Agenda, decisions and minutes

Planning Development Management Committee (Visits) - Wednesday, 8th November, 2023 9.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber - Town House. View directions

Contact: Lynsey McBain on 01224 067344 or email 

No. Item

The agenda and reports associated with this minute can be found here.


Please note that if any changes are made to this minute at the point of approval, these will be outlined in the subsequent minute and this document will not be retrospectively altered.



Former Cults Railway Station - 230772 pdf icon PDF 380 KB

Planning Reference – 230772


All documents associated with this application can be found at the following link and enter the refence number above:-




Planning Officer:  Gavin Clark


With reference to article 7 of the minute of the Planning Development Management Committee of 2 November 2023, whereby it was agreed to hold a site visit before determination, the Committee had before it a report by the Chief Officer – Strategic Place Planning, which recommended:-


That the application for Detailed Planning Permission for the change of use from class 4 (business) to class 1A (shops and financial professional and other services) and class 3 (food and drink) with covered outdoor seating area including demolition of existing lean to extension and erection of single storey extension; alterations to a shop front; re-cladding; installation of doors, rooflights and roof repairs with associated car parking and other associated works, at the former Cults Railway Station, be approved subject to the following conditions:-






The development to which this notice relates must be begun not later than the expiration of 3 years beginning with the date of this notice. If development has not begun at the expiration of the 3-year period, the planning permission lapses.


Reason - in accordance with section 58 (duration of planning permission) of the 1997 act.




That the use hereby approved shall not take place unless all mitigation measures recommended in the approved Noise & Odour Impact Assessment (Reference: TTG 151120B) have been implemented in full. These must include:

a)            the noise insulation measures detailed within section 3.6 and the related Appendix C – ‘Wall and Roof Construction Detail’;

b)            the noise and odour control measures detailed within section 6.2 and the related Appendix A (A4 to A5) – ‘Kitchen Extraction System Details’;

c)            The proposed operating hours including the external area shall terminate at 2000 hours;

d)            strict adherence to the managerial controls detailed within section 4.14 and 6.3 and appendix K Maintenance and Cleaning”.


Thereafter the mitigation measures, or similar as may be agreed in writing with the Planning Authority, shall remain in place for the duration of the use.


Reason: In order to preserve the amenity of neighbouring properties from noise and odour emissions from the proposed use.




That the use hereby approved shall not operate out with the following hours:

Café (Class 3) and Outdoor Seating Area: Monday to Thursday 08:00 19:00 and Friday to Sunday 08:00 20:00 and Bicycle Shop (Class 1A Financial, professional and other services): Monday to Sunday 09:00 to 17:00.


Reason: In order to preserve the amenity of neighbouring properties.




That the use hereby approved shall not take place unless a litter and waste management plan for the site has been submitted to and agreed in writing by the planning authority, including detail on the provision of external litter bins for customer waste during hours of operation. Thereafter, the approved litter / waste management plan to be fully implemented in accordance with the agreed details and remain in place for the duration of the use.


Reason - In order to ensure  ...  view the full minutes text for item 1.


Former Cults Railway Station Retention of Takeaway (12 months) - 230922 pdf icon PDF 302 KB

Planning Reference – 230922


All documents associated with this application can be found at the following link and enter the refence number above:-




Planning Officer:  Gavin Clark



With reference to article 8 of the minute of the Planning Development Management Committee of 2 November 2023, whereby it was agreed to hold a site visit before determination, the Committee had before it a report by the Chief Officer – Strategic Place Planning, which recommended:-


That the application for Detailed Planning Permission for the retention of a takeaway food kiosk and outdoor seating area with decking including change of use (temporary for 12 months), at the former Cults Railway Station, be approved subject to the following conditions:-






That planning permission is hereby granted for a temporary period only and shall cease to have effect on 1st November 2024 (the 'cessation date'). Prior to the cessation date, the application site shall be cleared of all works and development approved under the terms of this permission (including any subsequent ancillary works, infrastructure, fixtures, fittings and any temporary developments permitted under Class 14 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Scotland) Order 1992) and reinstated in accordance with the agreed restoration scheme submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning Service under the terms of Condition 2 of this permission.


Reason: To enable the impact of the temporary development on the amenity of the surrounding area to be reviewed and to ensure the appropriate restoration of the site.




That at least two months prior to the cessation date of 1st November 2024, full details of a scheme for the restoration of the application site shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning Service. Prior to the cessation of this permission the site shall be restored in accordance with the approved restoration scheme.


Reason: To ensure the timeous and appropriate restoration of the site following the expiry of this temporary permission, in the interests of the visual amenity of the area.




That no cooking or frying operations (including but not limited to: deep fat frying, shallow frying, oven cooking, boiling, stewing, grilling, or broiling) shall be carried out on the premises.


Reason: in order to protect the amenity of neighbouring uses from cooking odours.




That the proposals hereby granted planning permission shall be undertaken in accordance with the details outlined in the Litter Management Plan (Section 5.8 of the approved Supporting Statement Ref: 230922-01 dated 28th July 2023).


Reason - In order to ensure suitable waste storage and collection arrangements are in place, including appropriate facilities for customers and to protect public health and the amenity of the area.




That the use hereby approved shall not operate outwith the hours of 08:00 to 19:00 Monday Thursday, 08:00 to 20:00 Friday to Sunday (April to September) and 08:00 to 17:00 Monday Saturday and 09:00 to 17:00 on a Sunday (October to March).


Reason: In order to preserve the amenity of neighbouring properties.


Following the site visit, Members returned to deliberate  ...  view the full minutes text for item 2.