Agenda and minutes

Local Licensing Forum - Tuesday, 29th November, 2022 2.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - Town House. View directions

Contact: Lynis Masson, Email: 

No. Item


Welcome & Apologies


The Convener for the Local Licensing Forum welcomed everyone to the meeting. She advised that apologies were received from Finlay Cran, Louise Grant, Sandy Munro, William Rae, and James Simpson.


Introduction of New Members & Visitors


The Convener introduced two new Members to the Forum, namely Lucy Simpson from the Alcohol and Drugs Partnership for Aberdeen City (ADP) and David Laing from the Cults Community Council, who will provide a young person’s perspective.


She also expressed her thanks to visitors from the Bon Accord Residents Association (BARA), Rodrigo Rendon and Joe Burn who were invited to the meeting to present slides on “Achieving a Balance for City Centre Living.”


Membership Updates


The Convener advised that Ewan McLean had resigned from the Local Licensing Forum due to successfully being appointed to a new role. There was currently no replacement for this vacancy however, an update would be provided in due course.


She also stated that James Simpson, David Laing, and Lucy Simpson would all be expected to be adopted onto the Local Licensing Forum after they have each attended their first meeting.


Following a suggestion made at the previous Joint Licensing Board and Local Licensing Forum meeting, the Convener confirmed that she had contacted the Street Pastors in relation to requesting a representative.


The Forum resolved:-

to note that the Street Pastors were considering a representative to be available to assist the Local Licensing Forum.


Minute of Meeting - 30/08/2022 - For Approval pdf icon PDF 234 KB


The Forum had before it the minute of the previous meeting, of 30 August 2022.


The Forum resolved:-

to approve the minute.


Matters Arising


The Partnership were requested to intimate any matters arising.


During the discussion, it was noted that:-


(a)     the Convener informed the members that an action from last year’s Joint Licensing Board and Local Licensing Forum meeting in relation to the Annual Functions Report was still outstanding;

(b)      the Convener requested that the previous minute for the Joint Licensing Board and Local Licensing Forum meeting be sent out to members. It was noted that a key item discussed was the interface between the Board and the Forum and the support expressed by Board members to develop the interface;

(c)      concerns were raised regarding the view expressed at the Joint Meeting that the new statement of licensing policy would require only minor changes. The increase in off sales compared to on-sales and the increase in online ordering and delivery of alcohol are examples; and

(d)      the Convenor provided an update on the Community Led Action Research noting that it has been difficult to establish a group and commence the project. A meeting was planned for early December 2022. 


The Forum resolved:-

(i)             to note that the action in relation to the Annual Functions Report would be completed by July 2023 by Elaine Mottram and JP McGivney;

(ii)           to agree that the minute of the Joint Licensing Board and Local Licensing Forum meeting from 4 October 2022 be circulated as soon as possible rather than waiting until the next meeting in September 2023;

(iii)          to ensure that the formal response from the Forum to the consultation on the new statement of policy would note the concerns identified by Forum Members; and

(iv)         to produce Forum reports for the Licensing Board meetings and submit them ten days prior to the Board meeting date.


Bon Accord Residents Association (BARA)


The Convener provided an overview on the history of the Bon Accord Residents’ Association (BARA) Achieving a Balance for City Centre Living Report and advised that she had first been given an insight to the report back in August 2022.


Information was provided on various discussions that had taken place over the past few weeks to consider whether it would be appropriate to discuss the BARA Report at the Local Licensing Forum meeting. The conclusion was that this would be worthwhile and for recommendations to be made on how the Local Licensing Forum could bring these to the attention of the Licensing Board.


A member of the BARA displayed a presentation showing evidence from residents and neighbours in this specific area of Aberdeen.


From the presentation, it was noted that:-


o   BARAs’ stance was not in relation to anti-alcohol;

o   BARA were seeking help in Aberdeen becoming a vibrant City where entertainment, shopping, family, and student life could co-exist in balance;

o   trespassing is an issue when people climb over the locked gates and fall asleep in residents’ gardens and stairwells and leave human waste;

o   noise levels were an issue from Thursday to Saturday night from around 12-4am with drunken behaviour, shouting and chanting and was caused by people not dispersing quick enough after the clubs close;

o   lighting was not in the right areas and needed to be reported on every occasion to prevent trespassing, drug taking, and easy access to gardens in the early hours when dark; and

o   assault and anti-social behaviour were becoming an issue which was making residents feel unsafe and threatened.


In response to questions from the members, it was noted that:-


·       no specific Police contact had been provided to them therefore, Police Scotland would liaise with the BARA and provide contact details;

·       for a specific period, residents should consider reporting every incident to the Police through calling 101 and to note all reference numbers provided to allow the hierarchy at the Police to view the rising cases being submitted;

·       in relation to the issue regarding people parking on double yellow lines,  the BARA could consider contacting the Scottish Fire Service as they would assist with Health and Safety issues around restrictions on access and junctions;

·       the BARA could approach issues as over-provision in the area; and

·       the local Councillors had been supportive and had already provided advice on the issues raised.


