Agenda and minutes

Zero Waste Management Sub Committee - Thursday, 29th June, 2017 10.00 am

Venue: Committee Room 4 - Town House. View directions

Contact: Kate Lines, tel. 01224 522120 or email 

No. Item


Appointment of Convener


The Clerk welcomed members to the first meeting of the Sub Committee following the local government election, advised that a Convener needed to be appointed and requested nominations accordingly.


Councillor Allan proposed Councillor Bell and Councillor John seconded the proposal.  There being no further nominations, Councillor Bell was appointed Convener.


Minute of Previous Meeting of 21 February 2017 pdf icon PDF 255 KB


The Sub Committee had before it the minute of its previous meeting of 21 February 2017.


The Sub Committee resolved:-

to approve the minute.


Introduction and Background History on Zero Waste Management Projects


The Sub Committee was addressed by Mr Peter Lawrence, Waste and Recycling Manager, who welcomed members and provided an overview of the purpose and history of the Sub Committee.


Mr Lawrence explained that the Sub Committee had been established to oversee strategic waste management services for the Council. He advised that the Council’s waste strategy from 2010 provided the roadmap to address the challenges of waste management - initially the Sub Committee focused on flats and tenement blocks and the provision of food waste collections, where the Council had been ahead of national legislation. He added that the Sub Committee had been a key element in establishing the relevant infrastructure around waste management services - for example, the new Altens East Resource Recovery Centre, the new household waste recycling centre at Hazlehead and the construction of an energy from waste facility at East Tullos.


The Sub Committee resolved:-

to note the update.


Appointment of Members to the Joint Members Working Group for Energy from Waste

Members are requested to appoint 3 members to the Joint Working Group based on the previous agreement of 2 members of the Administration and one other.


The Sub Committee was requested to appoint three members to the Joint Working Group based on the previous agreement of two members of the Administration and one other member.


The Sub Committee resolved:-

to appoint the Convener and Councillors Allan and Jackie Dunbar.


Altens East Resource Recovery Centre Update - CHI/17/167 pdf icon PDF 4 MB


The Sub Committee had before it a report by the Interim Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure which updated members on progress with the construction of the Altens East Resource Recovery Centre.


The report recommended:-

that the Sub Committee note the report.


Mr Lawrence highlighted that the new facility would enable Aberdeen to be a zero landfill city, with virtually no waste having been sent to landfill within the last two weeks. He advised that waste collection services and the relevant offices had been transferred from Kittybrewster to Altens East at the beginning of June. Mr Lawrence concluded by showing the Sub Committee various photographs of the site and the building as part of a presentation.


During the course of discussion, members felt that it would be beneficial to visit the site now that the facility was operational, with some members having visited previously when it was under construction. Mr Lawrence agreed that this could be organised and advised that Wednesday afternoons had been identified as the most appropriate day for site visits.


The Sub Committee resolved:-

(i)           to approve the recommendation; and

(ii)          to agree that a site visit be organised for members of the Sub Committee over the course of the summer.


Energy from Waste Project Update - CHI/17/168 pdf icon PDF 83 KB


The Sub Committee had before it a report by the Interim Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure which updated members on progress with the Energy from Waste Project.


The report recommended:-

that the Sub Committee note the report.


Mr Lawrence summarised the report following which there was an opportunity for questions. The Convener referred to correspondence which had been sent to members separately by Mr Ian Baird, a member of the public, in connection with the energy from waste facility, and proposed that officers respond to Mr Baird appropriately on behalf of the Sub Committee.


The Sub Committee resolved:-

(i)           to approve the recommendation; and

(ii)          to agree that Mr Lawrence send a formal response to Mr Baird on behalf of the Sub Committee.


Unadopted Roads Waste and Recycling Collection Policy - CHI/17/069 pdf icon PDF 95 KB

Additional documents:


The Sub Committee had before it a report by the Interim Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure which sought approval to establish an Unadopted Roads Waste and Recycling Collection Policy.


The report recommended:-

that the Sub Committee approve the proposed Unadopted Roads and Recycling Collection Policy at Appendix 1 to the report.


Ms Pam Walker, Waste Strategy Manager, spoke to the report, following which the Sub Committee asked questions. Councillor Cormie highlighted the issue of unadopted pavements and obstructions caused by the increasing number of bins, which was a growing problem within his ward. Officers responded that this would be the subject of a separate report at a later date, however they would look into the matter meantime.


Councillor John referred to the policy, which included the requirement for a road to be free of potholes in order for collection from an unadopted road to be provided, and requested that the policy provide a definition of a pothole. Ms Walker agreed to incorporate this and it was suggested that a proper definition, in terms of depth and diameter etc, could be provided by roads services.


The Sub Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendation subject to the definition of a pothole being included within the policy.


Date of Next Meeting

Members are requested to note the next meeting of the Sub Committee is scheduled for 3 October 2017 at 2.00pm.


The Sub Committee was advised that the date of its next meeting was 3 October 2017 at 2.00pm.


The Sub Committee resolved:-

to note the details.