Agenda and minutes

Local Licensing Forum - Wednesday, 24th March, 2021 2.00 pm

Venue: Virtual - Remote Meeting. View directions

Contact: Shereen Balaban, email or 01224 522497 

No. Item


Welcome and Apologies


Neil Campbell (Police Scotland) acting Chairperson welcomed all those in attendance.


Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of Susan Dunn and Jonathan Smith.


The Clerk circulated the minute of the previous meeting of 27 January 2021.  The minute was agreed as a true record. There were no matters arising from the minute.


Membership Updates


Finlay Cran (Convenor) provided an update on Forum recruitment. No suitable member had been identified within the Licensing Trade. Potential recruitment from the Hospitality Together, a Nightclub operator and young person was discussed. Members discussed the recruitment campaign and advertisement. The balanced approach to recruitment was considered. Members were encouraged to promote the Local Licensing Forum through their respective contacts.












Development Day 26th May 2021


Members began planning for the Development Day. The remit and the focus of the development session was considered. Members contribution to the development session was addressed. The 5 licensing objectives as a framework for the development session was agreed. Members were encouraged to promote the development session to potential new recruits. The format of the t session was discussed. Members noted that an update on the possibility of the session being held in person would be provided prior to the meeting with a pre agenda meeting to be arranged 2 weeks prior.










Access to Statistics


Members focused on the Forum access to statistics. Members were encouraged to consider the provision of statistics from their respective agencies. The purpose of statistic for the Forum was discussed. Members acknowledged that it was important that the Forum are provided with a general overview of statical information.





Shamini provided an overview and update on the Elephant Study. Members were informed that an Aberdeen Stakeholder group was to be established and Members were encouraged to engage with the process. Members were advised that the request for Stakeholder involvement and participation had received zero return and the general feedback received on the academic research was negative. The Forum noted the importance of participation and the opportunity to be involved. The members noted that due to the impact of Covid-19 the demanding priorities on the operators the resistance to engage with the project.

Members agreed for a meeting to be arranged with the study coordinators to allow for the feedback to be shared from the Local Licensing Forum.


Alcohol Focus Guide for LLF Members


The Forum had before it the Alcohol Focus Scotland: Local Licensing Forum Members’ Guide. Members were encouraged to provide feedback on the document. The Forum approved for Elaine’s feedback sent on behalf of the Local Licensing Forum to be shared. Members agreed for Aidan Collins on behalf of Alcohol Scotland to be invited to the Development Session.






Shamini provided an update on the Covid-19 vaccination delivery programme. Members heard that some areas across the City have reported issues accessing TECA. Members noted the availability of community transport.



Date of next meeting - 26 May 2021


The Forum had before it the date of the next meeting. Wednesday 12May, was agreed for the development day pre agenda meeting.