee which sought support for Aberdeen Heat and Power to be permitted to assess the establishment of a subsidiary (Aberdeen Heat and Power Subsidiary Company (Trading Company)) which would present future expansion options for the Council district heating and combined heat and power schemes.




The report recommended:-

that the Committee:-

(a)       approve Aberdeen Heat and Power’s (AH&P) proposal to assess the option of establishing a separate trading company (the “Trading Company”) to allow non-Council properties to be connected into the combined heat and power district heating (CHP) schemes in the city and to report back to a future meeting of this Committee with the results of this assessment;

(b)       approve that the Council continues to contract with AH&P to develop and manage CHP schemes, and develop heat-only district heating schemes to provide heating and hot water to Council owned housing and non-housing properties, without the need for the Council to tender such works, conditional on AH&P continuing to procure in line with public procurement procedures and under the framework of a Service Level Agreement; and

(c)        agree to AH&P’s proposal to explore the potential benefits in changing their status from a non-for-profit company to a charity.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendations.


Marischal College - Broad Street Entrance Improvements - EPI/13/053


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which outlined proposals to alter the existing automatic revolving door which serves as the main entrance to Marischal College to address issues of wheelchair access and operational reliability.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee -

(a)       approve the proposed alterations to the existing revolving door;

(b)       authorise the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure to appoint Record UK Ltd to carry out the works as detailed in section 3 of the report and to implement the specified works at a cost of £68,300; and

(c)        exempt the contract from Standing Order 5 of the Council’s Standing Orders relating to ‘Contracts and Procurement’ which requires a form of competitive tendering (Non EU).  This will ensure the new installation is compatible with the existing equipment as detailed in section 5 of the report.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendations.







With reference to article 37 of this minute, the Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Committee which outlined the proposed roads and transportation programme from the approved Capital budgets for 2013/14 and sought approval of the associated estimated costs.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee approve the estimated costs associated with the various projects.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendation.