Agenda and minutes

Planning Development Management Committee (Visits) - Thursday, 2nd August, 2012 9.30 am

Contact: Martin Allan, tel. (52)3057 or email or  Martyn Orchard, tel. (52)3097 or email

No. Item

The agenda and reports associated with this minute can be found at:-

At the start of the meeting the Convener agreed to change the order of the agenda to accommodate particular members.


Wind Turbine at Claymore Avenue, Bridge of Don


With reference to Article 7 of the minute of meeting of the Development Management Sub Committee of 19 July 2012, wherein the Sub Committee agreed to visit an existing wind turbine prior to visiting South Lasts Farm, Contlaw Road, Milltimber (120166), the Sub Committee visited a wind turbine (66.6m in height) at Rubberatkins Ltd, Claymore Avenue, Bridge of Don, and asked questions of Mr Nick Atkins, Managing Director, who explained its workings and the associated benefits.


The Sub Committee thanked Mr Atkins, and his organisation, for accommodating the visit, and for his informative responses.


South Lasts Farm, Contlaw Road, Milltimber - 120166 pdf icon PDF 188 KB

Reference Number - 120166

Additional documents:


With reference to Article 7 of the minute of meeting of the Development Management Sub Committee of 19 July 2012, wherein the Sub Committee agreed to visit the site and determine the application at its next meeting on 23 August 2012, the Sub Committee had before it a report by the Head of Planning and Sustainable Development which recommended:-


That the Sub Committee approve the application in respect of planning permission to erect a single 800kw wind turbine, associated ancillary equipment and the formation of an access track, subject to the following conditions:-

(1) That no development shall take place within the application site until the applicant has secured the implementation of a programme of archaeological work which shall include post-excavation and publication work in accordance with a written scheme of investigation which has been submitted by the applicant and approved by the planning authority; (2) That prior to work commencing on site, full colour details of the proposed turbine shall be  submitted for the further written approval of the planning authority and the development shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details; (3) That no development shall take place unless a scheme of all drainage works designed to meet the requirements of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) has been submitted to and approved in writing by the planning authority and thereafter no part of the development shall be occupied unless the drainage has been installed in complete accordance with the said scheme; (4) That no development pursuant to the planning permission hereby approved shall be carried out unless there has been submitted to and approved in writing for the purpose by the planning authority a further detailed scheme of landscaping for the site, which scheme shall include indications of all existing trees and landscaped areas on the land, and details of any to be retained, together with measures for their protection in the course of development, and the proposed areas of tree/shrub planting including details of numbers, densities, locations, species, sizes and stage of maturity at planting; (5)  That all planting, seeding and turfing comprised in the approved scheme of landscaping shall be carried out in the first planting season following the completion of the development and any trees or plants which within a period of five years from the completion of the development die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of a size and species similar to those originally required to be planted, or in accordance with such other scheme as may be submitted to and approved in writing for the purpose by the planning authority; (6)  That prior to the commencement of development on the site, the developer shall obtain written approval from the planning authority, following consultation with Transport Scotland - Trunk Road Network Management Directorate (the trunk roads authority) and Grampian Constabulary, for a traffic management plan.  This plan shall include details of (i) routing of construction traffic and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 2.


20 Devonshire Road - 120120 pdf icon PDF 120 KB

Reference Number - 120120

Additional documents:


With reference to Article 15 of the minute of meeting of the Development Management Sub Committee of 19 July 2012, wherein the Sub Committee agreed to visit the site and determine the application at its next meeting on 23 August 2012, the Sub Committee had before it a report by the Head of Planning and Sustainable Development which recommended:-


That the Sub Committee approve unconditionally the application in respect of planning permission for alterations to the existing rear annexe to the property, including new or revised fenestration, part increase in roof height, balcony and external stair, and the installation of velux windows to the front elevation replacing existing skylights.


The Sub Committee was addressed by Ms Greene, Senior Planner, Planning and Sustainable Development, who summarised the application and answered questions from members relating to the application.


The Convener concluded the visit to this particular site by reminding members that the determination of the application would be undertaken by the Sub Committee at its next meeting on 23 August 2012.


16 Rubislaw Den South - 120274 pdf icon PDF 74 KB

Reference Number - 120274

Additional documents:


With reference to Article 14 of the minute of meeting of the Development Management Sub Committee of 19 July 2012, wherein the Sub Committee agreed to visit the site and determine the application at its next meeting on 23 August 2012, the Sub Committee had before it a report by the Head of Planning and Sustainable Development which recommended:-


That the Sub Committee approve unconditionally the application in respect of planning permission for a proposed single and two storey extension to the rear elevation of the property.


The Sub Committee was addressed by Ms Greene, Senior Planner, Planning and Sustainable Development, who summarised the application and answered questions from members relating to the application. The Sub Committee then accessed the rear garden of 14 Rubislaw Den South to consider the likely impact of the proposed extension.


The Convener concluded the visit to this particular site by reminding members that the determination of the application would be undertaken by the Sub Committee at its next meeting on 23 August 2012.




