Agenda, decisions and minutes

Planning Development Management Committee - Thursday, 15th August, 2019 10.00 am

Venue: Committee Room 2 - Town House. View directions

Contact: Lynsey McBain, Committee Officer, on 01224 522123 or email 

No. Item

The agenda and reports associated with this minute can be found   here.

Please note that if any changes are made to this minute at the point of approval, these will be outlined in the subsequent minute and this document will not be retrospectively altered.




Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 62 KB


Councillor Malik declared an interest in regards to item 7.1 on the agenda, 48 Coronation Road.  Councillor Malik intimated that he would leave the meeting during consideration of the item and would take no part in the deliberation or determination of the item. 


Minute of Meeting of the Planning Development Management Committee of 27 June 2019 pdf icon PDF 62 KB


The Committee had before it the minute of the previous meeting of 27 June 2019, for approval.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the minute as a correct record.


Committee Planner pdf icon PDF 46 KB


The Committee had before it a planner of future Committee business.


The Committee resolved:-

to note the information contained within the business planer.



18 St Johns Road Aberdeen - 190945 pdf icon PDF 157 KB

Planning Reference – 190945/DPP


All documents associated with this application can be found at the following link and enter the above reference number.



Planning Officer:  Gavin Clark


The Committee had before it a report by the Chief Officer – Strategic Place Planning, which recommended:-


That the application for detailed planning permission for the erection of a single storey extension and external steps to the rear of 18 St Johns Road Aberdeen, be approved unconditionally.


The Committee heard from Gavin Clark, Senior Planner, who spoke in furtherance of the report and answered question from members.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendation and therefore approve the application unconditionally. 


Shielhill Road Mundurno - 131851 pdf icon PDF 212 KB

Planning Reference – 131851/DPP


All documents associated with this application can be found at the following link and enter the above reference number.


Planning Officer:  Robert Forbes


The Committee had before it a report by the Chief Officer – Strategic Place Planning, which recommended:-


That the application for detailed planning permission for the erection of 99 houses with associated car parking, landscaping and drainage at Shielhill Road Mundurno Aberdeen, be approved subject to a legal agreement and the following conditions:-



(01)        Path Links

No development shall take place unless a scheme for the provision of proposed footpath / cycle links (together with associated bridge crossings over the Burn of Mundurno), to connect the proposed dwellings with the adjacent housing development under construction to the west of the site, and for provision of footpath and cycle connection to the site from Denmore Road, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the planning authority, or planning permission has been secured for such links. Thereafter none of the dwellings shall be occupied unless the said foot / cycle path links have been implemented in full.

Reason - in the interests of pedestrian / cycle connection and sustainable development.


(02)        Site / Plot Boundaries

No development pursuant to this planning permission shall take place, nor shall any part of the development hereby approved be occupied, unless there has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, a detailed scheme of site and plot boundary enclosures for the entire development hereby granted planning permission. The dwellings hereby granted planning permission shall not be occupied unless the required boundaries have been implemented in full, unless the planning authority has agreed to vary such requirements.

Reason - in order to preserve the amenity of the neighbourhood and protect the setting of the green belt / visual approach to the city.


(03)        Buffer Strips

No development shall take place pursuant to this planning permission unless a site specific environmental management plan has been submitted to and approved in writing by the planning authority. This shall include site specific details for the protection of the watercourses including detailed site plans showing protection and mitigation proposals, and a site specific plan demonstrating a 6m buffer strip adjacent to all watercourses on site. All buffer strips shall be maintained free of development and construction activity during the construction and implementation of the development and thereafter shall be retained as a vegetated amenity area. No construction activity or development shall take place within buffer strips without the written agreement of the planning authority.

Reason - in order to protect water quality and ecology.


(04)        Low Carbon / Water Efficiency

No development shall take place pursuant to this permission unless a scheme detailing compliance with the Council's 'Resources for New Development' supplementary guidance has been submitted to and approved in writing by the planning authority. The buildings hereby approved shall not be occupied unless any recommended measures specified within that scheme for the reduction of carbon emissions and to ensure water efficiency have been implemented in full.

Reason - to ensure that this development complies with requirements for reductions in carbon emissions specified  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Land At Contlaw Road, Milltimber , Aberdeen - 190409 pdf icon PDF 577 KB

Planning Reference – 190409/DPP


All documents associated with this application can be found at the following link and enter the above reference number.



