Agenda and minutes

Licensing Committee - Monday, 29th April, 2013 2.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 2 - Town House. View directions

Contact: Mark Masson, tel. 52(2989) or e-mail 

No. Item

The agenda and reports associated with this minute can be located at:





Notice of Proposed Public Procession - Aberdeen Trades Union Council and Scottish Trades Unions Congress pdf icon PDF 9 MB

Additional documents:


The Committee had before it (1) a Notification of Public Procession from Mr. John Connon on behalf of Aberdeen Trades Union Council and Scottish Trades Unions Congress; (2) a risk assessment form in that regard, completed by the organiser; (3) a response containing recommendations from Police Scotland in relation to the Notification; (4) a response from the Council’s Roadworks Construction team in relation to the Notification; and (5) correspondence from Mr. Dave MacDonald on behalf of National Front Scotland objecting to the proposed procession. Within the Notification it was proposed that the procession take place on Saturday 4 May 2013, at 11.00am commencing from Albyn Place to the Castlegate.


As a preliminary point Mr. MacDonald (on behalf of National Front Scotland) referred to comments made by the Convener on a social networking site in relation to National Front Scotland and questioned whether it was competent for him to remain  in attendance as Convener of the Committee. He indicated that he had copies of the comments made by the Convener which could be circulated if the Committee so wished.


At this juncture the Convener having received advice from officers, agreed to circulate copies of the comments referred to above, following which, he intimated that, notwithstanding the fact that the declaring of any interest was for him alone, he would continue in his role as Convener for the meeting unless members of the Committee objected to him doing so. The Committee agreed that the Convener remain in attendance in his present role.


The Committee then heard Mr. MacDonald speak in support of his objection.


The Committee heard from Inspector Ed Fitzgerald, Police Scotland in relation to the correspondence submitted by the Chief Inspector.


The Committee heard from the organiser Mr. John Connon and Mr. Brian Carroll, President of Aberdeen Trades Union Council in support of the notification of the proposed public procession, who indicated that they would accept the recommendations submitted by Police Scotland.


The Committee considered the presentations from the organiser, objector and Police Scotland, and answers given to questions asked of both.


The Committee resolved:

to allow the procession to proceed over the stated route and to make an Order imposing conditions on the holding of the procession.