Agenda, decisions and minutes

Planning Development Management Committee - Thursday, 20th August, 2020 10.00 am

Venue: Virtual - Remote Meeting. View directions

Contact: Lynsey McBain, Committee Officer, on 01224 522123 or email 


No. Item

The agenda and reports associated with this minute can be found here.


Please note that if any changes are made to this minute at the point of approval, these will be outlined in the subsequent minute and this document will not be retrospectively altered.





Minute of Meeting of the Planning Development Management Committee of 2 July 2020 pdf icon PDF 353 KB


The Committee had before it the minute of the previous meeting of 2 July 2020, for approval.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the minute as a correct record. 


Committee Planner pdf icon PDF 42 KB


The Committee had before it a planner of future Committee business.


The Committee resolved:-

to note the information contained in the Committee business planner. 


Land to East Of Lady Helen Parking Centre, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Foresterhill Road, Aberdeen - 191896 pdf icon PDF 3 MB

Planning Reference – 191896


All documents associated with this application can be found at the following link and enter the reference number above:-



Planning Officer:  Gavin Evans

Additional documents:


The Committee had before it a report by the Chief Officer – Strategic Place Planning, which recommended:-


That the application for detailed planning permission for the erection of a four storey elective care centre with associated external works, at the land to the east of Lady Helen Parking Centre at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary Aberdeen, be approved subject to the following conditions:-




1.     Cycle Parking (Short and Long Stay)

That the development hereby granted planning permission shall not be brought into use unless the cycle storage facilities as shown on drawing number ECP1-MRT-XX-XX-PL-A-90001_P01,have been fully installed and made available for use.


Reason: in the interests of encouraging sustainable travel, as required by policy T3 (Sustainable and Active Travel).


2.     Site-Specific Pollution Prevention Plan

That no development pursuant to the development hereby granted planning permission shall be undertaken unless a site-specific pollution prevention plan has first been submitted to and agreed in writing by the planning authority, in consultation with SEPA. Thereafter, all works shall be carried out in accordance with the plan so agreed.

The required site-specific pollution prevention plan shall address the following matters:


-         Confirm if new connections to the existing sewer are proposed and provide details of protection of the Gilcomston Burn;

-         Pollution prevention

-         Sediment management

-         Environmental incidents

-         Waste management


Reason: In order to minimise the impacts of necessary construction works on the environment.


3.     Materials

No works in connection with the development hereby approved shall commence unless details of the specification and colour of all the materials to be used in the external finish of the development have been submitted to and approved in writing by the planning authority. The development shall not be brought into use unless the external finish has been applied in accordance with the approved details, specification and colour.


Reason: In the interests of the appearance of the development and the visual amenities of the area.



4.     Foul and Surface Water Drainage Arrangements

The building hereby approved shall not be brought into use unless the proposed foul and surface water drainage arrangements have been provided in accordance with the approved plans and the Drainage Assessment (Ramsay and Chalmers C3898 Rev A,  dated 19.12.19), or such other alternative submissions as have been submitted to and agreed in writing by the planning authority.


Reason: In order to ensure that adequate drainage facilities are provided, and retained, in the interests of the amenity of the area.


5.     Bird Hazard Management Plan

Development shall not commence until a Bird Hazard Management Plan has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning Authority in consultation with Aberdeen Airport.  The submitted plan shall include details of:


-         Management of any flat/shallow pitched/green roofs on buildings within the site which may be attractive to nesting, roosting and “loafing” birds. The management plan shall comply with Advice Note 3 – Wildlife Hazards (available at )

-         Maintenance of planted and landscaped areas


The Bird Hazard Management Plan shall be implemented as  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.


Berryden Corridor between Ashgrove Road and St Machar Drive, Aberdeen - 200366 pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Planning Reference – 200366


All documents associated with this application can be found at the following link and enter the reference number above:-



Planning Officer:  Matthew Easton

Additional documents:


The Committee had before it a report by the Chief Officer – Strategic Place Planning, which recommended:-


That the application for detailed planning permission for the formation of a road with associated footways, cycle tracks, street lighting, drainage, landscaping, earthworks and associated works at road corridor between Ashgrove Road and St Machar Drive Aberdeen, be approved subject to the following conditions:-






No development (including demolition or site clearance) shall take place unless a photographic survey of the existing buildings, structures, roads, routeways and their overall setting on the application site has been submitted to and approved in writing by the planning authority. All external elevations of the buildings and structures together with the setting of the buildings, structures and routeway and any unusual features of the existing buildings, structures and routeway shall be photographed. The photographic viewpoints must be clearly annotated on a plan to accompany the survey. The photographs and plan must be in a digital format and must be clearly marked with the planning reference number.


Reason – to ensure that a historic record of the building is made for inclusion in the National Monuments Record for Scotland and in the local Historic Environment Record.




No development shall take place (including demolition or site clearance) unless the construction exclusion zones and associated protective fences have been established on site in accordance with Alan Motion Tree Consultant drawings SW-ACC-TP-04 and SW-ACC-TP-05. Thereafter, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the planning authority, the exclusion zones shall remain in place for the duration on the construction of the road.


