Agenda and decisions

Urgent Business Committee - Friday, 21st October, 2022 3.00 pm

Venue: Virtual - Remote Meeting. View directions

Contact: Mark Masson 01224 522989 or email 


No. Item


Determination of Urgent Business


to agree that the item before the Committee was of an urgent nature and required to be considered this day to enable members to consider the matters at the earliest opportunity.


Determination of Exempt Business


in terms of Section 50A(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, to exclude the press and public from the meeting during consideration of item 4.1 – Event Proposal.


Declarations of Interest or Transparency Statements


there were no declarations of interest or transparency statements intimated.


Event Proposal - COM/22/251


(i)       notes the financial implications of hosting the event described in Section 4 of this report; and

(ii)       instructs the Chief Officer - City Growth to submit a bid to host the event by 31 October 2022;

And, if the outcome of the bid is successful:-

(iii)      approves that up to two officers should attend the Sail Training International (STI) Annual Conference in Gran Canaria on 19 November 2022 and approves the travel and accommodation costs in this respect;

(iv)      Instructs the Head of Commercial and Procurement, following consultation with the Chief Officer - City Growth, Chief Officer – Finance and Chief Officer - Governance, and the Convener and Vice Convener of the Council’s Finance and Resources Committee to:-

(1)    negotiate and conclude all agreements with STI [and other agreements referred to within the report];

(2)    approve any related procurements (where appropriate) including approval of expenditure; and

(3)    conclude any other agreements which he may consider to be necessary or desirable in connection with the event;

[subject to the details outlined in the report]:-

(v)      Instructs the Chief Officer – City Growth to support the implementation of the proposed governance required to oversee and facilitate the development of the event, contract negotiations with STI and the delivery of the event in 2025; and

(vi)      Appoints Councillor Martin Greig to be the Council’s representative on the Local Organising Committee for the event.