Agenda and minutes

Pre Determination Hearing, Planning Development Management Committee - Monday, 13th January, 2020 9.30 am

Venue: Council Chamber - Town House. View directions

Contact: Lynsey McBain, Committee Officer, on 01224 522123 or email 

No. Item


Site Visit


The Committee conducted a site visit prior to the Hearing. The Committee was addressed by Ms Lucy Greene, Senior Planner who summarised the proposal for the overall site.


The Convener explained that the Committee would return to the Town House to commence the Hearing.



Residential led development for the retired/elderly (including affordable housing), a 50 bedroom care home and approximately 500sqm of ancillary retail/community use, together with public open space and associated infrastructure including a link road, at land at Inchgarth Road, Cults Aberdeen - 181224 pdf icon PDF 267 KB

All documents associated with the application can be found at the following link and enter the reference number 181224. 




The Committee heard from the Convener who opened up the Hearing by welcoming those present and providing information on the running order of the Hearing.  She explained that the first person to address the Hearing would be Ms Lucy Greene, and asked that speakers adhere to their allocated time in order for the Hearing to run smoothly and in a timely manner.


The Committee then heard from Lucy Greene Senior Planner, who addressed the Committee in the following terms:-


Ms Greene explained that the site consisted of a number of fields between North Deeside Road and Inchgarth Road, with residential gardens bounding the site to the east and west. The land lay on a south facing slope and was crossed by the Deeside Way, a footpath and part of the National Cycle Network Route.   There was also a steep slope with a change in levels of more than 20m across the site. North Deeside Road was supported by a retaining wall on the site.


Ms Greene also advised that the upper field was largely rough grassland with substantial trees along North Deeside Road and the Deeside Way and dense thicket in the upper east side, with trees along the east side.  The lower three fields were less steeply sloped and contained a large number of self seeded silver birch, as well as trees along the Deeside Way. There were dry stone walls between the three southern fields, and there were stone walls along the street boundaries.  There was also overhead power lines across the site, with a pylon just to the south of the Deeside Way.


In regard to the application, the proposal was for a link road between north and south, and 95 dwellings mainly of 2 bed flats. These were described as retirement homes. There was also a 50 bed care home proposed and a row of units to be used as shops and/or community facilities.  The application stated that the buildings would be a maximum of 2 and a half storey in height.


Ms Greene explained that the plan was indicative and showed indicative changes in the ground levels that would be needed to create development platforms.   The plans also

indicated a ramped footpath which would provide access between the Deeside Way and North Deeside Road. Ms Greene advised this would need to be raised by approximately 13m over its length, which necessitated the indicative design shown, with the land raised to achieve a gradual rise.  Ms Greene noted that to the west of the road would be proposed areas planted with wildflower grasses and trees, along with the existing woodland that was being retained in these areas.


In regard to representations, Ms Greene noted that there were a large number of representations received, 301 in total.  This consisted of 22 letters of objection, 278 letters of support and 1 neutral.


Ms Greene highlighted that the application was accompanied by an EIA Report which covered various matters.  The site was zoned within the Green Belt and Green  ...  view the full minutes text for item 2.