Agenda and minutes

AGM, Local Licensing Forum - Wednesday, 27th January, 2021 2.00 pm

Venue: Virtual - Remote Meeting. View directions

Contact: Shereen Balaban, email or 01224 522497 

No. Item




The Convenor welcomed all those in attendance. The Clerk advised that no apologies for absence had been intimated.


Election of Office Bearers


The first order of business was to elect a new Convener and Vice Convener. The Clerk sought nominations for the positions of Convener and Vice Convener. Shamini declared that she would stand down as Convener and welcomed members to put forward nominations for the positions.


Sandy Munro clarified in line with the legislation in each calendar year, a Forum must elect one of the members of the Forum to be the convener of the Forum. Sandy confirmed if the office of convener is vacant or the convener is for any reason unable to act, a meeting of the Forum may be chaired by any other member present.


Elaine offered to take position as Vice Convener and to Chair the scheduled meetings where needed.


Neil Macdonald offered to assist and chair any scheduled meetings as required.


Finlay offered to be named Convener for the Local Licensing Forum.


There being no further nominations forthcoming, Finlay Cran was duly appointed to serve as Convener and Elaine Mottram was duly appointed to serve as Vice Convener.



Resignations and Valadictory


The members were advised that Sarah Wheeler had initiated her resignation from the Forum, the members noted the resignation and gave thanks.


Appointment of New Members


Members heard that Miriam Smith had been replaced by Steven McConnachie as Integrated Children’s and Family Services representative.


The Clerk provided an overview of the Membership. The Governance review considered membership of the Forum. The Reformed Constitution updated the eligibility criteria for membership. The Clerk noted that in relation to Community Groups Jonathan Smith – Chairperson of Aberdeen Civic Forum and Community Council Forum remained the substantive member of the Local Licensing Forum. Members welcomed William Rae and Julie Anne Butchart continued input in Jonathan’s absence. Recruitment of membership was discussed and Finlay Cran welcomed a further review of the scope of membership and recruitment.