Planning Officer:  Alex Ferguson



The Committee had before it a report by the Chief Officer – Strategic Place Planning, which recommended:-


That the application for detailed planning permission for a residential development comprising 30 dwelling houses with associated infrastructure, open space and landscaping at land at Contlaw Road, Milltimber Aberdeen, be approved with the conclusion of a legal agreement and subject to the following conditions:-



(1)       Construction Environmental Management Plan

No development shall take place unless a detailed site-specific Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP), which contains:


·         a site waste management plan;

·         air quality (dust) risk assessment;

·         dust management plan;

·         details of the dimension of the buffer strip adjacent to the neighbouring watercourse;

·         details of the protection and maintenance of the buffer strip;

·         details of how pollution of the River Dee will be prevented and details of the measures to be put in place to ensure workers on the site are aware of the requirement to avoid any impacts with protected species which may be encountered on the site;

·         details of the design of construction phase works to ensure the water supply to the wetland area is maintained;

·         details of protective fencing around the wetland area;

·         the mitigation measures outlined in the Hydrogeological Risk Assessment; and

·         all other required CEMP content as detailed in SEPA’s three consultation responses dated: 2 April, 17 June and 30 July 2019, 


has been submitted to and approved in writing by the planning authority, in consultation with SEPA. The approved plan shall be implemented in full for the duration of works on the site.

Reason: In order to protect the integrity and qualifying interests in the River Dee Special Area of Conservation, to protect the integrity and minimise adverse impacts on the site’s wetland area and to ensure adequate waste management, prevent potential water pollution and impacts on adjacent amenity.


(2)       Paths and Roads

No dwelling shall be occupied unless a scheme showing the phasing of the provision of paths and internal roads on hereby approved Fairhurst drawing 125483/1001 Rev O connecting that dwelling to the surrounding pedestrian network has been submitted to and approved in writing by the planning authority. Thereafter all paths and roads (including pedestrian crossings on Contlaw Road; the boardwalks within the wetland area and all paths through the woodland) on drawing 125483/1001 Rev O, or another drawing as has been agreed in writing by the planning authority, shall be provided in accordance with the approved plans.

Reason – In order to ensure that the development, and each individual property, is satisfactorily connected to the surrounding pedestrian network.


(3)       Path Construction Methodology

Prior to any construction works taking place in relation to the 1.8m wide granite dust paths and timber boardwalks within the site or the section of 2m wide asphalt path adjacent to the site’s eastern boundary as shown in hereby approved Stewart Milne Homes drawing 8012/110 Rev B), a construction methodology for those paths and boardwalks shall be submitted to, and agreed in writing by the planning authority and thereafter the works  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


51 Corthan Crescent, Aberdeen - 191019 pdf icon PDF 205 KB

Planning Reference – 191019/DPP


All documents associated with this application can be found at the following link and enter the above reference number.



Planning Officer:  Alex Ferguson




The Committee had before it a report by the Chief Officer – Strategic Place Planning, which recommended:-


That the retrospective application for the erection of a shed and fence to the rear, at 51 Corthan Crescent, be approved unconditionally.


The Committee heard from Alex Ferguson, Planner, who spoke in furtherance of the application and answered questions from members.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the application unconditionally.




81 Brighton Place Aberdeen - 190778 pdf icon PDF 214 KB

Planning Reference – 190778


All documents associated with this application can be found at the following link and enter the above reference number.


Planning Officer:  Dineke Brasier


The Committee had before it a report by the Chief Officer – Strategic Place Planning, which recommended:-


That the application for detailed planning permission for a change of use from amenity land to domestic garden ground to facilitate new access, driveway and erection of a boundary wall to the side at 81 Brighton Place Aberdeen, be approved subject to the following condition:-



Prior to development detailed plans shall be submitted for the construction of the replacement boundary wall, including, without prejudice to the foregoing generality, the materials to be used in that construction.  All of which is to be submitted to and agreed by the Planning Authority in writing.  The replacement boundary wall shall subsequently only be constructed in accordance with the agreed plans.


The Committee heard from Dineke Brasier, Senior Planner, who spoke in furtherance of the application and answered various questions from members.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the application with an amended condition to read:-

“Prior to development detailed plans shall be submitted for the construction of the replacement boundary wall, including, without prejudice to the foregoing generality, the materials to be used in that construction. For the avoidance of doubt, it is expected that granite from the existing wall will be used in the replacement boundary wall. All of which is to be submitted to and agreed by the Planning Authority in writing. The replacement boundary wall shall subsequently only be constructed in accordance with the agreed plans.”




 In accordance with Article 1 of this minute, Councillor Malik left the meeting prior to consideration of the following item of business.





48 Coronation Road Peterculter - 190751 pdf icon PDF 290 KB

Planning Reference – 190751/PPP



All documents associated with this application can be found at the following link and enter the above reference number.


Planning Officer:  Ross McMahon


The Committee had before it a report by the Chief Officer – Strategic Place Planning, which recommended:-


That the application for planning permission in principle for the erection of a dwelling house including splitting of the existing feu at 48 Coronation Road Peterculter, be refused.


The Committee heard from Dineke Brasier, Senior Planner, who spoke in furtherance of the application and answered various questions from members.


The Committee resolved:-

to refuse the application.

-       Councillor Marie Boulton, Convener