Councillor Finlayson declared an interest in relation to the following item by virtue of his position as Chairperson of Cove and Altens Community Council, prior to his election, which had objected to the planning application in question. Councillor Finlayson considered that the nature of his interest required him to leave the meeting and took no part in the deliberations thereon.


Earnsheugh Road, Cove Bay - 120202 pdf icon PDF 133 KB

Reference Number - 120202

Additional documents:


With reference to Article 11 of the minute of meeting of the Development Management Sub Committee of 19 July 2012, wherein the Sub Committee agreed to visit the site and determine the application at its next meeting on 23 August 2012, the Sub Committee had before it a report by the Head of Planning and Sustainable Development which recommended:-


That the Sub Committee approve the application in respect of planning permission for the erection of a single storey retail unit of 308 square metres gross floor space, with associated car parking, subject to the following conditions:-

(1) That no development shall take place unless a scheme of all drainage works designed to meet the requirements of SUDS has been submitted to and approved in writing by the planning authority and thereafter no part of the development shall be occupied unless the drainage has been installed in complete accordance with the said scheme; (2)  That, except as the planning authority may otherwise agree in writing, no construction or demolition work shall take place (a) outwith the hours of 7.00am to 7.00pm Mondays to Fridays; (b) outwith the hours of 9.00am to 4.00pm Saturdays; or (c) at any time on Sundays, except (on all days) for works inaudible outwith the application site boundary.  [For the avoidance of doubt, this would generally allow internal finishing work, but not the use of machinery]; (3)  That the building(s) hereby approved shall not be brought into use unless details of the zero and low carbon equipment to be incorporated into the development and predicted carbon emissions, using SAP or SBEM calculations, have been approved in writing by the planning authority and unless the equipment has been installed in accordance with those approved details; (4) That prior to the commencement of the use hereby approved a 2.0 metre high close boarded fence shall be installed along the entire length of the eastern boundary of the site to the specification included in paragraph 6.05 of the Noise Impact Assessment dated 28 May 2012; and (5) That deliveries shall not take place to the premises other than during the hours from 8.00am until 6.00pm, Mondays to Saturdays inclusive and 10.00am to 4.00pm on Sundays, unless the planning authority has given prior written approval for a variation.


The Sub Committee was addressed by Mr Harry Campbell, Team Leader, Planning and Sustainable Development, who summarised the application and answered questions from members relating to the application. The Sub Committee also asked questions of Mr Andrew Gilchrist, Environmental Services, and Mr Alan McKay, Senior Engineer, in regard to environmental health and roads matters.


The Convener concluded the visit to this particular site by reminding members that the determination of the application would be undertaken by the Sub Committee at its next meeting on 23 August 2012.



The Convener declared an interest in relation to the following item by virtue of his employment by NHS Grampian which had previously owned the site. The Convener considered that the nature of his interest required him to leave the meeting and took no part in the deliberations thereon.


In the absence of the Convener, Councillor Jean Morrison MBE took the Chair.


Westburn Crescent - 120584 pdf icon PDF 133 KB

Reference Number - 120584

Additional documents:


With reference to Article 8 of the minute of meeting of the Development Management Sub Committee of 19 July 2012, wherein the Sub Committee agreed to visit the site and determine the application at its next meeting on 23 August 2012, the Sub Committee had before it a report by the Head of Planning and Sustainable Development which recommended:-


That the Sub Committee approve the application in respect of planning permission for a residential development of nine units, comprising six dwellinghouses and three flatted properties, to be built on the vacant site, subject to the following conditions and withholding consent until the signing of a legally binding agreement to secure affordable housing and developer contributions:-

(1) That no development shall take place unless details of the zero and low carbon equipment to be incorporated into the development and predicted carbon emissions, using SAP or SBEM calculations, have beeen approved in writing by the planning authority. Thereafter none of the units hereby granted planning permission shall be occupied unless the equipment has been installed in accordance with those approved details; (2) That no development shall take place unless a scheme for the protection of all trees to be retained along western site boundary during construction works has been submitted to and approved in writing by the planning authority and any such scheme as may have been approved has been implemented. The scheme must include details of the proposed changes in ground level within the gardens of plots 1 and 2; (3)  That no development shall take place unless a scheme detailing all external finishing materials to the roof and walls (to include granite on the front elevation walls and north gable elevation) of the development hereby approved has been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the planning authority and thereafter the development shall be carried out in accordance with the details so agreed; (4)  That no development shall take place unless a detailed site specific construction method statement for the site has been submitted to and approved in writing by the planning authority. The method statement must address the temporary measures proposed to deal with surface water run-off during construction and prior to the operation of the final SUDS.  Such statement shall be implemented in full for the duration of works on the site; (5)  That none of the units hereby granted planning permission shall be occupied unless a new pedestrian footpath as shown on drawing 1343-P-001(Rev.G) or such other plan as may subsequently be approved in writing by the planning authority for the purpose, has been constructed or a variation granted in writing by the planning authority; (6)  That none of the units hereby granted planning permission shall be occupied unless all drainage works detailed in the Drainage Impact Assessment dated 13 June 2012 by Ramsay and Chalmers or such other plan as may subsequently be approved in writing by the planning authority for the purpose have been installed in complete accordance with the said plan; (7)  That  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.