Reason – to protect trees during the construction of the development.




No development shall take place (including demolition or site clearance) unless a further bat survey has been submitted to and approved in writing by the planning authority. The scope of the survey will be dictated by the recommendations in section 5.3.1 of Preliminary Ecological Appraisal Report ref: 65200891 by Sweco. Thereafter, development shall be undertaken in accordance with the approved bat survey.


Reason – to ensure the protection of bats.




No development shall take place unless a Dust Management Plan detailing the necessary dust control measures to be implemented during development has been submitted to and approved in writing by the planning authority. The Dust Management Plan shall include and be based on an 'Air Quality (Dust) Risk Assessment' by a suitably qualified consultant to predict the likely dust levels and impact on air quality including a determination of its significance.


Thereafter, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the planning authority, the measures contained within the Dust Management Plan shall remain in place for the duration on the construction of the road.


Reason – to protect the surrounding receptors from dust.




No development shall take place unless a detailed scheme of all drainage works, in accordance with the principles contained within the Flood Risk and Drainage Impact Assessment (ref: 70062072 (Rev.2) by WSP), has been  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


Land opposite 39 Bloomfield Road Aberdeen - 200484 pdf icon PDF 612 KB

Planning Reference – 200484


All documents associated with this application can be found at the following link and enter the reference number above:-



Planning Officer:  Dineke Brasier

Additional documents:


The Committee had before it a report by the Chief Officer – Strategic Place Planning, which recommended:-


That the application for detailed planning permission for the erection of a two storey dwellinghouse with integral double garage, terrace, external steps, partial excavation and relevelling including construction of retaining walls/fencing and associated landscaping at land opposite 39 Bloomfield Road Aberdeen, be approved subject to the following conditions:-




1.     No development shall take place unless it is carried out in full accordance with a scheme to address any significant risks from contamination on the site that has been approved in writing by the planning authority.

The scheme shall follow the procedures outlined in “Planning Advice Note 33 Development of Contaminated Land” and shall be conducted by a suitably qualified person in accordance with best practice as detailed in “BS10175 Investigation of Potentially Contaminated Sites - Code of Practice” and other best practice guidance and shall include:

(a) an investigation to determine the nature and extent of contamination and any ground gases;

(b) a site-specific risk assessment;

(c) a remediation plan to address any significant risks and ensure the site is fit for the use proposed; and

(d) verification protocols to demonstrate compliance with the remediation plan


Reason: To ensure that the site is suitable for use and fit for human occupation


2.     No building(s) on the development site shall be occupied unless

a.     any long term monitoring and reporting that may be required by the approved scheme of contamination or remediation plan or that otherwise has been required in writing by the planning authority is being undertaken


b.     a report specifically relating to the building(s) has been submitted and approved in writing by the planning authority that verifies that remedial works to fully address contamination and ground gas issues related to the building(s) have been carried out, unless the planning authority has given written consent for a variation.


Reason: To ensure that the site is suitable for use and fit for human occupation


3.     The building hereby approved shall not be occupied unless a scheme detailing compliance with the Council's ‘Resources for New Development’ Supplementary Guidance has been submitted to and approved in writing by the planning authority, and any recommended measures specified within that scheme for the reduction of carbon emissions have been implemented in full.


Reason: To ensure that this development complies with requirements for reductions in carbon emissions specified in Policy R7 of the 2017 Aberdeen Local Development Plan.


4.     The building hereby approved shall not be occupied unless the boundary treatment as specified in drawing 02E have been installed, and shall be retained as such or replaced with a fence/screening of a similar height unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Planning Authority.


Reason: In the interest of residential amenity.


The Committee heard from Dineke Brasier, Senior Planner who spoke in furtherance of the application and answered questions from members.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the application conditionally. 


19 South Avenue Aberdeen - 200533 pdf icon PDF 916 KB

Please note the Planning Reference for this item is 200533, not 200553 as indicated in the principal agenda


All documents associated with this application can be found at the following link and enter the reference number above:-



Planning Officer:  Dineke Brasier

Additional documents:


The Committee had before it a report by the Chief Officer – Strategic Place Planning, which recommended:-


That the application for detailed planning permission for the erection of four detached dwelling houses at 19 South Avenue Aberdeen, be refused.


The Committee heard from Dineke Brasier who spoke in furtherance of the application.


The Committee resolved:-

to refuse the application.      


Tyrebagger Quarry, Clinterty Aberdeen - 200498 pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Please disregard the documents circulated in the principal agenda for this item, these were uploaded in error. The correct documents are included within the additional circulation.


Planning Reference – 200498


All documents associated with this application can be found at the following link and enter the reference number above:-



Planning Officer:  Gavin Clark

Additional documents:


The Committee had before it a report by the Chief Officer – Strategic Place Planning, which recommended:-


That the application for detailed planning permission for the formation of an aggregate recycling facility, installation of wash pod and generator with all associated works at Tyrebagger Quarry, Clinterty Aberdeen, be refused. 


The Committee heard from Gavin Clark, Senior Planner, who spoke in furtherance of the application. 


The Committee resolved:-

to refuse the application.  

-         Councillor Marie Boulton, Convener