Agenda, decisions and draft minutes

Urgent Business Committee - Thursday, 13th May, 2021 1.00 pm

Venue: Virtual - Remote Meeting. View directions

Contact: Martyn Orchard - Email: 


No. Item


Determination of Urgent Business


In terms of Section 1.3 of the Committee Remit and in accordance with Section 50B(4)(b) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, the Committee was informed that it had to determine (1) that the item on the agenda was of an urgent nature; and (2) that the Committee required to consider the item and take decisions thereon.


The Committee resolved:-

to agree that the report was of an urgent nature in light of the vacancies requiring to be filled and related meetings due to be held before the next Full Council meeting.


Senior Councillor Appointments - COM/21/137 pdf icon PDF 219 KB


The Committee had before it a report by the Chief Officer - Governance which sought replacement appointments to various Senior Councillor roles following the resignation of Councillor Lumsden MSP from those roles.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee -

(a)           consider making appointments to the following Senior Councillor roles which have been vacated by Councillor Lumsden MSP:-

·       Co-Leader

·       Convener of City Growth and Resources Committee

·       Vice Convener of Capital Programme Committee;

(b)           note that Conservative group can replace Councillor Lumsden MSP as an ordinary member of committees from within their group;

(c)           note that the Administration can replace Councillor Lumsden MSP on outside bodies following his resignation from those positions; and

(d)           note that the SNP group can replace Councillors Jackie Dunbar MSP and Audrey Nicoll MSP as ordinary members of committees, or on outside bodies, from within their group should this be required.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)             to approve the following appointments in respect of Conveners and Vice Conveners on the committees below with immediate effect, noting that changes are indicated in bold, and where committees are not listed no changes are to be made:-



Vice Convener(s)


Education Operational Delivery

Councillor Malik

Councillor Imrie

City Growth and Resources

Councillor Houghton

Councillor Laing

Operational Delivery

Councillor Bell

Councillors John and Macdonald


Councillor Wheeler

Councillor Grant

Urgent Business

Councillor Laing

Councillor Houghton

Capital Programme

Councillor Boulton

Councillor Graham


(ii)           to note that with effect from 28 May 2021, Councillor Duncan would step down as Vice Chair of the Integration Joint Board and agree that Councillor Lesley Dunbar be appointed as Vice Chair in her place;

(iii)          to agree that with effect from 28 May 2021, Councillor Graham would replace Councillor Lesley Dunbar as Vice Convener of the Public Protection Committee;

(iv)          to adjust the Senior Councillor allowances as follows with immediate effect:-

·     Councillor Malik to be paid as Convener (previously Vice Convener)

·     Councillor Imrie to be paid as Vice Convener

·     Councillor Bell to be paid as Convener (previously Vice Convener)

·     Councillor Macdonald to be paid as Vice Convener

·     Councillor Lumsden MSP to no longer receive a Senior Councillor allowance;

(v)           to adjust the Senior Councillor allowances as follows from 28 May 2021:-

·     Councillor Duncan to no longer receive a Senior Councillor allowance;  and

(vi)          to approve recommendations (b), (c) and (d) as contained within the report.