Agenda and minutes

Local Licensing Forum - Tuesday, 28th March, 2023 2.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 2 - Town House. View directions

Contact: Lynis Masson, Email: 

No. Item


Welcome and Apologies


The Convener welcomed all those in attendance and advised that apologies for absence had been intimated from JP McGivney and James Simpson.


The Forum resolved:-

to note the apologies.


Minute of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 219 KB


The Forum had before it the minute of the previous meeting of 31 January 2023.


The Forum resolved:-

to approve the minute.


Matters Arising


The Convener invited Forum members to intimate any matters arising. During the discussion, it was noted that:-

·            the review and development of recommendations relating to the Annual Functions Report continues to be work in progress;

·            the Convener collated a list of Licensing Forums within Scotland, with plans to write to each one in due course with a view to developing an informal network; and

·            following the Scottish Government Survey of Local Licensing Forums, a training day is expected to be organised for May 2023 for various stakeholders, members of other Licensing Boards, and representatives from the Legal and Trade sectors.


The Forum resolved:-

(i)             to note that the Convener and JP McGivney would be working on the production of the Annual Functions report;

(ii)           to note that Elaine Mottram would be writing to other Forums within Scotland; and

(iii)          to note that the training day details would be confirmed in due course, with the Convener attending as a speaker.


Membership Updates


The Convener notified the Forum that Lucy Simpson and Eleanor Forbes would require to be formally adopted as members of the Local Licensing Forum.


The Forum resolved:-

to agree that Lucy Simpson and Eleanor Forbes be formally adopted onto the Local Licensing Forum as new members with immediate effect.


Forum Input to the new Statement of Licensing Policy - Update from the Forum Sub-Group


The Convener advised the Forum that further consideration would be required in relation to the draft input to the new Statement of Licensing Policy. The Forum members stated that this was a useful document, however there were key points and caveats around risk assessment still to be considered and captured, which included:-

·            concerns raised around every applicant having to undertake an additional risk assessment, duplicating the mandatory conditions currently in place;

·            concerns raised about the lack of detail on what the additional risk assessment would include; and

·            the additional work the additional risk assessment would cause.


During the discussion, it was noted that the following areas would need to be highlighted in the report:-

·            active monitoring;

·            duty of care;

·            safer dispersal around the city;

·            maintaining the use of Taxi Marshalls;

·            the impact on children around off sales;

·            good management practices;

·            consideration on inviting an Alcohol and Drugs Partnership (ADP) representative, who works within the Education remit to the Forum;

·            what would statistics show around admissions to A&E for alcohol and domestic abuse or alcohol related injuries?;

·            what assessments had been carried out around residential properties selling alcohol?;

·            why do schools no longer educate pupils around the dangers of alcohol, drugs, or potential harm?;

·            would age verification checks take place at the time of ordering or delivery?; and

·            off sales / online sales were more of a concern due to third party involvement.


The Forum resolved:-

(i)             to note the key points and caveats around risk assessment;

(ii)           to ensure that the highlighted areas would be considered for inclusion in the report; and

(iii)          to ensure that a copy of the draft document would be sent to Forum members for further comment, with timescales included.


Licensing Board Update


The Local Licensing Forum were advised by the Convener that the Forums report had already been submitted to the Licensing Board, due to tight deadlines. Members were reminded that anyone can attend to observe the Licensing Board meetings noting that Forum members who had previously attended, considered the meetings to be extremely informative and worthwhile.


The Forum resolved:-

to encourage Local Licensing Forum members to attend Licensing Board meetings where possible.


Update on work with Community Councils and discussion regarding next steps


The Convener updated the Forum on planned training for Community Council Licensing Officers, which would provide information, guidance and assistance on how to make effective representation regarding licensing applications.


The Forum members were informed that the Convener and Vice Convener had been liaising with Karen Finch, Community Council Liaison Officer in relation to setting up the next stage of their training. It was noted that the Forum had been working for some time with Community Councils, however to date there had been no work by the Forum to engage with other community bodies. Forum members were invited to suggest other Organisational Bodies that the Local Licensing Forum could reach out to and actively engage with. 


The Organisational Bodies suggested by the Forum were:-

·            to contact the Civic Forum;

·            to contact Aberdeen City Churches to find out who uses their facilities;

·            to contact any resident associations;

·            to send questionnaires through the Community Councils;

·            to liaise with Licensed Premises customers; and

·            to contact the Chairperson of the Disability Equality Partnership (DEP).


The Forum resolved:-

(i)             to request that the Convener and Vice Convener liaise with Karen Finch to consider sending out questionnaires through the Community Councils;

(ii)           to continue to provide the Licensing Board with feedback and recommendations; and

(iii)          to discuss ways on how to actively engage with the other Organisational Body submissions and to plan to take these forward.




The Convener invited Forum members to raise any other competent business (AOCB).


The Forum resolved:-

to note that no further matters were raised.


Date of Next Meeting


The Local Licensing Forum were advised that the next meeting would take place on 30 May 2023, which would be the Forums Development Day.


The Forum resolved:-

to note the details of the next meeting.


-                ELAINE MOTTRAM, Convener