Agenda and minutes

Public Hearing, Planning Development Management Committee - Tuesday, 28th May, 2024 9.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber - Town House. View directions

Contact: Lynsey McBain, Committee Officer, on 01224 067344 or email 

No. Item

The agenda and reports associated with this minute can be found here. 


Please note that if any changes are made to this minute at the point of approval, these will be outlined in the subsequent minute and this document will not be retrospectively altered.



Declarations of Interest or Connections


The Convener advised for reasons of transparency that he was an employee of the Scottish Ambulance Service, however they had not made a representation in regards to the proposed application, therefore he did not feel it necessary to withdraw from the meeting.


Detailed Planning Permission for the erection of mixed use restaurant (class 3) and takeaway (sui-generis) with car parking, landscaping, play frame and associated works including demolition - Rosehill House, 202 Ashgrove Road West, Aberdeen pdf icon PDF 420 KB

Members can view all representations in relation to the application by clicking on the link below and entering the planning reference number 230414.


Simple Search (


Planning Officer:  Lucy Greene


The Committee conducted a site visit prior to the hearing.  The Committee was addressed at the site by Ms Lucy Greene, Senior Planner, who summarised the proposal for the overall site.


The Convener explained that the Committee would return to the Town House to commence the hearing.


At the start of the hearing, the Committee heard from the Convener who began by welcoming those present at the hybrid Pre-Determination Hearing and providing information on the running order.  The Convener explained that the site under review at the hearing was for the erection of a mixed use restaurant (class 3) and takeaway (sui-generis) with car parking, landscaping, play frame and associated works including demolition at Rosehill House, 202 Ashgrove Road West, Aberdeen, planning reference 230414.  The Convener explained that the first person to address the hearing would be Ms Lucy Greene, Senior Planner and asked that speakers adhere to their allocated time in order for the hearing to run smoothly and in a timely manner.


The Committee then heard from Ms Lucy Greene, who addressed the Committee in the following terms. 


Ms Greene explained that the proposed planning application was for Detailed Planning Permission for the erection of a mixed use restaurant (class 3) and takeaway (sui-generis) with car parking, landscaping, play frame and associated works including demolition.


The site lay on the junction of Ashgrove Road West and Anderson Drive adjacent to the former SSE Headquarters and close to the NHS Foresterhill site and Aberdeenshire Council’s Woodhill House lying to the south east and south respectively. Immediately to the north was a telephone exchange building and the site was roughly square shaped of approximately 0.54ha in size and occupied by a vacant former social care day centre building of one and two storeys, as well as a large number of mature trees. The building had a narrow, roughly ‘U’ shaped footprint and a small off-street car park lay within the northern area of the site. The building was most recently used as a temporary covid testing centre during 2021.


In terms of the proposal, Ms Greene indicated that the application proposal was for a single detached building to be used as restaurant and takeaway with click and collect service. This would be sited at the northern part of the site with car parking and internal road network proposed to the south. The building would provide a single storey of floorspace, with solar panels and plant accommodated on the roof and concealed behind extended elevations, resulting in a ‘stepped’ elevational appearance. A ‘corral’ area would be formed by an enclosure on the west side of the building. Externally there would also be ancillary structures including a playframe, patio with outdoor tables to the south and east of the building, fencing and lighting to the outdoor seating area and a cycle store to the front.


The restaurant would provide seating for seventy-six people, dining area of 78m2, within an overall floorspace of approximately 377m2. The ‘corral’ included areas for deliveries and also  ...  view the full minutes text for item 2.