The Forum resolved:-

(i)             to note that the Local Licensing Forum’s role was to provide feedback and recommendations in relation to Licensing issues and to report back to the Licensing Board;

(ii)            that the opportunity to present these details formally to the Licensing Board would make the issues more visible;

(iii)          to consider liaising with Licensing Forums across Scotland regarding specific issues on a national level;

(iv)          to note that this was a neighbourhood issue and not just the views of the members of BARA in attendance today;

(v)           to note that school talks aimed at educating young people about  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Licensing Workshop Update/Feedback


The Convener advised that four members of the Local Licensing Forum had attended the Licensing Workshop, which took place on 8 November 2022. It was reported that over forty individuals from various groups attended the Workshop, with the largest group being from the Trade.


The Forum resolved:-

that in the absence of Sandy Munro, Depute Clerk to the Licensing Board, the following questions/comments would be submitted to him with the request that a response be provided to the Convener prior to the next meeting in January 2023:-


(1)           What was the process for the consultation?

(2)           What groups have responded to the online consultation?

(3)           Why was there little discussion around the health issues associated with alcohol use?

(4)           What is the timetable for the consultation process?

(5)           Will there be opportunities for those groups who were not well represented at the workshop to participate in a similar discussion regarding licensing policy? For example, off sales, Community Councils as well as the wider community.

(6)           What opportunities would be given to the public to allow them to contribute to the New Statement of Licensing Policy out with their working day?


Update from Forum Sub-group on Licensing Policy Review


The Convener confirmed that there were no Local Licensing Forum Sub Group members available to give an update on the Licensing Policy Review.


The Forum resolved:-

that a member of the Local Licensing Forum Sub Group would report to the next meeting in January 2023 to allow a response to the consultation to be finalised and submitted as soon as possible.



Forum Survey Report 2022 pdf icon PDF 283 KB


The Forum had before it the Report of the Local Licensing Forum Survey 2022.


The Convener requested that all members read the report and encouraged them to feed in their views and ideas directly to herself or to provide details at the next meeting in January 2023.


The Forum resolved:-

(i)             that the report of the Local Licensing Forum Survey 2022 would be added to the next meeting agenda in January 2023; and

(ii)            that the Convener would collate a response from all feedback received to ensure that all views were included.


2023 Meeting dates to be agreed


The Forum had before it provisional meeting dates for 2023, which included the dates for the Annual General Meeting (AGM), the Local Licensing Forum Development Day and the Joint Licensing Board and Local Licensing Forum meeting.


The Forum resolved:-

(i)             to note that the provisional dates for 2023 would be re-scheduled and sent out to all members once confirmed, to help provide consistency regarding the day, time, and venue bookings;

(ii)           to note that the venue would change from the Council Chamber to Committee Room 2 to encourage members to attend in person and to give confidence to the members to share their views in a less formal environment; and

(iii)          to note that the venue may be subject to change at short notice due to the Councillors being given priority over all Committee Rooms. 


2023 AGM Meeting Date


The date of the next Annual General Meeting (AGM) was confirmed as 31 January 2023. This will take place in Committee Room 2.


Please note that this may be subject to change due to Councillors being given priority over Committee rooms.


The Forum resolved:-

to note the date of the AGM meeting.


Appointment of Convener & Vice Convener


The Convener encouraged everyone to make a nomination however, prior to submitting their choice they would need to request permission from the individual. 


The Forum resolved:-

to submit nominations for the Convener and/or the Vice Convener vacancies directly to Lynis Masson, Clerk to the Local Licensing Forum via

e-mail -


Licensing Board & Licensing Local Forum Joint Meeting 2023


The date of the joint meeting of the Local Licensing Forum and Licensing Board was confirmed as 26 September 2023, and would commence immediately after the Licensing Board meeting. 


The Forum resolved:-

to note the date of the meeting.



Timetable for submitting Reports to the Licensing Board


The Convener advised the Forum that the dates for submitting reports to the 2023 Licensing Board meetings would be provided at the next meeting.


The Forum resolved:-

(i)             that the Licensing Board meeting dates would be considered for approval at their first meeting in 2023; and

(ii)           that the submission dates for the Local Licensing Board reports were to be reviewed once the Licensing Board dates were agreed.




The Convener advised the Forum that an invite would be sent out to request any objections in relation to the new members joining the Local Licensing Forum.


The Forum resolved:-

(i)             to request that an e-mail be sent out to all Forum Members by Lynis Masson,    Clerk to the Local Licensing Forum to request details on any objections regarding the new members joining the Forum; and

(ii)           that any objections were to be collated and submitted to the Convener. 


Date of Next Meeting


The Local Licensing Forum were advised that the next meeting would take place in Committee Room 2 on Tuesday, 31 January 2023, at 2pm, noting that this would be the Local Licensing Forum’s Annual General meeting (AGM).


The Forum resolved:-

to note the details of the next meeting.


-                ­ELAINE MOTTRAM, Convener