Agenda and minutes

Guildry and Mortification Funds Committee - Tuesday, 1st March, 2016 2.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 4 - Town House. View directions

Contact: Kate Lines, 01224 522120 or email 

No. Item

The agenda and reports associated with this minute can be found at:-


Please note that if any changes are made to this minute at the point of approval, these will be outlined in the subsequent minute and this document will not be retrospectively altered.


Minute of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 68 KB


The Sub Committee had before it the minute of its previous meeting of 16 November 2015.


The Sub Committee resolved:

to approve the minute as a correct record.


Lord Dean of Guild Report pdf icon PDF 117 KB


The Sub Committee had before it a report by The Lord Dean which updated the Sub Committee on various ongoing projects.


With regard to creating a permanent feature to celebrate the Burgesses of Aberdeen it was advised that the project had been put on hold pending clarification on funding sources.  The current constitution prevented the use of Guildry funds for projects such as monuments and plaques and Mr Hashmi advised that once the new constitution was approved it might be possible to fund such a project from within the Guildry and Mortification funds as part of the heritage aspects of the new constitution.


A two pronged approach was suggested to investigate possible funding and progress, namely through the Council and the development of Marischal Square in conjunction with the developers MUSE and the Guildry funds and that this was something the Lord Dean could pursue in conjunction with officers.  The Lord Dean advised he would speak to Mr Stephen Booth in Communities, Housing and Infrastructure as his first point of contact.


It was also suggested that other funding sources such as the Heritage Society and local businesses might be available and that any commemorative plaque might also incorporate a fishermen’s memorial which would reflect the new Guildry crest and the longstanding connection between the fishing trade and the Burgesses.


Councillor Noble intimated that the final design for the entrance to the MUSE development was due to be submitted by July this year and the development was due to be completed in July 2017, and that MUSE might be agreeable to incorporate a memorial plaque to reflect their commitment to using granite as the facing material for the development.  The Lord Dean confirmed he would pursue the project with the City Centre Development Team.


Mr James Hashmi, Team Leader, advised that the revised constitution had been returned by OSCR with a request for changes to the proposals.  The constitution had been amended and submitted to OSCR.  OSCR had confirmed receipt of the updated constitution but Mr Hashmi had not received any further comments to date.


Lastly, the Lord Dean requested that the Sub Committee agree to set aside up to £10,000 per year for the resurrection of the Burgesses Awards Scheme.  Mr Hashmi confirmed that such funding was in line with the current constitution.  The Lord Dean advised that the focus would be on the two universities this year however North East Scotland College and the Saltire Society would be eligible in future years.


The Sub Committee resolved:

(i)         that the Lord Dean investigate all available options in terms of funding for the permanent feature and discuss the matter with officers in Land and Property Assets and the City Centre Development team;

(ii)        to request officers to investigate the legal status of accessing Guildry funds under the heritage aspects of the proposed constitution for such memorials;

(iii)       to approve funding of up to £10,000 per year for the resurrection of the Burgesses Awards Scheme;

(iv)       to request officers to provide  ...  view the full minutes text for item 2.


Rickart's Tomb Renovation - CG/16/049 pdf icon PDF 56 KB


The Sub Committee had before it a report by the Interim Director of Corporate Governance which sought approval for expenditure for the repair of the Rickart’s Tomb from the John Rickart Mortification Fund.


The report recommended:

that the Sub Committee consider the report and agree to fund £20,700 for the repair and renovation cost of the Rickart’s Tomb from the John Rickart Mortification Fund.


Mr Hashmi circulated photographs of the Rickart’s Tomb and advised of its location within the St Nicholas Kirk graveyard.  He gave some background history to the monument and advised that the Council had a legal responsibility to maintain the monument and that a fund had been set up by the Rickart family for ongoing maintenance when the monument was erected in 1740.


Mr Hashmi advised that preventative maintenance was now required to relocate a plinth stone, repair stones and capping stones and fix a vertical stone to prevent it falling.  He advised there were sufficient funds to cover the estimated expenditure and the Convener advised he was happy to agree funds up to £25,000 to cover the works.  Mr Hashmi confirmed the works had been put out to tender to the few companies who were able to carry out such specialist work.


The Sub Committee resolved:

to approve funding of up to £25,000 for the repair and renovation of the monument from the John Rickart Mortification Fund.

- Andrew Finlayson, Master of Mortifications, Chairperson.